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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 9, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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is to be demolished before it completely collapses, despite the $7.00 magnitude strings if the damage is relatively contained. so let's say that's thanks to taiwan is disaster prepared this, including strict buildings from the us presidential binding prisons to stop supplying weapons to israel. if it launches an assault on the profit and admits american palms have killed civilians and counseling the little intel mccrae, this is all just here in line from also coming up. as these ready military continues to pound garza from north to south, we have the tragic stories of families on the move with no with sites to go. now
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the mass crime is discussed at the el cheapo hospital complex and gaza. a month after it is ready for asses, withdrew $49.00 bodies of phones. we only have enough few to run health services in the south for 3 more days. and a dial warning from the world health organization is kind of sending in casualties, mounts and southern guns. the us president joe biden is threatening to salt the supply of width and the israel. if it launches a log scale attack on or off on, washington has been pressuring. israel was prime minister benjamin netanyahu for weeks notes to send forces into the city. in the south of gaza when more than one and a half 1000000 displaced, palestinians have been sheltering. how did your castro begins coverage from
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washington dc? this is this wrong, the us president said for the 1st time in an interview with us media on wednesday that us military a to is real, will be conditioned on these really military's actions and acknowledge that us weapons are being used to kill civilians in gaza. civilians have been killed and cause the consequences as far as they go into rough or i'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically. to deal with ross, i've made it clear to be be in the work and they're not going to get our support. if in fact, a goal of this population centers, the major shift in position from joe biden, has previously pledged unconditional support for israel was foreshadowed by a recent delay in providing us bombs to israel. the us defense secretary told a senate panel the delivery was paused due to concerns about israel's plans to invade rafa. israel shooting, launch a major attack in
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a rough or without accounting for and protecting the civilians that are in that battle space. and again, as we have assessed the situation, we pause one shipment of high height payload. the munitions biden has faced increasing pressure from protestors who have demonstrated in solidarity with palestinians across american college campuses. and in chicago, where he made a campaign stop on wednesday bite and has also faced calls from progressive members of his own party to end israel's unconditional military aid. congressional leaders offered a muted response to the delayed arms shipment. i believe that is real in america. i have an iron clad relationship and i have faith in what the by the administration is doing, continued to express my concern to the administration that they delay a shipment of weapons. the israel is just another way of trying to tell
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a ally how to conduct to war white and says the us will still provide israel with defensive weapons. and the us defense secretary says the us is really alliance remains iron clad. but a major ground invasion of rock box would be seen by the us as a red line. and bite and says is real crossing is, would be quote, just ron. heidi jo, castro alger 0, washington dug band is a senior fellow at the cato institute. and it's a of the political magazine inquiry. he says that uncertainty about the us willingness to supply weapons could give israel's leadership reason to rethink its floor plans. i think he is dealing with very serious political problems. he has a lot of progressive young progressives as well as they are, but americans, you've been very angry about his standing garza and his support for his role is
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worried about losing those votes in november and the campus pro, chest of intensified that. he hope that this crisis would go away, but these protests of actually amplified it, made it more threatening to him. so i believe this is an effort to show that he has heard them and that he is willing to go put pressure on israel for the 1st time in a way that we have never seen before. i think this is very difficult for him. is long said he's the most pro is really a president ever. earlier in the law garza operation, he said that he would do nothing to interfere with israel's rights to defend itself . so this is a major step forward to hold some of those munitions and bombs. you know, the as riley's have to pay attention to that. well, they certainly have a lot of this kind of campaign. they've expended an awful lot. what's important is if you launch a campaign, as you want to know that your supplies are secure. because at the moment, you know,
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it's conceivable, the us would restart, but then if the re, us cuts off in the future, israel is, could be in a vulnerable position. they might have started hostilities, again, engaged in a lot of activity and suddenly find themselves without necessary. yeah, you know the additions, so it's hard to run a campaign if you're not certain that the re supplies coming on the ground. so you just really military is continuing to pounds the southern city or for alpha, the you in says around 50000 people who were taking shelter. they have left since monday. now many of those fling the bombing and roughly heading north down paula, for when del cover a sent us this report, a desperate families unified in see or is there any bombardment is or it has or did polish didn't use to leave parts of the southern city thoughts despite 1500000 people from across the causes trip seeking refuge here. doing 7
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months of war. i'm sorry to go on slow, but i don't mean to have a children. it's difficult. the constant displacement was me done is exhausting. but i hope we can find safety we are leaving, but we have no idea what to go. until now we have no idea what to go. and i hope we find safety city and sees her husband looked for a place to stay in debt and buy some tow gaza. but it was over crowded, so they were moved to an area called on the wasi on the coast is rose hayes. this is the safe zone. it's already crowned with more than 450000 displays people. but not everyone is able to leave the brand on the plot. they are bombarding us, threatening us, and telling us to leave. but we have nowhere else to go. personally i have no one to turn to the house. my mother is dead and i have no one else. we're just getting by here and i simply don't have the ability to pay money and move from one place to
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another. mohammad said to the fly from bay noon in the noise of claws about a month and a half into the war, he stays if it wasn't for his children who would have simply stayed in the north and died. i have my son and 2 daughters and another son who was killed. he was 3 months old. i uh, was killed as a result of the smoke caused by the bombardment. oh, this is his id, i do. it looks above the top jury, muhammad and zane law zane is gone. the for those who have made it to get in, but the situation is dire. they're struggling to find food. walter and shelter a ceasefire talks drive on display. simon, he's indebted by the high enough with no choice, but to keep moving for a place to place in the whole of staying alive. hundreds of thousands of
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palestinians are continuing to feed off off their searching for refuge um it is really airstrikes and then disastrous humanitarian situation. but through reality is there is no safe place for them to go. this is in the study. obviously you know that it but goes up to this time. one of the main hospitals in southern guns that has been evacuated down to is ready trip, sees the roof of border crossing patients and medical book has fled to other use of lashawn hospital. and rafa, fearing is rarely strikes, it was one of the few medical facilities treating patients wounded during his riley attacks on the city will help organize the fuels run out of fuel. so for 3 more days, a w joel has peoples and sums up lies in warehouses and hospitals, but without more aid flowing into gaza, we cannot sustain our life saving support to hospitals. early and my colleague
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elizabeth per on them spoke to margaret harris, who's the spokes person for the w. i chose, she explained what changes the organization has been forced to mike. we've had to suspend some of the activities to the nose because we want to reserve that fuel for the hospitals for to ensure that they can continue their life saving work. but that's not going to be possible for more than a couple of days. we will then completely run out how much of backup medical supplies to hospitals currently have. not much so we prepositions knowing that this incursion was likely we preposition supplies that as many of the hospitals as we could, including the hospitals as well for the themselves. but as you've heard, those hospitals on the threat has had to evacuate their patients to other hospitals . we've also done things like set up dialysis units in the national medical complex,
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which as you know, was almost destroyed. but with the work with i work with it myself and all the agencies have been able to rehabilitate that. so that should open sued. and also we've been able to get things like dialysis units to the field hospitals. but these a tiny amount sooner. it's a representative of say that over and over again, it's a bad date. it's a band aid on what's looking like a hemorrhage right now. the 3rd mass scribe has been uncovered at l. shiva hospital in kansas city. hello, sending an official signed that vig zoomed 49 bodies, and the recovery process is still under way. it looks bit has more to another body from you. it's another mess. great. some risky work as s l. c for hospital exec data and try to restore some dignity or medical be what he said. we are removing the decomposing corpses of several martyrs. they are decomposing and completely
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unrecognizable. yet we're finding headless corpses. the corpses are rotten, they've decomposed from the severity of the torture they suffered is by the military lights, the swells chief and much climbing it was a most combined scene to, but so little verifiable. evidence has been produced to backup. that claim. causes health ministry says is rarely troops killed hundreds of palestinians inside, including medical stuff. they finally withdrew from the facility at the beginning of a month to my exposure. i showed up to date, tens of quotes. those have been removed from this location inside the l sheets. and medical complex, the corpses are those of children, women and men, and most of them were patients. they were patients at the hospital and they were prevented from getting treatment. they were prevented from getting medical care. then they were monitored or killed and were buried on mass. mass graves have now been discovered in and around 3 different hospitals in the gaza strip. 7 sites have
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been found in total, 3 at the chief of medical, complex one at the come all of the one hospital in the north and in the south. another 3 have been discovered at na, so the medical complex both in 500 bodies have since been recovered, was many exhibiting signs of mutilation and torture. and that number is expected to increase as palestinians continue to dig. since those they've lost alex bid out to 0. as, as israel strikes continue on, garza moss and israel are engaged in cease 5 talks in cairo. the discussions that are being negotiated by casa and agent, stephanie decker reports from the jordanian capital m on the head of the c i, a william burns, was back in his role today. meeting with the is ready, prime minister, the americans are trying to put a lot of pressure on is real interesting me today again and is ready media, but also over the course of the last couple of months. constantly even coming out
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of the war cabinet that it is. these are the prime minister himself. that is making a deal very, very difficult and it falls in line with what so many is read, he's on the ground. when i was, until i be multiple saturdays when you have thousands of people protesting, calling for the captives to be brought home, saying that he was prolonging this war for his own political survival because the right wing and not may sound like internal politics, but it's not it's really the men that keep him as prime minister in power. don't want to deal. they want him to go full on into the alpha and what they see it off as the last stand, really to see what they could then cool as victory in garza. and of course, and then you have the americans that are saying absolutely not in going as far as to now withholding for now a major military shipment of heavy i, munitions, which these raise are not happy about. so this is where we're at. we're at a holding pattern, we've been talking about this for weeks now. first,
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it wasn't as really agreed proposal. it seems how much has agreed. but there had been amendments that as well as now have not happy about that pulse continue in karo. we're going to have to wait and see what is going to come out of there over the next couple of days. us and just so explained why stephanie deka is reporting from amman benjamin netanyahu. his cabinet has band al jazeera, so we are reporting from outside as right. so hit hit on al jazeera, the death toll rises and present the following devastating floods as risk. he was rice to find the survivors, plus the railway line to funding chinese goods into essentially orlando know, holding hungry with china is spending billions on manufacturing an infrastructure to cement. it's only foothold in the european union, the
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hello there. it's been a story of severe storms in the us as we look to north america is a chance of those pushing out further east. you can see them on the satellite. image of those storms offset to push the cost was the south east day. so we could see some tornadoes as well as hail and some flooding rains as they work they way further east framing down across florida as we go in. so friday, behind that was still seeing some cold at pushing across the rockies. we knew wintry weather here, so heavy snow to come, but it doesn't warm up across the pacific northwest. and it remains very hot and dry in the deep south bringing with it a fire danger here. and it was a move to central america, and the carrier being the heat persist across moving parts of mexico once you're racing $45.00 degrees celsius. so exceptionally hot the but as that storm system with the tail end of it pulls through, we will see a drop in that temperature. but for the much of mexico, it is
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a very hot and dry picture stretching away from mexico city to the you can time peninsula is west of full of florida peninsula. you can see those storms rumbling through the remains when across the eastern islands of the caribbean, with some heavy falls, as well as the costa rica and panama the, the amazon home to indigenous people. and diverse ecosystems is being destroyed by relentless drilling for oil. they're living in direct contact with petroleum through fear, border and swell. in ecuador communities are fighting the corporate joints in a battle for survival, and to save the life of the world. how does ears use you? doing? the final graph, the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, you're watching, i'll just hear a reminder of our top story is the salad. you as president joe biden says he will stump supply and weapons to as well if it launches and assault on profit. is comments come off to the us confirmed it had posed a with a shipment as well, other concerns as well as addressing the safety of civilians. israel has been bombarding profit and something causes 48 hours after its soldiers seats, the 9 border crossing between this trip in egypt. at least 30 people were killed in various strikes across casa, on wednesday. the anticipated mess, credit has been uncovered at cost as well as chief a hospital co send you an official site. that big seemed $49.00 bodies and the
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recovery process is still underway. he's running military laid siege to the facility in march, killing hundreds of people, including medical stuff to have them use and you storms full costs, full puzzles, further trio, ground, the sol region. authorities say the expected ryan will make risk. you, if it's difficult, more than 100 people have been killed by the devastating floods i live in america, it is at lucy and human reports on the ongoing relief if it's from photo lake or a leg. this military cavalry field has been turned into an airport for helicopter street victims of unprecedented rain. we accompany a team of relief workers from the air. you can see what's left of a nearby city, submerged in water. the worst floods in the history of rio grande. it also is a state larger than many countries. these firemen a specialized and evacuations,
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and for state chopper lands just long enough to get one team out. and another one is to continue evacuating the 50000 people who lived here before the dead. for the 2nd camp, the general in charge explains because of helicopters of the only way to reach many areas more dismissed. for many people didn't want to leave their homes, but a few days later then now asking for help, they have no food or water. so this means we have to fly in mold and wants to evacuate people that makes that work even hotter. he's in charge, what they call the board room. here, all the armed forces, the local and federal military police, local authorities, and health services. a coordinating efforts to help survivors of the catastrophe, but what is missing to try to deal with the situation are large airplanes,
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which we normally see in natural disasters. and that's because there are no airports nearby and all the roads leading to this part of the country are impassable. right now. the government has committed an initial $4000000000.00 for the immediate recovery efforts. but brazil's communications administered tells l g 0 that's only the beginning of the system, but new we have 70000 people with nowhere to live. and we have more than $200000.00 who have taken shelter with friends and family, which is unsustainable. and we don't know how long it will take for the waters to receive. in 1941, it took 32 days to day. the metropolitan area has less ability to observe water because of expanded organizations. in the meantime, many are living in high rise walkways like this one. first we went to the neighbors house because we felt the water wouldn't reach the but it did. then we came here to the what we, what was the rescue mission? still the priority. it could take
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a long time before many of the nearly 1000000 brazilians impacted by this disaster, have a roof over their heads again. to see a newman al jazeera worked on legs a brazil. a chinese president shooting ping has a rods and hungry for the final stop on his visit to europe. china has invested close to $10000000000.00 and manufacturing and the infrastructure in the country and prominence the victim obama is keen to maintain good ties. but the major economic partner issues trip to hong hungry mike 75 years of diplomatic relations between the 2 countries. gender health reports from the prison. a construction site for now new the city of deborah, sending east and hungry that only hints that its future significance. it's the country's largest of a direct investment project, an $8000000000.00 chinese factory that will produce lucy of my electric vehicle batteries, chinese batteries for chinese,
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cause to be sold inside the european union. it's also we're hungry, emerging opposition leader has been making inroads on the campaign trail through and crowds in the traditional hoc lands of the reading feed as policy for 2 things . i don't know if i'm related just to you around the deborah sense 7, the chinese method effect 3 on the construction and the arrow more is that more than for 40000 people be abroad from from ambrose and people here they want to be? yes, i'm not even on the go a gathering like this would be and think about what chinese investments in this country scene is delivering little fraud. very faithful, a galvanizing support for one time government inside the p to my yeah, it's early days yet, but there is a sense facility. the change is being built on the back of china's role in hungary, the prime minister, victor oil band,
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has long no tube will. relations with china is a huge in thing. hungry is the only e u member participating in china is belt and rhode initiative. and while the e u generally tries to limit the chinese economic influence or bend, keeps the back door wide open, offering investment friendly opportunities for china to avoid e, you import tatters. the government has but a few friends in the european union ending abroad that transatlantic alliance. so. so government is looking for new friends. and china is, is somebody who is interested in having a very good friend within the european union. this railway line is being upgraded, that chinese expense, connecting budapest, bob bel grade to the greek po, to p. reyes, now controlled by china. eventually it will transport chinese goods at high speed into central europe and borrowing political upheaval that few c s. m. and it's another project that will help segments. china is only foothold inside the european
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union during the whole elder 0 douglas and north macedonia is a ride. when all physician has one pile of entry elections, that means that the bulk of the country of 2000000 people will have its 1st female presidents go down the social on the office got difficult for the return of the rival position to palate is likely to slow the country's integration into the european union. people in chad retain the face power blackouts. there has been the lack of investment in the electricity network for decades. and that means many people rely on generation is but storing fuel process and making it. how does it keep those running as well as i'm address reports from an jemina on chad's power process? this electricity generator is what stands between this office press, and by the same as power or to just persist. the middle of construction worker is increasingly relying on the machine display your business of the above. if you don't have diesel,
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you hardly can do anything. diesel is now expensive. i have orders, i cannot meet. but at the center of the city, a local decrease finding it difficult to remain in business. the rising cost of energy to power its machines is forcing you to cut down production and they work as jobs, electricity generation distribution of heat that lowest in years. so business pickets for the back of generators, the power of their machines and tools. a few months ago, the government did this old, which country and almost in increasing the cost of fuel. for this triangulating businesses, it blames it covers state to for electricity to support dash energy. and if we get busy, but i'd like to warn the energies keith national security. whoever hurts national security codes associated academic, they will look after country electricity is no ration for a few hours
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a day. some areas don't get it for days. less than 5 percent of the child, $17000000.00 population are able to get electricity. the infrastructure to generate and just to be power suffers from dictates of neglect and lack of investments. they seems to be a little more spiteful, the older charge you can purchase. now average $45.00 degrees and the show without electricity. fresh fluids must be quickly dried for them washed costs, but you'll see i also say that according more patients and casualties from the heat ways, especially the vulnerable in the society, mature only just say the high temperatures will continue for another until brain freeze out. use either jeremy at the people's defense forcing me and my will. one's name is of a peaceful and protest movements about its fight as
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a now on the front lines of battles with the military around the strategic board, a town of my wadi 20 chang tells the story in the 4th of ellen's. is there a special reports from inside me and my flight is from the people's defense, both speed along the roads of canyon state. aside from the threats in the yeah, they have the countryside locked down. a will organize discipline melisha bone of a peaceful disobedience movement. and the often most of the military coup, peaceful protest is, took to the streets of old man, most major cities via but use 10 z. i'm willing to give up the freedoms of democracy. the ministry cracked down that followed was hundreds. come down in the streets. 1000 small, hold a way to detention to the protest is we're left with
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a stop choice. submit. move to the boat is an point. no miles on that i a roof in this area around august 2021. our senior k and l a. for in the lake, a cow area, my a y d. i decide to take up arms and flights back. and usually off of the training i decide to work this medic trained by a sneak korean rebels who's been fighting for a ton of me for decades. they lent you skills, but a shortage of weapons and ammunition. that's the only one grateful for every 2 fighters. now, all of that has changed. one of the things has made a huge difference in the last 6 months is weapons, the pro democracy forces has seized from military bases. they've over run these and just some of the rifles they've taken from faces. and the last couple of weeks set the 1000000 down on the phone, the the young up and fight is a using the social media skills to for the 2 g was of the same as hip hop on just now he tools rebel bases raising neuro nearby and funds say about trying to, you know,
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we would have done this kind of fundraising many times before. the enemy uses all the power and resources to attack. cuz so we have to raise funds by any means, such as collecting donations from people online. they worked with the song, he's singing originally performed by zeta tall politician and wrapper executed by the electric generator in 2022. as the sunsets fight to slip out of cover to wash in the river, educated and professionals turned into jungle guerrillas. despite all the obstacles to find they could well when tony chang out to 0 k in states eastern me, i'm the man known as the master of north korean propaganda has died at the age of 94 can can serve 3 generations of the north ruling family dynasty folding crime


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