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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 9, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm AST

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from the powerful farm lobby in congress to the same village, spend the fight from their villages to the country's court rooms and electing their own politicians to save their lives. the the you and accuses a israel of trotting off life, saving 8 into gaza as tens of thousands of palestinians tried to flee a tax on rough spots as protests, a stage of 6 into block a road in solving israel's looking trucks. counting desperately need today from reaching gov the norm about this and this is obviously a life and go home also coming up, subject to conditions us president structures to hold wedding supplies to israel for an operation of a rough one goes ahead. the
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kind rushed on lots of victory day in red square as president vladimir persians as he plans to carry out nuclear drills. the 11 gmc, we're going to begin in gaza, where israel has ramped up a tax on the southern region of rafa. in spite of international condemnation are telling me, bombardment i'm showing is continuing. but even as palestinians figures that are striked elsewhere too, that is ready for us is remain in control of the main border crossing with egypt, meaning most your monitoring supplies are being blocked. meanwhile, the us president has sent is a strongest message yet. so these are the prime minister benjamin netanyahu job item, the says he's going to stop the supply of weapons to israel. if it launches an all out attack on rough on mean palestinians,
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and then also already facing simon. and most of the people in the strip have been displaced multiple times. many if not flat to central garza but only one water station is working. there are you and says around $80000.00 people who were taking shelter in the southern region of alpha have left since monday, honey. a mock mode has traveled from rough up to been on butler. he reports from the last water diesel. the nation finds an operation in central gas. well, there's really not a very hard and it's valid through operations of robots that situation has been evolving into much more harder, more challenges and more complexities going on right now. and one major factors right now, is it providing water for people to right now? we are here at this. that's the nation. water that serves the western part of their ballasa city. this is the largest one in the area. there are more smaller one within the city itself, but given the fact that there's so many people, it's all very proud of the space in there. but right now though,
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the smaller stages do not have the capacity to respond to the larger needs right now. even with this one large, that the nation and plan to see this group of people gathering around one pipeline of water that supply everyone. this is the thing that is been happening for the past 7 months, but we're going to see more of it's happening right now. with complete a closure of the crossings that it provided that the strip within the past few months would trickle amounts of re done some water supply. but right now with the full closure, it's getting only difficult people on the road and that goes the road. moving at evacuated from robust city and the valuation is the central area. the make there is stop here, the supply with water just further increase the difficulties that cause a may happen and chaotic situation right now, when we talk to people here briefly, when we were doing setting up our camera, people here are desperate. they are concerned,
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they don't have pretty much any hold left for the good live any time soon or more stable life. giving the ongoing intense bombing campaign that is still forcing people to get to the central area called who is also in den obama in central garza and she's been speaking to palestinians have been displaced yet again. a desperate families. beautiful and see or is there any bombardment is or it has or did pilot didn't use to leave parts of the southern city thoughts despite 1500000 people from across the causal strip seeking refuge here. doing 7 months of war. i'm sorry to go on a sub and i'm going to have a children. it's difficult. the constant displacement was me done is exhausting. but i hope we can find safety. we are leaving, but we have no idea what to go. until now we have no idea what to go,
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and i hope we find safety city. and caesar husband looked for a place to stay in debt and by the hand central gaza. but it was overcrowded, so they were moved to an area called a milwaukee on the coast. is rose hayes. this is the safe zone. is already crowned with more than 450000 displaced people. but not everyone is able to leave the plot. they are bombarding us, threatening us, and telling us to leave. but we have nowhere else to go. personally, i have no one to turn to the house. my mother is dead and i have no one else. we're just getting by here and i simply don't have the ability to pay money and move from one place to another. mohammed said to the far from the noon in the north of cause about a month and a half into the war. he said, if it wasn't for his children, who would have simply stayed in the north and died, i have my son and 2 daughters and another son who was killed. he was 3 months old,
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i uh, was killed as a result of the smoke caused by the bombardment. oh, this is his id, i do. it looks above the tub jury, muhammad and zane lock zane is gone. the for those who have made it to get and been a situate soon as dire. their struggling to find food, walter, until after a ceasefire talks drive on display. simon, he's indebted by the hardness with no choice, but to keep moving for a place to place in the whole of staying alive. hundreds of thousands of policy news are continuing to theater for their searching for our refuge i'm. it is really airstrikes and then disastrous. humanitarian situation, but through reality is there is no safe place for them to go. this is in the study,
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obviously, you know that it but goes up how to sign us. president joe biden says he's gonna stop the supply weapons to israel if it launches an old light attack on rafa. now for weeks, washington is being pressure is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu not to send forces into the city. hydro, castro reports from washington, dc. it says from the us president said for the 1st time in an interview with us media on wednesday that us military a to is real, will be conditioned on these really military's actions and acknowledge that us weapons are being used to kill civilians in gaza. civilians have been killed in casa, so consequential response. they go on or off, or i'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with ralph, i've made it clear to be, be able to work at. they're not going to get our support. if in fact it go with this population centers, the major shift in position from joe biden has previously pledged unconditional
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support for israel was foreshadowed by a recent delay in providing us bonds to israel. the us defense secretary told a senate panel the delivery was paused due to concerns about israel's plans to invade rafa. israel should launch a major attack in or off or without accounting for and protecting the civilians that are in the rental space. and, and again, as we of assess the situation, we pause one shipment of high height payload. the munitions biden has faced increasing pressure from protestors who have demonstrated in solid arity with palestinians across american college campuses. and in chicago, where he made a campaign stop on wednesday, biting has also faced calls from progressive members of his own party to end israel's unconditional military aid. congressional leaders offered immediate response to the delayed arms shipment. i believe that is real in america. i have an
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iron clad relationship and i have faith in what divide administration is doing. i continued to express my concern to the administration that the delay of ship motive weapons, the israel is just another way of trying to tell a lot how to conduct the war fight and says the us will still provide israel with defensive weapons. and the us defense secretary says the us is really alliance remains iron clad, but a major ground invasion of rock box would be seen by the us as a red line. and bite and says is real crossing is, would be quote, just wrong heidi to castro alger 0 washington. well, there's already been a strong response from insight to 0 to biden's comments provide security minister if mountain view is one of the 1st in the cabinet to acknowledge the u. s. president stripes, the simple message on social media hamas hans binding. he said and swipe it,
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bang yet. is there any president as our have sort of salad responds even find that are disagreements and moments of disappointment between friends and allies. the disputes should be resolved in a certain way, and it is beholden to upon all of us, to avoid insulting traits that home the national security and the interest of the state of israel, a prime minister benjamin netanyahu shutdown, and i'll just see this operations. so our correspondence and our realtors outside of israel. well, how much on zune is joining us from the jordanian capital a months? we haven't had a response from prime minister netanyahu yet, i believe, but then the same as back and forth and social media talk to us about the decisions within the as many government bombing. yeah, that's right, robbie, it's interesting to see how this conversation is real is developing since this morning or earlier in the day. you had a lot of on named military officials that were expressing reservations about all
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this to is really media outlets essentially saying that they were concerned about where the us and is really relationship stands right now that they are concerned that if is really government officials don't start heating the advice and the warnings and the urging of the us that that might irreparably damage. the is really us relationship, also expressing concern that if more weapon shipments were halted to israel from the us, that that would impact their operational capabilities. when it comes to not just the war on god's it, but also potential other conflicts on other fronts going forward. so there was a lot of concern about all this being expressed from a named military officials. but military officials, none the less to the as rarely pressed. then you have this very incendiary, controversial tweet from it's more been veered the far right wing national security minister. now certainly not
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a surprise that been could be or would put something like this out there. he has often in the past said things that other officials in israel have had to try to walk back or urge him to the lead or to tone down his rhetoric because they find it insulting to the united states. now, as you mentioned, president either heard, soc is already publicly rebukes him for that tweet saying that how much hard spite and uh, but then also you've had the head of the opposition is real. yeah. your la pied, who put out a couple of tweets in regard to this. one of them earlier in the day said if nothing. yeah. who does not fire been given here today? he is endangering every soldier in the is really army and every citizen in the state of is really then follow that up later by saying dance i as in, caught in the launch should not be content with condemnations this time. they should demand the dismissal stuff. it's more been severe. now let me just try to sort of clarify what he's saying there. he's mentioning 3 names, guns, eyes, and caught, and a lot that's been against gatti hasn't caught and you are
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a lot who is the defense minister? they are members of the war cabinet. and so essentially the head of the opposition in israel is saying that the other members of the war cabinet should not be content that, that have been given here is simply criticized that they should ensure that he is fired. so this tweet from been given here has really changed the discussion and it's really taking center stage. it really showed you how fractious politics have become and is real, how polarized things are right now. and it's really dominating the conversation at this hour. rob, all of us, of course, happening as we're, we're hearing about 65 jobs that are ongoing in colorado, in egypt, as i say, we're hearing about them. actually. it's been, be pretty quiet over the last 24 hours or so. are you hearing anything from israel about how those might be progressing as well? it's interesting, rob, because we know that c i a chief william burns is back in cairo. he had visited israel yesterday. he met with benjamin. that's the o. he met with other members of the security establishment in israel and from the
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reports that have emerged after this meeting in israel. it seems as though burns told his is really counter parts that they need to see a cease fire as a way to pause the war not to in the war. because we know that the israelis have continued to say that whether or not there is a cease fire that does not mean there is an end to the war he's urging them to go ahead and find along the dotted line. and to get this thing done, where there is a lot of pressure being placed by the americans on israel to try to get into this cease fire now. so burns is in cairo now also a delegation from how much and a mid level delegation from israel. we don't know exactly what form or shape the talks are taking today. we do know that the talks are ongoing. that means that there is some momentum. when you see the remarks that are being floated in the is really media from right wing members of the of nothing. yeah. whose government they
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are still continuing to throw cold water on all of this. they are saying that the invasion will continue. they are saying that they will go with a low and if they have to, they are saying that they are still wide gaps in all of this. now there are reports emanating out of out of, out of cairo that are stating that the gaps are narrowing. so the devil is in the details, we're just going to have to wait and see if to what happens with the talks, but at this hour, all we know for sure is it, it is a very complicated situation. the us continuing to put pressure on israel to try to get this done. but as to where things stand and how far or close they are to getting over these remaining hurdles, we just are not sure. rob, well, how much i'm assume and i'm on mama. thank you very much. indeed. a u. s. military funding has increased since the beginning of the water and gas that president biden signed a $15000000000.00 ministry package last month since october. the 7th for us has delivered 50 shipments of arms and over a 113 cargo planes loaded with weapons have been delivered to patrick buey is of
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defense and security analyst. at the university of bos, he says, a major rough i offensive is likely to lead to a further weapon suspension from the us. the packet which has been delayed is actually not part of that 15000000000 that is being signed out as being pre ordered before that. and obviously it's the us, it's focused on as defense secretary austin said on the large orleans heavy ordinance items which they see is round using mainly offensively and are incredibly worried because they've seen the evidence of them being used against a minute. so they're saying, well, we're not supplying that now given we have major concerns about how you're going to go into rafa. r r a higher position, munitions. it's more a more heads, like the help army saw which the us, those also provide enough to use on drones and heavy doctors. and the question is, i think this is what is relevant make the point is that some of these are so especially the total networks. so to gain that the, how far it just doesn't have the penetrating capability to,
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to deal with those targets. a lot of other western mandatory 0 office window would go back and set the level of casualties as to why and given, given the, refer to talk if it's not that you suffered on october the 7th. and there is a more targeted way of doing. and these ratings are actually the same as far as you know, was developing and refining a more targeted counterterrorism approach to, to taking off these groups essentially, and it's in its neighborhood. so one and us officials have said that this, if they go into rafa in a major way, are you going to know their full a defensive? this won't be the last of the days of the polls. so the question then, of course, if you go in, in a, in a large defensive like that it's, it's got a high operational tempo. you're burning through your munitions very quickly. and israel as far as on where it doesn't have the cat capacity to generate its own at h. busy bombs, it is really demonstrated as a blocks of road near the size of the town of mist pheromone in southern israel,
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as they protested against the delivery of right into the guys and strip demonstrations that have been holding a sits in under discussion with rocks across the road to stop vehicles, including a trucks waiting to enter gaza. its happening is these really army forces amassing on the outskirts of roughly about the
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the still ahead on all the crimes against humanity and the shadow of ethnic cleansing, human white swash issues. a stock warning in the crisis, incidents west off the in depth analysis of the days headlines. if that was a rough or offensive. where would the people go? people have no place to go. each one of 1000 people has to be displaced. these 2 times frank assessments, this is a mass and blow to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinions. you can be somebody that says i'm one of the hostages, october 7th, and return. and i want to start inside story on al jazeera,
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the . ringback the challenges here with the
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georgia and i'll just need a reminder of our top stories. bizarre in gaza, a tele refund bombings, and selling this continued overnight in their office. is there any forces remain in control of the main border crossing the egypt blog post to monetary and supplies? as hospitals one particularly low on fuel. for us, presidents has sent his strongest message yet to his very prime minister benjamin netanyahu. job items task, install the supply of weapons to as well. if it launches an all out of the time on the roof, follow studies that are already experiencing funding in the north. and now there's even less getting in tens of thousands of people have flights a central gas. only one was a stitch is working human rights watch has released a new report calling the situation. and so duns, west, off for state, one of ethnic cleansing is those crimes against humanity are being committed,
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including torture, rape, and looting. it's fine, but attacks by the pot of military rapids support forces and it's allied on groups and allyson in the capital of westoff or state of killed thousands of people and displaced hundreds of thousands of refugees. it says that tribal groups are being targeted with their product objective of at least having them permanently leave the region. and response being g o is calling on the united nations and the african union to quote, urgently impose in arms and bond goal and sit on sanction those responsible for serious crimes. and to play a mission, to protect civilians unable, as well as the heart of africa, director of the international crisis group. he says the international community must act to prevent further atrocities from taking place. this it needs a basically been forgotten. um i think um, obviously there's a warrant opposite going on now, which has taken up a lot of attention. but most of the crimes documented in this human rights watch
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report, which by the way is a very impressive investigation report. most of those crimes took place. you know, before the war and gaza began, frankly, it would take very high level of political focus on trying to pressure those who are arming the various sides and have, and the actual belligerents themselves. to stop this. obviously many of the united nations tools are not very functional and so, so it would just take, i think, very high level focused from where leaders and that's never been there. the violence in west are for, has died down a bit mostly because the, the pump, the mostly population has, has already been pushed out. the big concern now is that in the different part of dar 4 in north star for around the capitol of north a for alpha. sure. you have the rapid support forces who have recently and circled to that city. there's been an easy stand off for months. but the tensions have been escalating, you have the student ease is the last stronghold of the student needs army in dar 4 . but you have another, a number of other armed groups from these,
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from mostly the as a guy was another non area of our community. the concern is about leads to all out fighting. again, they are that we would see similar levels of violence in already on the outskirts or we've seen several villages being raised. it's, it's, you know, they're already probably atrocities being committed, but it could get much, much, much worse. i want to bring you some pictures are from guys are, this is the scene i've side all. ok, so hospitalizations from just a matter of seconds ago, it's in the central garza with tens of thousands of palestinians have been sleeping through as israel is bumping up in some bomb into vasa in this. so i don't, if you can see it there, but just behind the some of the men, there is one of them there. the science being held up by the children say, i want to live in peace. i want to each i want to study among various other messages that they're sending that are types of people who are trying to make their way to that area. there is very limited. humanitarian aid is very, very limited. warranty supplies,
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we've already been hearing from one of our correspondents, a fight. so being breaking out around the water, tap the main water supply there that the sound the nation time because it is so difficult to get a possible drinking water. but these assigned to the say, outside i liked the hospital just taking a few seconds ago. and then all by russian president vladimir putin was marked victim of the day celebrations with the ministry parade in moscow. he said that although russia is trying to avoid global confrontations, his strategic nuclear forces were always on the alert present. it says that the west is trying to incite further conflict following russia's invasion ukraine. the de, traditionally amongst the soviet union's victory over nazi germany. in 1945 actually, pennsylvania, russia will do everything to prevent a globe of conflict. but at the same time, we will not allow anyone to threaten us. strategic forces are all white in combat
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readiness. we missing dosage bodies during the lifetime for moscow. what do we hear from the russian president? darcy as well. rob as letting me put and use the stay which you call the state per day to highlights the importance of rushes past, going into its future flattery. put in as spoke for about 10 minutes of this military parade in the red square here in moscow. and he highlighted the importance of the lessons that the people of russia have learned since their victory over of the nazis in germany. 1945. and that's when russell lost approximately 27000000 at military personnel as well as civilians in that war. it's known as the great patriotic war here, and it's the most important secular holiday in the country. it's very much seen the victory is very much seen as a symbol of russia's prowess as well as has the country's identity. is that
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intertwined with that victory that we put in said that this is a important points in the country's history. they were facing difficult times and it's important for them to be united because it is up to all of russia, the russian people to ensure the country sovereignty and its future does. so thank you very much indeed. dosage about talking to us from moscow. we're actually says at least 8 people have been injured in a ukrainian attack on the boulder city or belgrade. the governor of the regions so strikes damaged at least $52.00 apartments on buildings as well as cause. ukraine has repeatedly attacked spells at all since most goes of full scale invasion in february 2022. the defense ministry says it destroyed 15 ukrainian rockets and drones in several regions. now present, chinese president, changing pain isn't hungry for the final stop of his visit to europe is being received in budapest, by from the subject to oregon,
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china's invested close to $10000000000.00 in manufacturing. i'm construction projects in the country all lines keen to maintain a good times with major economic. as we're going to be back in about half an r c event, stay with us and obviously the high low they will stop by looking at the weather across east asia. and the wet weather whoa is continuing for southern parts of china in particular for one that he profits to see more heavy rain pouring in on friday. it is set to develop and pull its way further north. by the time we get to saturday, bringing some very heavy food across most central and eastern areas is not just in the south, but also up in the north. we are seeing the development of wet weather blown by some strong winds out of long ago. the attempt is offset to come down as that
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weather pushes its way further east. it'll bring a drenching to the korean peninsula. i think go through the weekend on, on was to japan. that was in their south asia. it's all about the heat here. not just for the longest and show lank of it also west and pots of india and pakistan just still sitting very high, but we will see some wet weather starting to work its way and thanks to a west, any disturbance moving across. i've got this done. eventually in northern pockets done and northern india will see the showers develop across the south for places like carol was very heavy. rain to come for sure. lanka on friday. and it's more wet weather, affecting eastern areas of india, working its way to bundle dish through to saturday. the heroes from i'll just on the go and the tonight out is there is
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only mobile apps. is that the, this is where we dissect allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorite apps to just set for it and type domain the new app from out to 0 new at using is it the rental seizure of the wrongful crossing wilson's and already done a situation for the $2300000.00 palestinians in kansas, the loss gateway to the outside world. now clause, why is israel to find the us sort of this and what could the consequences be for a sides? this is inside story, the .


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