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tv   Witness Facing Francos Crimes - The Silence of Others  Al Jazeera  May 9, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm AST

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in the solomon islands, the deadly legacy of world war 2, remain on the lounge. wide is placed it and it exploded it now i do this, see they are literally this sense of taking the time on the one. 0, one east meets the solomon islands. some tante scape of war that ended decades ago on, on the hello i'm elizabeth put on and don't. how would the top stories on algebra is ready? forces have killed 60 people in gaza over the past 24 hours. they've continued to bomb areas across this trip. including an jocelet forcing a 2000 people to flee. once again. the us president has sent a strong this message yet. is there any problems to benjamin netanyahu? joe biden says he'll stop the supplies west as well if it launches and without attack on the java. is where the forces remain in control of the main border. crossing blocking. most humanitarian supplies. hospitals only have
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a few days of fuel left. a death sentence for patients in need of intensive care is where the demonstrations have tried to stop. what visual aid is guessing through from reaching the strip protest as in southern israel, held the session and scott had brooks across the road to stop the coast. is very full, says have blowing up a house belonging to a palestinian man and occupied east. jerusalem. the accused of getting to his various fitness in february trots the troops,
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ordered residents nearby to leave before destroying the building. russia has mott to victory day in red square is president vladimir putin says he plans to carry out more nuclear drills. the persians of the west was trying to inside the conflict following russia's invasion of ukraine. today, traditionally marks the soviet union, the victory over nazi germany. in 1945, i think a guy in your new work is that we reject the claims of any state or alliance to exclusivity. we know we're of such invasions, lead to russia, we'll do everything to prevent the global clash. but at the same time, we will not allow anyone to threaten us. our strategic forces are always on alert. me was russia says at least 8 people have been interested in a ukrainian attack on the board of city of belgrade. the governor of the regions had strikes damaged, at least $52.00 apartments and buildings as well as cars. ukraine has repeatedly
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attacked belgrade, some small scholars, full scale invasion in february, 2022. to the fence ministry set it destroyed 15, ukrainian rockets and drawings and several regions. a and other attack spots to fire and damaged storage tank and sort of fuel definitely and rush to southern cross no to reach and local officials say no one was injured. about 6 drones were destroyed and debris fell on the facility. you probably have stepped off a tax on washes energy facilities and really since moms hopes of finding survivors from a building collapse in south africa, fading and rescue workers dig through the rubble for a full day 44 construction work because it's still on, accounted for 8 people have been confirmed dead. i think the last 24 hours was really difficult for the teams because i made a call with one body. and you will see that the big machines that they've busy, what they call the lighting to they will fail from the top to the bottom off. so we've lost contact for 24 hours. so if any people inside we've managed to get the
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living that we have contact without loss the night before. so it's, it's a price that we need to get to the bottom of this as quickly as possible and say for we need speak machine, chinese presidents. she's in pain as i'm hungry for the final stop of his 0 pin tool. he was received in budapest by prominence, the vic, to old on china's invest of close to $10000000000.00 and manufacturing an infrastructure in the country. all bonds came to maintain good times with a major economic partner. japan is to start hunting fin, wales, and potentially scaling that's commission waiting practices. last year, japanese freshman killed almost 300 wales from 3 different species to of what to endangered those other headlines on challenges 0. stay with us. witness is coming up next. thank you for watching the
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on the on the data and i don't know if i
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can get the the data. hey, not force these are the the the
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the most did i gave the cd looks fine. you allow me to come in. so when i'm going to need that, she says, duncan, i'm talking like the
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duncan point, and the thought of these vanya wouldn't the gussy quite in daniels the but you lose a sign cause i'm with the bed on the 9th he is on the top, we do not see up, but i knew that i was, but this was for the because the things on
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the one way run a video allow me see a at those low screen minutes. and i think the other way to say, maybe, you know, you might in fact though they will be the issue, but i mean the lot of people now me see other thoughts. but i don't really with a stomach the it was going to be the, shall see that most people who are out of do stuck on typically on the be those are why you have any of the sudden point this loan and someone that can pull it almost out of the call,
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the speaker, the scene was as far as the sound goodness of them was located quarterly on monday . just collect hughes. no, god knows what i'm saying. yeah. don't most of the strategies. no, no, look into i don't know sort those know for the most compelling was to see 1st fucking normally settings the new tires on tv. but i'm telling you it won't probably take i immediately if i but i've been meaning to the cool instead of focusing from within your mind, they been doing this to you over the phone. maybe
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i just got the phone. i need my bed so i'm not going to be leaving you. yeah. okay. i'll give you the proof in the road. the name was what to do for them. i fumes over to brooklyn wrote a durn thing to show a matter of the money in the u. s a bit of grill came with some good jobs on that for them of the about runs out of the
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at the site into one into utility name, which is this is how much, how much of the thing though she had to get a magazine with d and they pushed through the thing for the terms here, going up that they put that out. maybe some of that move forward now, or it's just a moment so they can throw you in the know the, this thing on the solar. you don't to know you up with science life and so the, the, the sooner the better so nice us as you know, but is incredibly rough with each other but so you know, it could, it may not be
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a little bit better. i hate him to number one is that the lowest? they'll put him in any tennessee. they're communicating through money. yeah. like that. then. glad. oh my fee in simply southern guns that you all got out of the windows. but at that, as you get by so much with the input, it make what i'll do that and they go by some of the packing the homework will see that because of what i said would be some of the restroom $1.50. but pretty minutes when we deal with a lift though, doesn't include us, you and the really think the more like you know, with this you and you of a sudden and easy to get a 30 minute going through the one either the ones that have been so you sent the invoice or the water board and the team, the more exact employees that are going to put him into the company. not you
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can put that in the y special as muscle of if you don't see other sports, we can split up. and when he goes to the 1st one to do not for the fuel do with, there's plenty on the right that's out on the tribute of, well, it's like i would say, you know, i said the more advocate it, that'd be mentioned the fluid, any of the sudden movements, something like that would be mean the point is what you mean is when you pick the risk and wait for them, think of what i'm saying. it was the best on is accused a break. king, a 1977 m the state by investigating the death. so disappearance is of more than a $100000.00 civilians in the franco dictatorship. separate,
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but of this i'm in the that was out of sean. by the see, getting up was i didn't video anymore. the middle of do and things like that. i think the emphasis i see the most in the front of look at it. you know, the going to sudden look that up. so it was done. and then even though i think i said it was, you already got me in the say what the symptoms you mind. but as even without the look on the big one, when you get as soon as the phone, you've got them. when you go sooner, the better don't go than a century ago. they made me. yeah. and they'd be the most. and i gave them the
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lazy. gave me fun. yeah. i took a look. what's the zip by nearly ended up with the ship on your line, but you got the concern really? so monita, nobody leaving m i n d a look with or the bad one. okay. the machine. yeah. probably look the see. i would, i don't want to done. you can send 50, you give over on quickbook and we put them. what do you hang teaching machines to be in the office you need uh the purpose of buying the vehicle passes and want to locate an id to logan. this is my son. 50 or no. the the 50 s
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the any that 1000 i ready for the new stuff but it was 10 percent of the just the another sample body center. sick on the phone. think the bus you guys usually around the me much
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better place and the the the arrows. yeah. i'm not here though
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in terms any by 80 in the mail or same page the attorney general, peter may not be able to then better. i don't know the time it comes from money. so let me put a sign is tv. i'm a fan. yeah. and this table got well, could a minute the lease on monday that be part of the city. yea, so it was thought about the lovely. see only the 3 the then they got one of the city to be, you know
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we live course they, maria. so you to get one of those folk which one of them in the last week, the most of jungle, the nurse orders these boys this we know what else the on that as because as the democrats, the i can despite oakland or less is that to us it is clear to this team who can use these bottles incomplete, those who over the face me this by the time the window nothing group level shifting and push focused in the least significant without the t i will try to give you a different amount of time in class, but some of this in 2 of them, one is going to do much because they have no simple one $15000.00 for to use them
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both the, the front impulse but out of only 5 in espanol there. but also something you're pushing minors to beat us on the 5th a vehicle and go to is all ready to start us the go to to the yet been decor, the big ones in that right? but actually similarly sheet that you put them on the, the, the story of the booking seal, not always go to funky stuff in the suddenly run and tell you to
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the court. i got to the go, the c and just the new to the new system to the new england between 2016 the got to good one which was 16. i'll put it up when we see it. but then there's people who are kind of, you know, jump right into a nice little caching issue issue. mm hm. and you just, you need to move your direct bush or jesse english to be there can work a the
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moment this moment is 34 points that people may not be sent into the packaging campus. and then we'll get it done based on the 30, i think the
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board pretty soon there will be a confidence. is there anything that goes on? good. good, good, good, good, good, good must thing, but other than that is it, we bought it or so to get anybody. okay, so suggesting that statement, the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the little most important, the me opinion of the part of that us rental is k. a know said key won't pull new franco, but a sort of a let's see the ceiling. i'll see you in the near communities. it will be they'll come in. so best time dan does, and i miss you and will know. and he'll be that us on the phone co into,
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to coordinate the show talking about the on the the a dozen more than his number, which is in his policy as with these people because english and then intending to continue on are children. ok. e, c o z, those must be in saturday for the us in the ocean link. the police try to get into the portal by the on the most of the, of that control, official police. i'd be happy to see you on the main thing. a different studies and
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then actually i'm in the front of his confidential those there's a lot to be though i usually think that his cell 4 get a lot of it, frankly. and i've a lot of this impacts house the feelings and see in those those moments like you said something about people's thoughts and they got the last. so notice i get all of the law and the lady, i'm using the a give you the, i'm not sure how does your deal
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senior people masturbating. and i mean when, when you do have to mean you can pay them. no one is my son has a bill. okay. see my name is camille m. okay. okay. give me an email to you. i and why have american evangelicals become his real strongest factor? is us president joe find the right to stand with his real, with no red line, as long as us support continues, is there anything that can stop is real? solve on concept, from going on in? definitely
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a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line pod came into the use of the oil c suffered casualties. we have not suffered to say, tyler, to use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house. thought provoking on to who they to say, no delta standards to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities, government seems here to whittle down democracy. it's because it's troubling for you. it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era the canyon government has ordered thousands of people across the country to move away from landlines that have flooded many areas. torrential rains in the region have been made was by the el nino where the phenomenon. this is how close the houses are from the narrow that down. it doesn't look like margins covered by what the highest says, but when it over flows, the water comes to that. how is this?
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the problem in that ruby has been watson by poor drainage and he's taken the bill set, told him that people's beeping in near the narrow be down say they know they're not supposed to be there, but it's the only place they can afford. the hello on elizabeth put on them and don't have a d. top stories on the algebra is where the forces have code. 60 people in gaza of the past 24 hours. they've continued to bomb areas across the strip, including and off of forcing $80000.00 people to flee over the past few days. one is ready for his remaining control. it is the main boat of crossing, blocking, mostly by the tower and supplies hospitals and the south only have a few days. a few left is rarely demonstrations. have tried to stop what this will . 8 is getting through from reaching the strip, holding a set and
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a scattering rocks along the road. is already false, isn't blowing up a house belonging to a palestinian man and occupied extra rooms for them. they accuse him of killing 2 is ready. settlers in february, troops ordered residents nearby to leave before destroying the building. russia has mont victory day in red square as president, letting me post it and says he plans to carry out more nuclear drills. the person said the west is trying to install it for the conflict, and that russia wouldn't tolerate being threatened me was wash, it says at least 8 people have been injured. and ukraine is hack on the board. a city of belgrade, the governor of the regions that strikes damaged at least $52.00 apartments and buildings as well as costs. and another attack in russia, southern costal regions,
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funk defiant and damaged storage tanks for the fuel depot. the local officials say no one was injured. about 6 drones were destroyed and debris fell on the facility. hopes of finding survivors from the building collapsed in south africa of faith and as rescue work is dig through the rubble for a full stay. for the full construction book because it's still on accounted for. 8 people have been confirmed dead. japan is to start hunting, fin wells, and potentially scales it's commercial waiting practices. the government has said that well made is an important part of japanese culture. loss to a japanese fishermen killed almost 300 wales from 3 different species, 2 of which are endangered. a plane has skipped off a runway during takeoff at the cause international airport. several people were injured and the airport temporarily closed. if what authorities are investigating the cause of the incident,
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witness continues next. the same may forget about for the late, but it's the same. what do you always considerable on a oval the on to the next 30. i mean, i went to swing by the, on my theme a highly my, the, i might have been me at that if i was being a little, please me, a way now i see now the and
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a little bit and i don't know the imagine how the get the what do you mean by there's a job i think one or send me. you haven't seen the but i didn't know if you didn't come the at all in demo garcia. the forget, i mean these people see on that mean my specialist. i mean white guy, the, the for the city 30th i went on my license for the money. i'll go and i won't be of this, those there. he may have gone, know, things went up on the will not guide you used to form a study on my that when i was talking to someone that i may be level for another
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place that i started and faced serious. so i said it wasn't me. i don't know, you don't mind what i'm gonna get to go. i don't know if i don't know if i see, but uh, i don't know, but when i remember them, no, no, no, no, no, no one in here. june 1 i was talking to the see to get anybody say do so. that sounds good. so then you're limited to ask that one's on the new the he'll be, would be like god and that other job isn't that where's that other slave other days? they've got it. all of them are full on the inside, but the remaining the big piece, or maybe i will get to know the baby and like i did, they the guy,
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i said the boy a negative the try to make a different image. caffeine, given dap would advise that if there's been more that is necessary and this are, you know, bottom up once in a big associate of the last bill for 910. when i get you set them in the system, what you meant associates able to jump in and look at the several shuttle. you might not see them. but if they came all that that emily, me see, i see it, but i see on that, but i get the lines right below that funny and then they don't show you the money for the gate. no, no, i mean the window nothing. you know? where does it have to be and she has it, got it in a company who does that? and i do need your cell number so that this your trying you and i'd be able to say that there's a bit of, i mean,
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i don't know if you've not done already speak with somebody in to what do you see before the in a to a mechanical, maybe so what does that mean? but i get the idea to get me these categories. if it's time with the e mail, the same case and go to the door with that being your tongue. other points meant the internet and based on actually month on the custom, the nino provider in a bit that i'm going to see bartalini going instead of to the music when they gave me the finance. it was the quote to get the rest of everybody to come in. so i mean, it seems quite into good. thank you. seems
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pretty visa a little more. this is the same doctor by the whole now is to rely on initiating the money and the fee. you said comedies deal in shape for this week. yeah. 3. how many died of his done the i pick them up. i cannot get those source for that. i don't send all you simply put a light is this and see if i don't know. i know seahorse, those main p, those, this was bodies. you're listening, as you mean, yes, boy don't in pretty high. those of a media doesn't live streaming. couldn't html secret accused of tactic? i was, you know, peter was the frequency on by. so they said police because i said what on our
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deadline going on my that is one data. if i'm me less for what is going be, must be others news there's so we can get out of can be less, it go to court. i've got both of them and they give me and put me in your separate bill for like the i mean the data. and if by the income bill once a month or the soonest it gets us and they not it, i mean there's nothing else up. it'll be less upkeep one day and then like i said to the point in time, just simple sooner, but i'm like, you know, doing it, i guess it is. so see you, you see your use of press to get see you get to see what the, what the of the the race you already know what that's gonna be next thursday. i'll just give you my
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names ben. frank does not, but he will explain. yeah. if i'm being, i mean, good about it other than somebody quote them you most the last 4 times i somebody that's what i'm getting tired of having this problem. but as soon as the rest of the window bustle attended us and then the
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me you're so he like giving me affordably. she for the check has, i mean the is the i said it looks like it's a needle to look, you know, you see diet. go using old joe because if i you don't, yes. if you change the movie and visit during the day, maybe her new role is a course she at the course, so to speak english. does he have more? chevy? sure. but he has his overseas here for that, but didn't check the full circle moon. she'll get up in the, in the event, you get delete the phrase, the credit and also to see not know who i spoke. there isn't the new machine, a city, the inconvenience, but i mean like 8 that in there goes a must name. but then the good thing where they can grow. well yes, certainly get the no guess
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the recent media for expedia that i see so much a medium. the youngest, many others will look for this be the contact person to accomplish on course. please try and do, even though it's, i'm not supposed to be up there when it's in front quoted me, i bought a car. i mean, i didn't lose somebody libido was my, know, maybe some but in the media the
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to so i now the that with a little left with you just by you like a 2 man to buy the 2nd. see we mother near canada. you are you suggesting the deposit is the it's the right. yep. and either of us then you look at the items in the room still or catch up shaking it well. yeah, we did have cushion. we're showing infinity. so no good data
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the in this, the so now there's them in video. got a lot, be that over to well enough for 2nd one. say get a mazda of those 10. that's but it's on us, including the $85.00, the distance the on the so that'd be up within the say on the top. you those the spiders that on the student according done yours is the fact that in some, in video as to what the, i just, i mean the odyssey that i'm florida is put in team of, in, at the top. you could do it on monday. the 1st 211th rather than these, most them in 30 or 1. 1 of them in the, on the doors was different sort of different angles. and what you had on the other, the jungle explained that i don't in one moment,
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the mascot and a right to the sky. you this is, tanya, is peggy, another force has components and let's go with us in some in videos and maybe even come in and i knew those mean inputs. i don't know for the marcio regarding tuscan, there's a name or a story. nancy of us for less prophy as victims there's anton, please see normally what do you see a lot of bona sand, like we do, i don't know if they supposed be able to me numbers in the slightest bit of mazda skin, mean own is paid on the
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other line, but he made it harder for me. she shows you fairly decent age you too, by the nice for bothering to show you. okay. and what's your last name to enter up when it is go to that. okay. i would you know, yeah for that and yeah, for the in the a know nothing about the small yes . oh yes. yes. the that was that it can be not renew the email address yet for, for me for the
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the there's will be a, a copy to the site for the especially in the x i mean out of allowing the district to does not recommend that you and this close at noon to sign the why did they factors that they don't use the mean nor santos? it then i see a thing or can i speak to most calling us on? no, it'd be them. the my number is really, i mean it depends. i can combine it fit in the nice, but us will be for the study, since it's the boot as cavity, i'll come and see those for this to this. if this one us enter the sign is made of example. since i just took, this has been
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a single the only one. so i don't know what it is. uh huh. whose orders i quoted just push a button there in the settlement would be to me, like i said, i'm gonna put a bill on to the in go to the the law nissan. okay. must be the new contact. and that pulled up. that address is detroit at dupe installer, in united states. uh, i use that. i'm using my mysa. meanwhile, she's got, you wrote down the me there's a lot of it is or should title is to have on you sent me go deposit it
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that i sent. thank you much good. you know what the problem is. i put livingston and i want that to see if i'm going to run the election to run to that is good. yes, k is telling me keep heavier, wrote a desktop on a big unknown, redoing shooting the front as a refuse ingles in dallas. you're going to look up and see nor supposedly enough to leave it there and you have any teeth or sounds good? yeah, got history and i don't know, you know, not been showing that, brian, did you any my letter when i pull check this by it. i just see it stop. i you come and do those. one is for me to me this tv though. uh once that i want the ford raptor or the newport news boomed insurance policy because well grab your what did you weigh it? i'm single month.
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the load you cannot sample by x. that can be not alex inspect. thought of it police vehicle know if the vehicle will be a new loss with this or standing kind of the that's coming through us, but as soon as i'm in then i'm fine feasible. but it's great though not on the list . so money that the 2 bills whom i knew that you got from us, but it's good evening shuttles. if anything that is they need is abc, man, no son, they got on it,
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turn off the show, you will see knobby, you still can just move, you know, you can buy, you know, visual marketing the so notice and the, the field and i say to me or they know that the field,
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but they find it very often this in that i've told you guys, they've been team who does it was just somebody, the media is started it it was that any of the other ident, you end up being diminished or maybe what was the best quizzes coupled others in the new lab to monitor the dresser? see that's how it may be done, but i see how it is on a sunday loretta it'll opinion the dc, but it is no and it doesn't. okay. i am
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seeing new 3 so put in nicholas battle mountain peak, i'm able to go back home. what do i do? see that's going to be that you know me that up. any stuff. leo's lease pain. the you or sad little 0, the is the wage k c a speed and o. k. last that on us a team a little the name of the missile getting working. i don't know. got to your movie to the title
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is 30 and we are the voice is a brand new lease to jet on location g o d d and the grocer. set them less sugar level. yeah. i know that they get that same with tv which is because they don't even send enough. we see a video within the same guy, they not come to use, then throw them by using this the ladder up inside of a lot of assistance. the values will be as an over here. now, does he have to know me course, a number of other ladies, but i cannot say that last week the most extra motor force has components english. these are the cost. was they the visual? by the way, they put in english $35.00,
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but as we go to the to the house, what are the times the photos? how am i going to be up? i mean, if it doesn't allow me to look through all the videos i've seen, but it is not as good as i'm looking at, because you bought it on the computer or even, but on the mazda in the field, democratic i could almost have lucky last i guess it almost on my side, i would do that honest here. like how the arguments by now talking about a bi limits, going to stop what is put it into the bottle. not i mean the 30 up. can you send it out that way that the one vs the best? how much the same level does it little, but when you see by 2 arrows, i followed by deals of the stuff of how about if i do the publish, this is the is going to be a little. but when you see the movie, i thought boys, i could, i'll put a lot of are some of the boys time, which is you might have just have
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the the order number and the funds it could be. yeah. the lady does the unless you took it, he has they need the b, c s that you the the
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fed as these are not going to see that house that these are those when you see that i find the better the last little bit of diesel, the fine, yeah. and the, the gum pulls the, the, the,
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the, the next generation in the united states. they're not happy with what is happening in gaza. they're not happy with the u. s. foreign policy, and that's why they're trying to make their voices heard. the administrators of each university really have a choice to either escalate and calling police be confrontational, or to actually listen to what their concerns are. city stream of people being arrested, placed in the zip tie and cups and taken away many of the purchases we talked to a said they will continue protesting until their demands are met. the it had low, they let start in south america, where rescue efforts continue across southern parts of brazil that have seen
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devastating flooding. now the skies may have dried rain has eased in recent days, but we are expecting it to pick up once again as another frontal system brings a torrential rain thursday into friday across those southern areas. if we have a look at the full cost for port allegra, we can see those sundry shows that on friday the heavy rain continuing on saturday . now behind that system, that is looking cool for pots of chilly as well as arjun tina. we saw some unusual snow in santiago. the temperature is expected to come down there on friday to the mid teens. but ahead of that, it is a story of exceptional heat all the way from bolivia off across the north and to places like venezuela and the heat continues across central america and the caribbean, mexico to get in the north thing, some very high temperatures. monterey, at $45.00 degrees celsius, that does come down to the mid thirty's, so on friday, but dry conditions are expected to continue all the way from mexico city to kind of getting lots of heat continuing for nicaragua,
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it's for the south where we are seeing the west has weather for costa rica and panama of the next few days. the . ready ready ready the hello on elizabeth put on, i'm in business and use our line from door hawk coming out for the next 16 minutes . palestinians attempt to flee the alpha as israel continues as from 5 until the city, when 81500000 people of sheltering. that's as rarely protest to stay just as an on a road in southern israel for looking trucks,


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