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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 9, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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of the . ready the hello on elizabeth put on, i'm in business and use our line from dall coming out for the next 16 minutes. palestinians attempt to fleas alpha as israel continues, as from 5 until the city, when 81500000 people of sheltering. that's as rarely protest to stay just as an on a road in southern as well for looking trucks, caring desperately need an aide from reaching gaza, subject to conditions that us positive impressions to hold them supplies to as far as if it goes ahead because an operation and drop off, plus a mocking 75 years of diplomatic relations. china. she didn't page as in budapest
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for the last leg of his european tour. in support around madrid have book their spots and the champions league final, the spanish team eliminated fire munich to move a step closer to a record extending 15 type. the 13 g m t, and we begin and gaza was rarely strikes. continue across the southern most city of alpha and supplies of international condemnation and as palestinians attempt to flee, there strikes elsewhere is where the forces have killed 60 people in gaza over the past 24 hours. and as well remains in control of the main border crossing with egypt, meaning most she monitor and supplies a being blocked. this is where the demonstrations have staged a session on the road in southern israel, as they protested against the delivery of aid and to the goss trip demonstrations.
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they have scattered rocks across, devoted to stop vehicles, including a trucks wasting and took gaza palestinians in the north, already face and famine. and most people in the strip had been displaced multiple times. many have now fled the central gaza. the only one was a station as working there, and the whole city is in bed. all of a lot in central gaza. she's been speaking to palestinians who are being displaced . yes, again. desperate families can unify and fear is removed by the end is where it has origin policy and used to move parts of the southern to the dots. despite 1500000 people from across the causal strip seeking refuge here. doing 7 months of war and try to go on sub a. i'm going to have a children. it's difficult. the constant displacement was me, done is exhausting. but i hope we can find safety. we are leaving, but we have no idea what to go. until now we have no idea what to go and i hope we
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find safety city and sees her husband looked for a place to stay in debt and by the hand some tow gaza. but it was overcrowded. so they were moved an area called a milwaukee on the coast. as rose hayes, this is the safe zone. it's already crowned with more than 450000 displace people. but not everyone is able to leave multiple free and all the plows. they are bombarding us, threatening us, and telling us to leave. but we have nowhere else to go. personally, i have no one to turn to the house. my mother is dead and i have no one else. we're just getting by here and i simply don't have the ability to pay money and move from one place to another. i said to the fly from the head noun in the noise of cause about a month and a half into the war. he said, if it wasn't for his children, who would have simply stayed in the north and died,
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i have my son and 2 daughters and another son who was killed. he was 3 months old, i uh, was killed as a result of the smoke caused by the bombardment. oh, this is his id, i do. it looks above the tub jury mohammed and zane lock zane is gone. the for those who have made it to get in, but the situation is dire. they're struggling to find food. walter, until after a ceasefire talks drive on display. simon, he's indebted by the hardness with no choice, but to keep moving for a place to place in the whole of staying alive. hundreds of thousands of palestinians are continuing to feed off off their searching for our refuge i'm. it is really airstrikes and a disastrous humanitarian situation. but through reality is there is no safe place
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for them to go. this is in the study, obviously, you know, there is but goes up how to sign. and here's the one out from one correspondence. hunting muscles is traveling to the on the water dissemination plots that's in operation now in central gaza as well, there's really not a very hard and it's valid through operations. a rough opposite situation has been evolving into much more harder, more challenges and more complexities going on right now. and one major factors right now, is it providing water for people to right now? we are here at this. that's the nation water that sir is the western part of their ballasa city. this is the largest one in the area. there are more smaller one within the city itself. but given the fact that there's so many people, it's all very proud of the space in there. but right now though, the smaller stages do not have the capacity to respond to the larger needs right? now, even with this one large, that the limited plan is the, the group of people gathering around one pipeline of water. the supply,
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everyone says is the thing that is been happening for the past 7 months, but we're going to see more of it's happening right now with complete a closure of the crossings that are provided that the strip within the past few months would trickle amount to very then some water supply, but right now with the full closure, it's getting only difficult people on the road and the cost, the road moving out, evacuated from robust city and the valuations, the central area, the make there is stop here to supply. * with water just further increase the difficulties that cause a may happen and chaotic situation right now, when we talk to people here briefly, when we were doing setting up our camera, people here are desperate. they are concerned. they don't have pretty much any hold left for the good life any time soon or a more stable life, giving the ongoing intense. * and campaign that is still forcing people to get to
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uh, the fin drum uh area. it's scott pull one is the associate director of peace and security with oaks and america. he's joining us from washington dc. thank you very much for your time mister pool. we're hearing that the 1st shipment of a to the us built floating p a and gaza has deposit from cypress. just how much of a difference to be ships may compared to what can come through land crossings. thanks for having me on and i appreciate hearing the testimonies of people who are engaged in now and what go here. having heard of them is of course, every pallet, every truck load of a matter is whether it's fluid, water supplies, medicine every little bit matters. but there is a separate question as to whether a mechanism like this is worth, what it costs and worth the amount of political attention and political support
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that's necessary to get off the ground. when the alternative is that same political pressure to be put on making sure round roots are open, which are more scalable, safer, able to transport much, much more assistance, more directly to people in need of. so this maritime cord, or if it, if it transports a, been great, but it doesn't solve the fundamental problems that are driving us the amount of time mrs. and i know is that it's your job to advocate for all of those things with the us government. what are you telling them especially, you know, as the humanitarian situation and gaza. woodson by the day, what are you saying to the us government and what do they say in response to? well 1st and foremost, what we're telling us government is that they need to be putting all of their energy and all of their political capital behind a cease fire. because there is simply no way to meet the immense and burgeoning
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needs of palestinians and gaza under this level of violence and with this level of humanitarian access. as, as he mentioned, at the top of this program, people in the north are either experiencing salmon or facing famine in a matter of days. what's needed there isn't just dramatically increased amounts of food which, which is needed. but you need broad medical interventions to a drill with deal with the kind of severe acute mel nutrition we're seeing particularly in children and baptists can't happen in a place that's under constant bombardment where people aren't allowed to go and we're health facilities aren't functioning. so our, our primary messages, all 8 routes and of course focus on the ground routes. now let's so, and it's maritime quarter. but we need to cease fi in order to do our jobs. and you know, given just how much is a steak for the 2300000 people in gaza, how does the us respond to your concerns?
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and so the us government now over the over the past months, month and a half is on record supporting a ceasefire. they're not clear that they're supporting a permanent ceasefire immediately. and i think that's getting caught up a little bit into the details of negotiations between the government of israel and how much but the main point of attention, they're the place, the that the us government hasn't been willing to go until late yesterday is to really make sure that all of the us is political and military leverage is used to push the parties toward a cease fire. and so push the government of israel to allow all of the, all of the assistance that people who you guys are so desperately need to, to move in. um and, and uh, i guess, and most of all, uh, just seeing what's on folding to prevents this major ground operation and rough uh, from, from unfolding which would be so, so damaging,
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not just for the people there who are living in fear, but for people all across the god, the strip would depend on rough up for a as a, as an 100 for humanitarian assistance. and so what we're hoping to see now is the us government further lean into that pastor and really do everything it can to de escalate the fighting, increased access to aid and push for a cease fire. scott: pool of ox from america. thank you very much for your time. is where the demonstrations have have blocked a road near the desert town of mits, favor mullen and southern israel, as they protested against the delivery of aid and to the gaza strip demonstrations . they have been holding sutton of scotland rocks across the road to stop the coast, including a trunks waiting to enter gaza. that's happening as is rarely obviously, this is a messing on the outskirts of adolfo, a lot
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of cost bonds. bethany deka is joining us now from the jordanian capital amman. and stephanie, tell us about the latest demonstration by his ways, against
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a going into gaza the yes you heard from some of the protest or is there are, these are right waiting, ideologically in line really with, you know, it's a more ben chavira and best law. smart trench, the 2 ministers in government that you've been hearing so much about. they don't want a to go into goals or they say it goes to have mass. a lot of these for testers don't want a to go to palestinians in general. uh, the get them ever sat in border crossing in the south where this is happening, close to that area is one of the main entry points for goods that hasn't had a go in over the last couple of days a, it was closed off to a have mass rocket attack, which kills for is ready soldiers. but now with this push these ready. but if you push on that alpha, uh, according to the united nation saying that's how this thing and workers can get to the other side of the costing to unload the goods to get them in. so you have a block there, you have what i saw, where you now have is really tanks, which has been a lifeline to get a trickle of aid. and if you will,
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over time that see nothing is really um, spokesperson government spokesperson yesterday came distrust that 60 trucks had gone into errors that is, in the north of the goal is to strip. but it is a massive issue. the americans also putting a lot of pressure on these ready government to get a, in fact to these res, only open deep vieira's border plus crossing when anthony blinking was here on the same day in a symbolic gesture, if you will, of appeasement to the americans whose since the attack or the world central kitchen aid workers, which included the american citizens of re upped the pressure on israel to allow more aid in uh to the policy. and it's very difficult, as you can see is of course very political. and then we've seen these protests over the months, really on and off of these right wing protest or is attacking a truck blocking the roads. and even just recently were here in jordan now because is, are all closed out as there is offices. so we have to report from here,
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but various jordanian a trucks were attacked and it's on their way to garza which was condemned dear by the jordanian foreign ministry saying israel needs to do more to ensure the aides that aid gets into gaza. stephanie, thank you very much for that. that is stephanie deca. joining us live from amman, a mazda delegation has now left carver to head to don't ha, i'm us as the is where the occupation of that awful crossing is aimed at. and blocking the efforts of mediation as an escalation, aggression in the strip. well let's get more on those tools. so i'll correspondence osama bin job at the sound of the on again off again towards seeing off again for now. but you see they're not really off again because no site is willing to call it such from us as saying that it is still adhering to what was proposed to it by the media to these are media, it is the united states, the countries as well as the injections we've been going back and forth struggling between these 2 sites, trying to get a truce on the table. and if you go back to last week,
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we were teaching on the edge of talks breaking down. and then you saw the announcement that by him us on monday that did agreeing to this truth, israel, which over the weekend had said just not sending it. indignation, said the americans, headquartered by surprise. it does not agree to these terms. and then it's got the shuffling of diplomacy being done by the director of the c a because he was in the heart that he was in israel. and now he's according to reports, and both the cairo and that's from there. they have mazda negation is moved out of because they see this as a prolonging as a stalemate by these reviews. because nothing seems to be moving on the ground. everything that they've agreed to has been rejected by israel. and it seems to be back to square one. yeah. and it's hard to imagine where to go from here because it's also hard to imagine how the c, i, a director, how the americans themselves would have put a deal time off that as well. wouldn't have been on board with some us increase to it as well said no, those weren't the conditions that we agree to. so again, we're to from here for the derivative in the details. essentially what was proposed
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to him, us was something that was put forth by israel, and this was a deal that was seen by many officials in april and israel. and you've got to look at what each side once from this as well. so it is not uncommon that before negotiations at every site is going to up, the ante is a, these are talking about the big mass of operation and rough. uh, they still have to balance that between a p using the right thing, a government members as well as dividing it restriction. so they've not gone out full scale in rough or but they're still carrying out operations inside roughly they've taken over the crossing. the seems to have time us, but benjamin destiny. i was increasingly coming to terms with the choice that he's going to have to make it sooner or later whether she has to, if he's been given, eat or bite. and that has to be the most difficult choice that he's had because his a student in power relies on this conference going on. he has to tell the world that he's committed to these talks by sending a low level delegation. he has to show his right thing
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a party members that he is essentially doing something in graphic. and he, after shall, by the end of the suppression, that he's not dropping the kind of bombs that we've seen earlier on the conflict and rough or is it yet? so it is a complicated situation. it is a nightmare for the mediators who are trying to go through these impossible hoops that are being set by both sides. but there's still hope on the table as the talks have not broken down yet a some a thank you very much for that that. so correspondent o'sullivan, javan. following those thoughts for us of us president joe biden says hale stopped the supply of weapons to as well. if it launches an orange attack and offer for weeks, washington has been pressuring his way upon mister benjamin. netanyahu not to send forces into the city. civilians have been killed and gaza consequences, palms and other ways in which they go after populations. i made it clear that if i go into rafa, i haven't gone on rough and yet they go on or off or i'm not supplying the weapons
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that have been used historically to deal with. well, there's already been a strong response from inside israel tube. items comments? find light, secuity, minnesota. it's a mob been because they have is one of the 1st in the cabinet to acknowledge the us presidents threats with a simple message on social media. he twisted him off hot bite and added a swipe band with is where the president isaac hit song said even when there are disagreements and moments so disappointments between friends and allies. the disputes shouldn't be resolved and assertion way edits be holding upon one of us to avoid insulting tweets that. com, the national security, and the interests of the state of israel. menache and klein is professor of political science at by 9 university and he's joining us live from west jerusalem. thank you very much for your time. this decline we know is the israeli government, as the war cabinet divided vandevere as noise incendiary statements for tweets. so
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they have a political impact domestically from him saying come off, loves biden. oh, thank you for having me. it's nice to feedback. of course it's all, it's all it most all about is about domestic politics. what president, by the force that the neo to do is school me think, suicide because the suicide actually choosing between by, by the bank. if you, if he tried to buy it though, then clear. most probably will leave the copy. let's look at the core edition is folding about and we face all the other actions in originally the know is supposed to do. so the specific a future is in the hands of been created and bring the vehicle the consent to operate it freely and gain more the color. oh,
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it's more but it because support on the account of the new out from the base spring that the no space from the right to link the base. this is the structure in between to right link extreme right. going to be this. that's that, that's in the back road full for what happened to it tries to have the neo, to pull the field and older and to control the damage. you know, way that the printer makes with the black driver, the relationship between the 2 states. but do you think, do you see any form out as a result of this tweet? any 4, not what the us again, the united states is, is used to seeing ben govea makes us comments, has been very critical. for example, of the limits of the sanctions limited sanctions that the united states has taken.
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for example, against is where the settlers is. that as far as i, as a, as i see a, the american up expression operates independently. they don't have high expectations for them for you or, and it doesn't, you know, they don't expect to be able to send been clear both prob and fire from the company that shows they think independent measures. it can be extreme is why do you need this? yeah, it's a huge measurement at this time. mister pon, do you think it's possible for nathan yahoo to keep the extreme rights and has coalition happy so that he can keep the government together? stay impala and also chief, but us on board? yeah, it's you succeed. you succeed as long as the day of the pressure of our from outside. he succeed. and actually in that re reset the week,
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he stopped me on the augusta president signed up and do a like that states do as far as i, i realize it is. be on that right. we demonstrations is really bang bang straits drew's of the feet. the demonstration stopped fulton, a few patients expanding the war and the is a minister of defense. trust them live with that. his bus, i live, but know that, okay, assume we will come in and that to be with you in the, in the door. so if, but then you know, would choose differently, you can make it, but i don't if he wants to go to choose another. can you write
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the nation kline joining us from west jerusalem? thank you for your analysis. are you guys following secretary david cameron was, has been asked whether the bushes government would hold weapons exports too, as well, if us president joe biden followed through on his threat the difference between the us situation case, the us is a mess. state license is significantly less than one percent of the own. we invest, there was a very risk and we have not received a
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correspondence full. brandon is joining us live from london and foreign minister cameron down playing. did you guys weapons transfers to as well, but especially being in the spotlight since the one gaza began with the government even being accused of not being honest about the scale and pull the yes, i mean the problem, the david camera and load camera and had here was this was billed as his 1st major speech since being recalled to government 6 months ago. it was billed as being a kind of speech where he would present a hotter edge for a tougher well and advocate a search of action on, on, on some of the points that he covered such as russian election influence. and it rained in. 3 into and squads here in the u. k. that was so you know, there's quite tough tool because of the chinese happening, for example, use right stuff on vast. but in relation to israel as bombardments of garza,
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the soft pebbles, i have to say i'm the rhetoric as was billed, didn't quite match what was actually coming out of his mouth. i mean, for example, he spoke about the coverage to at too many reasons have been found not to act on people kind of adopted. a defensive crouch was a direct quotes from what he was saying. and yet when he was pressed in the question and answer session at the end of his set piece speech, when he was pressed about what britain will do is in relation to supplying weapons to israel, would it follow, for example, the us present to buy it and in closing the supply of bones and alternative shells, for example, a little camera was like, oh no, well, we don't provide many to the any way we would prefer to in his words, hammer on about making sure that a get supplied. it was very much soft peddling from the foreign secretary didn't quite live up to the top choke that it was built before we before went into that room full. thank you for that full when and joining us live from london,
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the the moving on to the news. now new storms are full costs for brazil's flooded audio. get onto the solar region, as well as you say, the rain will make a rescue if it's even more difficult. will that a 100 people have been killed in the floods? a lashed america edited lucy and human reports on the ongoing relief efforts from the capital of the portal, a leg day for 4 legs as military cavalry field has been turned into an airport for helicopter street victims of unprecedented rain. we accompany a team of relief workers from the air. you can see what's left of a nearby city, submerged in water. the worst floods in the history of rio grande. it'll shoes a state larger than many countries. these firemen, a specialized and evacuations,
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and for state chopper lands just long enough to get one team out. and another one is to continue evacuating the 50000 people who lived here before the dead. that could come to the general in charge explains because of helicopters of the only way to reach many areas more dismissed. for many people didn't want to leave their homes, but a few days later then now asking for help, they have no food or water. so this means we have to fly in more than once to evacuate. people that makes that work even hotter. he's in charge, what they call the board room. here, all the armed forces, the local and federal military police, local authorities, and health services. a coordinating efforts to help survivors of the catastrophe, but what is missing to try to deal with the situation are large airplanes, which we normally see in natural disasters. and that's because there are no
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airports nearby and all the roads leading to this part of the country are impossible. right now. the government has committed an initial $4000000000.00 for the immediate recovery efforts. but preserves communications administered tells l g 0. that's only the beginning of september. we have 70000 people with nowhere to live and we have more than 200000. we have taken shelter with friends and family, which is unsustainable. and we don't know how long it will take for the waters to receive in 1941, it took 32 days today, the metropolitan area has less ability to observe water because of expanded organizations. in the meantime, many are living in high rise walkways like this one. first we went to the neighbors house because we felt the water. we didn't reach the but it did. then we came here to the what we, what, what the rescue mission still the priority. it could take a long time before many of the,
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nearly 1000000 brazilians impacted by this disaster, have a roof over their heads again. to see and human al jazeera worked on legs a brazil. this time for the weather he has car had low, they let start in south america, where rescue efforts continue across southern parts of brazil that have seen devastating flooding. now the skies may have dried rain has eased in recent days, but we are expecting it to pick up once again as another frontal system brings a torrential rain thursday into friday across those southern areas. if we have a look at the full cost for port allegra, we can see those sundry shows that on friday the heavy rain continuing on saturday . now behind that system that is looking crude for pots of chilly as well as odds and tina. we saw some unusual snow in santiago. the temperature is expected to come down there on friday to the mid teens. but ahead of that, it is a story of exceptional heat all the way from bolivia off across the north into
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places like venezuela and the heat continues across central america and the caribbean, mexico to get in the north thing, some very high temperatures. monterey, at $45.00 degrees celsius, it does come down to the mid thirty's, so on friday. but dry conditions are expected to continue all the way from mexico city to kind of killing lots of heats, continuing for nicaragua. it's for the south where we are seeing the west has weather for costa rica and panama of the next few days. the still ahead on the news, allah, thousands wave in palestinian. the flag floods sweetens 3rd largest city in protest of israel's participation in the eurovision song. contest will be live. and now my, [000:00:00;00] the in the solomon islands, the deadly legacy of world war 2,
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remain on the lounge. i just placed it and it exploded it. now i do this, see, they are literally this sense of taking time on this one. 0, one east meets the solomon islands, some counties capable that ended decades ago on, on to see if there's a next generation in the united states. they're not happy with what is happening in gaza. they're not happy with the u. s. foreign policy and that's why they're trying to make their voices heard. the administrators of each university really have a choice to either escalate and calling police be confrontational, or to actually listen to what their concerns are. city stream of people being arrested, wasted zip tie and cups and taken away many of the purchases we've talked to have said they will continue protesting until their demands are met. the
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the the you watching the news out of me and as the put on and don't have a mind to yvonne to stories the seller as well as continue to bombed alpha and southern gaza is where the forces remain in control of the main border crossing with egypt looking most through monetary and supplies as hospitals one particular on fuels demonstrations of stage decision on the road and sell them. israel protesting against the delivery of aid and to the gaza strip escapes and rocks across the valley to prevent a trunks from entering garza, the us president has sent a strong this message yet to is there any problem minister benjamin netanyahu? joe biden says he'll stop the supply of weapons to as well as if it launches an on
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to tack on and off. 5 thousands of people are gathering in the swedish city of mountain, most of the eurovision song contest. but the spot life is on israel with demonstrations, against its participation in one of the most high profile global music events. the city is rarely participant, was viewed by a crowd during the semi sign over his. those calls to expel it as well because of its one, gaza, were rejected by the organized sun, have led to protest and the pos washer was expelled after this invasion of ukraine . better roost was kicked out after a camp down on defense that spring and pool recycle responded in melma and pull it suddenly looks like a very large number of people have gavin this to show solidarity with palestinians and protests against your evasions decision to and search as well this, yes,
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the yeah, certainly, elizabeth, uh they organizes a fish demonstration, which is the 1st of all his plans in walmart today. i expect maybe around 50000 people to come here full of as much from across sweden and elsewhere in the world as well. and that's because, as you say, israel or competing in the 1st, you are vision semi final today in my life before the final is on a subsidized. now, that upsets here because the is riley and create a glum house for you to allow it to compete. and that comparing not with the fact that the, the russia has been gotten from your evasion after the war, a crane. i'm calling this decision by the european broadcasting union at bulk or c, c, a, b, u. the organizers has said, well, it's not a, it's not a political event. they claimed that site is rails. broadcasting organization hasn't broken any of the rules. they did ask,
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he didn't go on his lyrics to be tightened down from the original title of the song, which was of the type of rain as now hurricane to take out some of the more obvious references to the october 7th attacks. and israel joined, not by my habits. for them is one of the demons started to say, a member of the, uh, swedish, all the boy we called divestment sanctions air. and mom, i promise. well, 1st of all, why is it so impulse and not i'm sure such a, such a big thing to you. there's so many people are coming out to, to, to show that i want israel boy called you from this. what i'm so is there is but suspicion and participation in eurovision song contest is what we consider to be our warranty for the state of israel. and they use the book, proceed and allow them is read. the parts page was not a fluids in russia. days after it started this invasion and we're creating,
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calling it that would make the competition be and distribute while they prefer to be allowed to participate. not only that it's actively sensory opinion, speech this activities engineering, but a senior in simple lives. and we saw what happened with that excited 2 days ago, and we saw what's happening with them besides iris from distance yesterday where they did allows us from even having ceasefire written in iris or muddy makeup. 2 that the note today that the continued participation of people in the board that the students are going to be moving into in sweden up launched over the past few weeks, has been one of the sickening and the popular supports of is there is exclusions from your vision is messed with getting this done. now, it seems like maybe you have some more change that shewn about the reasons why they
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excluded russia. maybe just say the reason that happens exploited israel. some commentators have pointed to october, the 7th is maybe the difference between those situations. what's your response to that? well, my responses when he is allowed to participate was on the grounds that page with the, with the completeness in into disrepute. i, we task allowing you guys from 3 that is committing an active genocide against 2200000 people starving and murdering them. would not put the company to certain distribution, as well as the multiple calls by going to send you an academic and thoughts or boy to exclude is that from this competition, i've only been ignored. uh, multiple thousands of all this because this $4000.00 of them are more than $4000.00 for their to be done. hundreds of organizations was wide millions of people and spin. ah,
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is there it is allowed to put the scripting your right. thank you very much mama. is got in my pocket and goes well with the demonstrations tonight. now, as i said, this is the 1st of the demonstrations fun today. they were more plans for elia arena, where the semi final will take place as accounts a demonstration amongst the jewish community. so you em all might as well all of my cars will be on who we are, you know, lights or when he's and go on. this is riley entry to the ever since on kansas that sites the stage. thank you very much for that pool re life for life. and now more russian president that in the food and has month to victory day celebrations for the military parade in moscow. pollution said russia is trying to avoid global confrontations, but would continue to carry out nuclear drove the de mocks, the soviet union's victory over nazi germany. in 1945, i think a guy in your new book,
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this is that we reject the claims of any state or alliance to exclusivity. we know we're of such impressions, lead to russia, we'll do everything to prevent the global clash. but at the same time, we will not allow anyone to threaten us. our strategic forces are always on alert, dosage bomb, even thoughts from most close. as he made the comments during the ceremonies following this military for aid on a victory day. here it's the most important secular holiday in the country, flattery put and said that there is nothing unusual about these new cleared stuart drills. and they, at that they are going to be 3 parts to the test that it will be undergoing with the country's military forces. and as far as we understand it, based on information from the country's defense ministry, the 1st part of the nuclear drills involving tactical weapons have already taken place. the 2nd part of the drills are now going to involve neighboring fellow ruse . the fellow russian president alexander of the cushion co has been in moscow since
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wednesday. he has met with russian president vladimir putin into late last night. and this morning, president put some sets out. the 2nd part of these at tactical nuclear weapon drills will involve bellow roots. now they have to remember that's last year in the summer rush. and now instead, they are going to be moving some of their nuclear weapons to neighboring beller rooms and the bell russian president. welcome to move saying that it will serve as a turn smoothly to poland, which is part of nato. and they believe that this will strengthen their position when it comes to defending their territory now at the russian president set. that's the 2nd part of the drills are going to involve bela russian and military personnel . and the proper orders have been given to defense officials in that country. and we heard from officials over the past 48 hours in russia. that's the decision to test the countries at tactical nuclear weapons for the 1st time. it is as the
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direct results of the comments made by western leaders, mainly france and the united kingdom that sending troops to ukraine would not be out of the question as well. she says at least 8 people have been injured and the ukranian attack on the border city of belgrade. the governor of the regions had strikes damage to more than 50 apartments and buildings as well as cause. your client has repeatedly attacked, developed around since the russian forces invaded in february 2022 wash. as defense ministry set it destroyed 15, ukrainian rockets and drones and several regions. chinese president children, thing is in hungary for the final stop us. has your pen tool, it was received in budapest by problem is the victim old on china's invest of close to $10000000000.00, a manufacturing an infrastructure in the country. she said the 2 countries were looking to defend economic cooperation. his trip to hungary, mach 75 years of domestic relations between the 2 countries that spring along correspondence sorta how he's joining us live from budapest and president. she
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welcomed very warmly and hungry. i'm described as china's early friends in the you join us. yes, certainly an enthusiast to welcome to the presidency and the chinese integration from from new civics, real bad and these liberal governments here and under the parent. now talk to discussions up in the castle district over the i'm gary and government, of course is offered china lucrative investment opportunities for some time, not including generous subsidies to bill, things like electric vehicles. i did, it could be a full factory manufacturing plot. see, it looks like they, someone gary and somehow getting not worried about the unregulated environmental impact. the possibility of increased migration from china and these, but for 5 minutes, the whole band. this is a relationship along with the relations with the process of you know, to, for some time. also in the face of objections for these colleagues in the un nato, the e. u. currently on the verge of
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a potential trade war with china trying to de risk its economy away from cheap chinese goods and especially cheap chinese electric vehicles. so hungry to china and president cheese a useful butler against those sort of winds, coming from brussels of 5 minutes to all, but no need to happy to oblige. he's already a sold in brussels side. he's happy to take chinese investment, the frozen e u funds, and he's not too worried about the political consequences and certainly see finishing his european trip. you know, his 1st trip to the european union in 5 years on a high to the optics of this display as friendship are equally important to both the, those aren't they join us? yes, we know the one and it's about money. it's about business. it's about least 60 new deals we expect to hear about later this afternoon. possibly a new electric vehicle manufacturing plant by the great will motor company of china . but as you say,
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it's about politically positioning political optics. it's about presidency being able to congratulate these hosts in the hot to the european union here for their independence foreign policy for resisting what he describes is great politics coming from at brussels, essentially, exploiting divisions within the human sense. for the hon. gatherings for prime minister, full band. well, it's an opportunity to stand told as a leader in central european and tell brussels that he's not teaching this country speech it to the you alone, that he's perfectly willing and able to make friends with whomever he wants to form alliances, both east and west. jonah, thank you very much for that join the whole joining us live from budapest, a plane tearing 85 people on an international flight has skidded off a runway incentive goal. the boeing 73745 i off to coming to a stop at the cause. international air force was taking off a neighboring molly when the accident happened. that's all she's report. at least 10 people have been inches and the past hour the airport has reopened. and flights
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have resumed human rights watch has released report describing the situation and so don's west done full state as ethnic cleansing. it says crimes against humanity and being committed including torture and rape island. boswell as one of africa direct to the international crisis group. and he says international community must act to prevent so the atrocities from taking place. is this an amazing basically been forgotten? um i think um, obviously there's a warrant opposite going on now, which has taken up a lot of attention. but most of the crimes documented in this human rights watch report, which by the way, is a very impressive investigation report. most of those crimes took place, you know, before the war and gaza began. frankly, it would take very high level of political focus on trying to pressure those who are arming the various sides and have, and the actual belligerents themselves to stop this. obviously, many of the united nations tools are not very functional item so,
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so we'll just take, i think very high level of focus from where leaders and that's never been there. the violence in west r 4 has died down a bit, mostly because the, the, the pump, the monthly population is, has already been pushed out. the big concern now is that in the different part of our, for in north star for around the capitol of north to afford el faster. you have the rapid support forces who have recently in circle to that city. there's been an easy stand off for months. but the tensions have been escalating, you have the student use, it's the last stronghold of the student needs army in dar for. but you have another, a number of other arm to groups from these, from mostly the is the guy was another non area of our community. the concern is that leads to all out fighting. again, they are that we would see similar levels of a violence in already on the outskirts or we've seen several villages being raised . it's, it's, you know, they're already probably atrocities being committed, but it could get much, much, much worse hopes of finding some alive as from
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a building collapse in south africa fading as rescue work as dig through the rubble for a full stay. for the full construction book is that on accounting for 8, people have been confirmed dead emergency services had been in contact with the several people still in the building. but say they've gone quiet. the. i think the last 3 or 4 hours was really difficult for the teams because i need to go with one body. and you will see that the big machines that they've busy, but the goal, the lighting do they will fail from the top to the bottom off. so we've lost contact for 24 hours. so if any people inside we've managed to get the living that we had contact with last the night before. so it's, it's a price that we need to get to the bottom of this as quickly as possible and say, for we need speak machine to the head on the news. alan's point by noon explains a few, an optimal dramatic, nice in madrid, full actually coming off in just a few minutes.
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the the or the type of school which he as far as elizabeth, thank you so much around me enjoyed. we'll face process your payment in the seasons champions, league final, the spanish team being fired, munich to advance in a match that had plenty of excitement and controversy. so whole malik reports a round the goods and now just one went away from a record extending 15 champions, leak title, they be fine units the burn about to advance on a nice food with drama. i'm comfortable, right? general thing like the,
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the side to break the deadlock before the break with the time looked at tool from the 1st leg. the stalemate was finally broken in the 2nd half was around 20 minutes left. but it was by and not around the go the go, the same day, these making it 32 to the blended. unique aside, don't i go get it looked like that goal was going to be enough to send bind through only for jose lucas for that plan. the spanish international equalize with minutes left of the regulation 90. and then net to the game and stop each time the, the celebrations of hated because of the north side. cool. but often vol. check. the goal stood around the full 3 head over room. and in touching distance of the
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final there was to be more drama. however, possibly the most controversial movement of the tournament slow fall matches, delete the to deliberate things deep into injury congress. but the referee had already blown his with the prof. postables, of side defense. when was the most at all we. but because play had already been still as put the rules, the arch could not intervene. a closer look at the incident, however, bite the top is the broad cost of being sports revealed that mother always seemed to be on site joyce around and they went on to advance the absolute frustration for buying to have the guts to raise the flag in the city nation like this is a huge, huge, huge color and it's a wrong code. the rest already has the chance when he sees that we've been the 2nd ball and we've been the rebound and we get a shot that way within 5 seconds. he has the chance not to be so he takes the
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decision to whistle is against every road. i'm sorry, it won't allow me to repeat that. and there's also a spot on the system, raises the flag, the referee with those um, we stopped. the referee officiated the walcott final, he's high level. first of all that i'm is the funds pushed us for the stadium helps with a fantastic environment that the players comstock believing that it can be done. and it's something magical or you don't want to be in different task to go. the champions to be fine, happens on june 1st, wembley stadium rail will have to be to another gym inside breast enrollment if that to be champions 5 once again. so, hell malik, i'll just data by or elaborate using or looking to go $49.00 games and beaten when they face roma later on thursday, which would break the all time european records set by ben t gab between 19631965. chevy alonzo side haven't lost all season and they take it to no advantage. true to the 2nd, like i'm very rope league
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a semi final against the italians. shouldn't they avoid the fee, the bundle you champions? i'm to more li games and for playing in back to back got finals are not duly the the, the fonts most in fi. i'm will say no, fully as close to science have to celebrates and enjoy the season. it's special. what has happened. but for us, we have what to do, hopefully by the last week of the season, we will have to find those into 3 days or less of that is going to be very unique, but our job is to focus and to make that happen. and hopefully we will do that so that the science can enjoy it. that is, so that's what it is. you want to take, a torch journey has begun. it's marathon lag across france. the flame finished it's 12 day journey from athens to the port city of more say where the torch really begins. it's 11 week long trip across the country. about 10000 barrels will pass through more than 450 pounds. the voyage will end in the french capital with the lighting of the flame on july 26th to mark the start of the paris games. of a former interpreter,
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i'm japanese baseball star show here tanya has agreed to plead guilty to federal charges that he illegally transferred around $17000000.00 from the s leads bank accounts. under the deal i pay mitsu hara has agreed to plead guilty to bank and tax fraud. in a sports betting case, he was, prosecutors alleged 39 year old took money from attorney to pay off his own gambling debts. mitsu hara is also choose to calling bank officials pretending to be 0 county. the bank fraud charged carries a maximum of 30 years in prison. and the false tax return charged carries a sentence of up to 3 years. to all the new york knicks is jalen. prince and riley decide to went over the indiana pacers to take it to nothing lead and their best of 7, n b, a playoff series run since shrugged off and injury picks out from the 1st quarter, sparking a fight back in the 2nd half. he led the next to a 130 to a 121 with his home crowd chancing m b p. for bronson. the next are aiming to reach
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their 1st conference finals and see thousands. the series goes to indiana for game 3. this place has been nothing special for me, so i appreciate everything they do. so there's really cold here, but i just knew how to get my mind in the right place to figure out how is going to attack the 2nd half. well jalen bronson was beaten by serbian basketball star nichol. i yo kits. she won the n b 's most valuable player. this is the denver nuggets centers 3rd time winning the award in the past 4 seasons. only 6 other players in league history have accomplished the feats. now you don't usually see this too often in, in any challenge team in edmonton, oilers player and got a stick stuck in a vancouver as dakota. and josh was homeless. no penalty was given to monetize the account for the incident. but it did stop the games temporarily because i went on to overcome
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a 3 goal deficit to beat the oil is 5 4th punch game. one of their 2nd round series going to happens in vancouver on friday. okay, that is all useful for now back to you elizabeth, very much for that. japan, is this not hunting? send wales and potentially scaling that's commissioned waiting practices? are government spokes? person said, well makes is an important part of the japanese don't, isn't a culture loss to a japanese fisherman killed almost 300 wales from 3 different species, 2 of which are endangered us. and that set for me, elizabeth, put on them for this new solve and stay with us. we are back in just a few minutes for more today's news and we'll leave you with these live pictures from the swedish city of mountain, though, with thousands of people have gathered in protest of israel's participation in the eurovision song contest.
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the unique perspective. why should the doctors don't get to have a say in any of the medical workforce has been so undervalued by the british government? from time on hub voices. tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we? the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream on al jazeera now is the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but it was not a jew, israel's a state. and they need to be treated as any other state. what, this is where the tough questions are, as can you see negotiations being even happen? this is the most important one. so if you're going to and bushy poles,
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unapologetic, i'm just awesome. upfront on out here, this is a frontline where there is little life. after more than half a year of hostilities that began when hezbollah opened up a front to help it's like from us in casa, we are traveling with members of the united nations peacekeeping force. they're on patrol with lebanon's army. we are here to support them and these government to take control of the situation. but the army is not the dominant force here. has the law has a strong presence even before this late, this confrontation, nearly 100000 lebanese, have left their homes and livelihoods. it's a similar situation on the other side of the border, who says the cost of or official say last that are already in the billions of dollars. although the concept is still large and contained in the confines of the, for the region, has been lost, as the conflict won't end until there's
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a cease fire in casa, but possibly not even then. because isabel is threatening a wider war if border security doesn't improve the 10s of thousands of palestinians, the displaced again as well. attacks causes tell the most regions alpha as protests to stay decision on the road and sell them as well. blocking trunks, caring desperately need an aide from reaching casa, the know on elizabeth put on them, and this is elena 0 live from don't. how?


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