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tv   Talk to Al Jazeera Giorgos Gerapetritis  Al Jazeera  May 9, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm AST

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says all that is left, people are digging through debris and twisted metal to find any one left alive in debt for thoughts, the entire gossip population of 2300000 people do not have enough crisis escalating and detail coverage as well as prime minister relies on foreign ministers to stay in power, they want the raft results to go ahead, define them, and then you know, who could be out of office, or the ties between greece and israel have strengthened in recent years despite a long history of supporting the palestinian cause. relationship fuels in part by a shared mistrust of another regional power to a kid. but in light of israel's war and. busy greece is now forced to play the role of critical friend, while the same time advancing a full blown and confrontation with his old address re. i'm correct. join me need falk over the next. how often?
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how i squeeze this for administer. your go scatter for treatise talks to i, which is the go square, patrice as welcome to talk to l, just so pleasant, and no, no, thank you for the invitation. they were staying on the precipice of a potential, full blown is rarely invasion of rough and southern gaza, causing huge concerns about the implications on the she found this area and situation that had the civilian population that so much so that even the united states, the storage i live is around as urged as route to show restraint as another ally of israel. what conversations are you having with your history, the counterpart, specifically about rafa and the conflicts when you're in the library? i thing you will have to be very honest, very open, very from instance here. so our main point is that any sort of invasion to rafa should be avoided and prevented at the moment. there is
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a huge combination of the population in the roughly it's a very overcrowded region. and any sort of invasion could close that dramatic humanitarian crisis, which we need to avoid. so our advice is that these should be prevented by any possible means whether i really want to say is that at this moment, we're just not the very crucial johnstone. it's a difficult situation that we're encountering because of the overload of on their own speech. feet spillover effects in the region, we have the situation in lab and none of the situation in syria in the red sea. obviously we had things eventually they'd, on both of these very moments or pot. this needs to have a very high level of uh, set for say, talking about stuff the strain. this must be an incredibly difficult diplomatic position. the grease has been put in recently to quotes. i'm in a security echo, so it's a practice. back in november, said of israel, quote,
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sometimes friends have to speak hard truths to friends that was 5 months ago. has this sort of been listening to any of those truths? why do i have to say, is that in this position you have to be very open, but you have to be a room based a lot. yeah, i think and just from the very 1st day we had the opportunity to be very open, but also very principles in our policy. we didn't take any side. what we said was that we need to the social shapes. the 3rd is the thoughts, the from us organization from the promising and people we said that the ease, ryan is had the rights to defend themselves. but we think the boundaries of humanitarian law and all their all international law. we said that the horses just should not be kept because this is the time it gets any sort of international law using people us too much sense. and what we also said was that we need to minimize
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to the maximum, the civilian losses. obviously all of these, we're not sure, but the, the international community has these lots of goods. the point here is it needs that we have to be as pressing as possible in order to implement the eventually the, the hold of the facilities at the moment. what we're claiming for is that on the students' needs to believe that there is a credible way out. and this is why we're fully supporting the 2 state solution ways, according to their distribution distribution shop there. i think we've come from of the united nations. we used your ocean, that mazda a competency to of the other side, state. and of course, with the pre, 1967 borders. the thing is now that the whole community, the whole international community, next to exercise the maximum pressure upon the parties in order to reach an agreement that they really appreciate what cutoffs and egypt and other art up
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states are doing. and the efforts of the european union, how convinced all those goals, partners, our states? i mean, obviously you were here in the region to speak to, to permanent figures. how convinced all those partners here in the middle east and further feel that you are willing to push israel as far as you possibly can on this at the moment? is there a reason? i think a consensus was in the european union partners that we need to have an immediate cease fire and we need to further develop our humanitarian needs towards palestine . there is a consensus on uh, on this point and i don't think there is um, any divergence. what we need to do is to find the actual modes in order to exercise further pressure on their partners. and i'm speaking both for the i'm us and uh for each right. um, i seen each of us with some photos at the moment to move that we joined efforts because there are a lot of funding left which taking place the the uh,
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there is the we need to do. there is a good opinion and you said things are on their medical and you said we didn't have to actually combine all of those part on the left. what's in order to have a single efforts to be more effective and meaningful. i wonder if we kind of focus on that. you are a p initiative. speaking of the harvard center for your p and studies last year, you said that quote, global governance needs to be based on principles, not just international standards of law, but coherent and consistent policy on a matter of consistent policy. the use dressing with speech has greece being consistent in defending international, more and gaza. as you add the e. u has been when it comes to the war and ukraine and russia's invasion. i take that to imply that we have double standards, but the thing is that when it comes to breeze, we have a very strong principles for the policy. we have exactly the same standards when it comes to me, the least or to ukraine or to have such
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a hard and not freak out any other sort of conflict. they both something is here that we fully abide by international law. we fully abide by the rules and more of a sofa, uh, international humanitarian law. and we have come on standards. the thing is, 1st step, we need to actually conduct any sort of aggression and the trustees that there is a lot of aggression coming from various a sort of stadium knocks us. secondly, what we need to stretch either is the human dignity is up to the top of our priority. again, i have to serve as a point that we cannot accept the loss of civilian people, but at the same time we cannot accept in any. busy way that keeping costs of disease or practice in order to get the leverage to have uh, international benefits. what i'm saying is that we apply on international law standards. we have to be stronger, but also we have to be as pressing as possible. what we really locks is the
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implementation of, of our basic beliefs, because because the trustees need that international law in these respects and the international associates, we actually picture when it comes to me please, but also to ukraine cost fades in my eyes. there is no case of doubles thunder and sniff. um, what i have to say is, is that we are totally against any sort of aggression. there is no aggressions up could be tolerable only when someone defense that it's uh on here. when it comes with defense of state authority and integrity, it's silver in 3. when it's about the 2030 in law, only, then we have a principal policy. and they have to say that when it comes to they going to be in union. and especially when it comes to race, i think we have a very strong single strong those policy when it comes to ukraine. when it comes to um the list from the very 1st time. and we said that there is a rights to simply fence for his rent, but at the same time we cannot accept any sort of disproportionate reaction. and
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according to just something it on the disproportionate reaction that you like the, i mean house, for instance, germany. the powerhouse is economic powerhouse. a viewer has its bowling chips support for israel over the years with huge amounts of ministry, supports the tickets, right. how about complicated your relations steal aspirations for? peace in the region is not complicated. greece is relationship with by that. um exactly, because we have a very principles policy when it comes to let me listen. if we are able to talk to all interested parties, a, please wait a moment, we can speak to the is ready to affiliate officials as well to the from the senior officials. we speak to uh, jordan, we speak to the number we speak to egypt. we speak to obviously to our uh, gold spots and as we speak to all parties here, we have us uh, should be into a suit. should germany be showing with strange? i think that was the question i'm trying to was windows to remodel view as we're
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talking when it comes to jim. suppose that his rep, billions of dollars in naval vessels are talking about some marines and vehicles. explosive device is not to mention tank, an aircraft pause. what does it mean to you? the e u. made weapons are being used in this theater of war in gaza with such a devastating consequences. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's how it ought to do it. uh, guns are produced in order to prevent any sort of course that is in order to be used as a defensive mechanism. and in order to prevent the international security, many human rights groups say, those weapons being used in goals are to indiscriminately and disproportionate be killed. do you believe israel's war and gaza is indiscriminate to? i've seen that there has been a, a disproportionate defense here. i think that the best tool is huge is, should not have happened, but obviously when, when uh, the other party,
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you know, who is using people as human shields. it's very difficult to operate any sort of defense. on the other hand, what i'm saying is that we should prevent any sort of of, uh, cvd and mostly is what i'm suggesting is that by fueling the conflict by continuing this on hindu, unrestricted flow of web re, i'm a from a prominent e u member states surely is not going to lead to peace to pull the right lever in order to urge israel to step away from its current trajectory would surely mean doing something more affirmative. the clearly we need to do a sort of the things of these of the is run, we need to be more pressing. we have discussed these during our, for the 1st comments in the, in luxembourg. and i think we would find ways to, to be more pressing the forthcoming for failure for right now, for a comes in, in,
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in process where we're going to invite the is ready for administer. and we're going to hear how the situation is from. she's your point, the truth is i, i think that there is a, you know, limited and are straight to this point. there's going to need me to him on the european union partners. thought this very moment. the war needs to stop and we should allow further space for diplomacy to prevail and we needs to provide a vision to the front of thing and people swear to the states solution. in april 2021 is running grease. you signed your biggest defense procurement deal to you. i mean, the deal includes this $1650000000.00 contract to train the greek air force. 5 is where the defense contracts are a bit systems as over a 22 year period. that's a serious commitment between greece and israel. will you, will government be reviewing those military ties in light of what we're seeing in the, in the middle east and the is ready, oregon. and to be honest name,
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i don't think it's the time to actually revisit our contracts in our strategic partnerships. i think the moment is here to 2 minutes to 3 minutes what message does not send in terms of your commitment to piece. and the reason the commitment to peace is our principal auto duty to uh, uh, to claim for, for a ceasefire to claim for a friendly reminder 30 need to be a sincere me the to was because the truth is nowadays that countries like greece is more useful never the same was cathartic because we aren't able to talk to both parties know, find countries come talk to both countries. and this is the outcome of our route based policy. obviously we, let's start digit partnership with caesar, and we'll have them carpet. there's a nice thing, it is important to have so that the dick alliances in uh, in the region. but these cars not prevented us from being very strong and very thoughtful with these. right. how would you explain the growing closeness between
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greece and israel and recent years off to rule previous greek governments? i think it's fair to say have been very sympathetic to the posting cause i mean the back of 1982. it was greek ships that was sent to bring the p l. o leader. yes, to her fax to athens. what's happened over the years? nothing. we still have a excellent relationship with the big states and especially with the palestinian authority from the very 1st time what we said was that we should prevent any sort of dealing with these ational for, for the 1st thing in the forward to one of the major problems now is that we do not have a credible interrupt from the public opinion side because in the course of the will, there has been a demoralization of the policy and i'll forward it to you from the very 1st day. we said that we would like to see the policy you know, forwarded to being a credible discuss once we think that the palestinian authority represents the policy and people. and this is why i myself visited my line and i hosted the for in
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minnesota. and i have 2 laptops with the high level of the political leadership in palestine. we have an excellent relationship, we fully support them. we have provided you with some extra money tied in support and we intend to be again, i am saying this. we intend to be very honest with the tours in these uh, toner mind. i ask about the garden closeness between greece and israel because the p is too many out of this looking in from the inside. that's that relationship is based upon a shed, mistrust off to you and correct. it's no secret. of course. he remained at all just over the territory of the status of cyprus. the list goes on to 1st of all, i'd like to say that agrees voltage things say well are all for for the cease fire . and the further they for many, $30.00 and $8.00 during the, during how somebody or for, for the united nations. and we've produced together we produce with the allies,
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the resolution to stop listing that there's and provide further humanitarian aid. now, when it comes to international politics, i have to tend to go very frankie, neve, that we do not follow any sort of transaction. i'm going to say what reply is that we have some joint interest with is rarely because we, we go against the, to the key. this is not the case. i have to tell you this on 2 grounds. first, as a matter of principle, because what we do has nothing to do with getting any collateral benefits. from my 1st day in the for the ministry, i said that i would follow it very well based policy, a very principal policy, and i have for the abided by this. so i do not expect to have any gains from my country's policy. the cert from the thing is that uh now we are in the state of improving our relationship with duty. we have done that lots of significant steps in order to mitigate our tensions. the truth is that in the last
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year we have made it to actually reduce tension in the broad the region. we have made it to develop a positive agenda. i never have never less talk to you yet. has continually accused you of minutes rising the june as an other one's words, it's not happening. so someone would have to say that uh, the uh, restrict key relationship is based on international law. it's not something that is determined by the voluntary is to do the venue of those states or international law explicitly proclaims that uh the the, the islands, the agree and not allowed to belong to greece. there is, um, a line. busy of uh, items uh that uh, protects it fully protected by international law. reese is exercising the full legitimate provides to defense the island sense of defense of the country. it's obviously when you have a huge army just by crossing them in a couple of minds,
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these funds, you need to be very well prepared. having said that, i need to say that we are working for peace and i think we have strong explicit evidence that we uh, 150 to be close to us. and indeed, our prime minister mutual talk is, is going to long cut on the 13th of may. we're going to have a very productive dialogue. this is coming in the after months of full spreads and they're the ones visit to athens of the 7 hope this of the 7th of december last year. we signed and very important to both from, from the point of view of this importance from nature as well. as from the practical viewpoints and political decoration indicating good for neighbor realizations and friendly supplemental funds. so you, if you could definitely cool this in your eyes, very much our approach mom. but still as i mentioned, underlying tensions remain when the recent days took. you describe the decision to designate parts of the gmc on iron. you can see as greek nature pox. they say
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you'll simply exporting issues to push your geo political agenda, namely to a so a control over the entire region is all greece is doing that. no, because as i said, we're not doing any transaction, i'm totally fixed to start with. what we're doing is just to preserves our environments and, and to nature's environments. last week we had the very successful reunion. 9 please. we have the nines, our ocean conference. it's a huge conference about the preservation of authors and oceans worldwide. we have $125.00 delegations from around the world. it was very important. catherine, we had about 400 commitments amounting to about 11000000000 euros bureau is about among all commitments as well as the establishment of the 2 box in greece, running the army into wandering. the gmc, what we're saying is that to those bach, we'd be devoid of that. in short, we'll find nonsense rotation. you know that exactly. to preserve the sustainability
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of the water environments in that region. this is clearly within the shop runs in silver and right. so for the, for grease that has all those get beat them up. so please allow me to consider that there was another reaction concerning this declaration from, from us. but we have here to agree on something which is important when it comes to environment of sustainability. we cannot to do a politics and environmental sustainability is a need for they can monitor if these are global challenge and if it takes them some brave decisions and we're going to make those rate is in the interest of smoothing tension. so using tension. so with your lodge historical neighbour, of course, you've had many tension, so many use would it be prudent to reduce your military presence in the likes of the island of costs? for instance, according to, to k, a. m, you know, under the 1947 peace treaty,
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there shouldn't be any greek troops there in the 1st place. not in my eyes. this is a misreading of the truth is it allows you to know i'm, i'm, i'm a lawyer and then they're making, they can read, treat this the trophies that we preserve the necessary military in order to defend ourselves. and i think there is not a single person that would concede the lease would cover any sort or for, for offense investigations against the to with you. um we are a relatively small nation, but um, you know, that we have to defend ourselves. we have to exercise a fully fledged policy or for, for a national defense. and this is where we're going to do a um, in an ideal words, i would say is that obviously we wouldn't need to have any arms. but given the fact that there is an army surrounding us from various neighborhoods, i think that it's necessary to have a strong, okay,
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and just have an army also spend perhaps more than any of the country or many, many countries. i mean, back in 2022, greece was spending more in defense than any other country as a portion of g d p. well, those are the 2 percent special required as a, as a nato. remember, in your opinion, continued to be money well spent given recent economic term or increase? of course the country is recovering well, but never the less is this money well spent fuel focus? there are 2 questions here, whether we're doing when and whether we should do any notion of the different spending. so i would say it's a lot to have to start with. what i suggest is yes or having a national defense expenditure, which is above the average. and i have to tell you that this is a totally explicable if someone reads history. unfortunately, we're not the luxembourg and we're not living in a very peaceful neighborhood. and the trustees that we have to be very well
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prepared, greece is a country with the greatest c shaw in europe. we have a very loud c, so we have to defend our islands. we have to defend our region. so obviously we need to do some additional national defense spending, whether this is well deserved. i will tell you that this is a democratic summons if the electron says that it's money, what spends they need these web spending? these governments has for the 2nd consecutive time, a huge extra victory over 41 percent of the elect sort of voted in favor of our program. so i will tell you that there is a photos respects of our program. now on the other side of the core, and i would say that the fax that police is doing extremely well in the economic sector and allow us to just invest not on the obviously national defense,
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but certainly now there are aspects in uh, associated state and also in investments, greece is expected to have the growth rate of 3 percent next in these kind of year 2024 was bigger ego, but it's going to be 0.8. so you can see that we have a 3 time i pray to do the fees and on bruce is on other states. so we are allowed to do some spending. and indeed the maximum of our spending close to social needs and investments. what, what does it, what does it mean to you? to no longer be perceived as the economic sick mind of your, to this a good store of self confidence, to start with the trustees that we have the huge start balance. we have the 10 years or full file stated the policies we have, we had we, we were very close to actually get out of the group. and you know, because of our fiscal situation, and we have to go through a series of, of a very unfortunate incidence,
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including the persistence of population we increase population uh, gathering a very difficult situation. one step away from the european union. we model survive and nice thing breaks people's folds up and high level of maturity too. and when it came to the crucial of 2019 elections, the people voted for the government that would bring box res into normality and bring back fries into the european farming. and now were very proud to say that we have 5 significantly to refuse style depths that we have significantly increase our 2 to be and we have a board approval. we have a very sustainable environment for investments. we have a 35 percent increase on exports and we have a 30 percent increase on direct for any investments. and i'm probably going to say that some can know some companies have come to greece and the last 5 years,
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including the pfizer will be amazon meta uh, the only invest increased because they think that rece provides a very strongly foundation for investments. and i would like to actually quoted for through go trying them to potentially investors to check out the grease because this is going to be the economic meet our goal in terms of investments or in the future. probably briefly last question. i want to put this to you because you seem very, very aware of the need for diplomacy. the need to ease tensions. that is part of a difficult time. how optimistic all you of the europe that we know remaining stable. so we have a problem next. and the problem is that, um, there is unusual for, for the way we take decisions with decision making. mechanisms and international organizations seems to be quite obsolete at the moment. what happened was in the afternoon of the 2nd world war, we had an international uh, uh,
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not where we have to get together. but we had to develop also a national voice with international organization. then that led to the victor rights policy and the security council of the united nations and choose a european union. victor right? possibly has been a huge snag in order to gets to where to adoption of decision. and i think this is going to be the problem for the years to come. the fact that we have a, a, an international decision making quits, prohibits the states the international uh, organization from taking decisions that are resolved. so we ended at cookchildrens russian and we have 2 visits. that way we take decisions and above all, we have to put the, the, the global, the above the, the states we have to seeing more of the future. we have to think more about the
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generations to come. we have to think about shared challenges, such as the climate crisis, the food and security. and we have to think about the children of yoga scatter. patrice this, thank you for talking to how just if people have funding the and i'll just say around brings you in depth analysis the so comply take now what has been exposed to many of those companies that failed so miserably on that day. they said residency fail us selling and testing with anything down. so as we speak, these really speak. here's the right to do with every one's. know we're giving each don't finish and know the fact that each route is at the international court of justice shows how much deeper than nothing you on this goes nothing you on whose success it may be better, maybe was, but it's the one has to address that suspended,
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stay with us for the latest developments on out jesse era. the . ringback the, it's a scolding and taiwan, but it's too dangerous for peoples of this school in one in to return to class. for pin is needed here. quick cost more than $6000000.00 toilets. and this is just one of those are, this is public buildings damaged by an earthquake. some residential buildings are also beyond repair. this apartment building was one of the most severely damaged. it needs to be demolished before it completely collapses. despite the $7.00
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magnitude strength of the earth quake the damage is relatively contained. so let's say that's thanks to taiwan is designed to prepare this, including it's strict building. the on the you're watching the news, our life from headquarters. in delta, i'm getting you navigate, here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes, no water, no food, and no where it's safe to go, but that's whole rises in gaza as thousands of displaced policy. and slee is really strikes on the city of stuff off desperately needed, aid is blocked from entering, garza is really protest or stage a sit in have soft trucks from crossing into. the strip also had
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the will be live for mom own sweet.


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