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tv   The Lead With Jake Tapper  CNN  May 9, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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it is clinically back to promote healthy liver function so that nothing is holding you back. >> i'm natasha bertrand at the pentagon and this is cnn cnn breaking news we have breaking news right now. the judge in donald trump's hush money coming rep. is considering several motions for the defense and rule rule at any moment on mr. trump's motion for mistrial the judge has also just denied mr. trump's request to modify his gag order. >> a cnn chief legal affairs correspondent, paula reid is here along with jeremy saland,
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a former her prosecutor for the manhattan da's office. while we watch for these defense motions to play out here's one of the things going on. roshan is saying of susan necklace y-intercept, you wouldn't have object to the mention of a condom? i don't understand this is because susan nechele less said that it was a dogwhistle to mention that donald trump had sex with a stormy daniels allegedly, although he disputes it without a condom, a dog whistle for rape some of the headlines coming in from the courtroom right now is the judge discusses this motion for mistrial. the judge said and going back to the very opening statements, mr. blanche the defense attorney, and your opening statement you denied there was ever a sexual encounter between stormy daniels and the defendant, and that is the point that he's raising their of paula reid and jeremy. is that you didn't by denying it, you put her credibility at issue and by doing that, you open the door for the prosecution to ask her
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to tell the story. is that right? and then when there were certain details, you didn't like about using protection, you didn't object. >> and it's interesting, the judge revealed that he's going back and actually reviewing the transcript. he looked at the whole transcript from tuesday and he said he was satisfied with what came in. he admonished them for not making more objections, so it doesn't appear so they're going to win on this motion for mistrial. we didn't expect that it's something they have to do, but it doesn't look good for them right now they're not winning. >> and i think your point, paula, he's going back because we've made the transcripts. he's certainly on top of his game. he knows what they said and didn't say. and again why didn't you object to this point? you didn't object to it and then you open the door to start out of the gate. that's on you? >> i am no attorney but it does seem a fairly obvious, nice. a knee-jerk reaction? objection that she says he didn't wear a condom. object like a like what? there's not going to be a punishment that there's i'm sorry. go ahead, paul yeah. >> i'm interested. hear your perspective because i do think
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that it's possible that she was focused on a few different things because she was preparing for this cross is managing her client, but this is her job to pay attention to them multiple times though, when trump had to kinda tapper and nuts her to object. >> but it is a glaring omission. there's times when a judge will actually take it upon his or herself say sustained. got to pay attention. you got to pay attention, but you can be multitasking. i get that. but when you have this client in this form and this that much, it's date. you're on that a game and you're also not one attorney. you have multiple attorneys who could be assisting. you're doing other things. object the objective, jack. >> and in fact, as you suggested the motion for mistrial was just denied by judge merchan. here's mr. trump, the defendant. let's listen to what he has to. so what happened? >> i don't think we have to do any excellent explaining. i'm not allowed to anyway, because this judge is corrupt he is a corrupt judge. this judge what he did or what page ruling was is a disgrace everybody. so what happened today? he's a corrupt judge& is totally
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conflicted and i got to get back into camp hey, trail. >> i'm not supposed to be here. we are so innocent. there's never been anything like agreed. every single analysts legal analyst i'm interested and i'm being held in this court with the corrupt judge who's totally conflicted. take a look at his conflict. it's a disgrace to the city of new york the state of new york, and to the country. >> thank you very all right. >> the defendant, donald j. trump saying that he doesn't have to talk about what happened in court because everybody saw and he went after the judge, juan merchan calling him a corrupt judge. and we should note, jeremy and paula he's allowed to go after the judge. the judge is not covered in the gag order. so probably his attorney said, just don't
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talk about stormy, say whatever you want about the judge, and go go forth. yeah, that's exactly what he did. >> right. get it all out. your system. take it all out on one more son, but he's insisting and that he is a corrupt judge. there's no evidence that he's a corrupt judge. they have objected to him overseeing this case because of work, but the judge's daughter does on behalf of political political organization that creates adds four democratic politicians, including adam schiff, but that is not something so far that is prompted him to have to recuse himself from the case when i was in that courtroom i saw no evidence that he was biased. in fact, he sustained a lot of objections. and again, i go back to his ruling on the alleged violations of the gag order. he seems to view this in some way that yes. trump does have some political speech and they have had awda wins under this judge. >> and we should also note that donald trump i'm also said in that little speech, he just delivered that he was innocent and again, by saying he's innocent, that kind of feeds into one of the reasons why he is so mad because by denying that anything ever happened,
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they put stormy daniels credibility at issue. and the prosecution could then open the door and say, tell us your story, which has made him very, angry. >> yeah, i'll tell you this much. he's not he's not done at the chutzpah to getting that courtroom and say that on the stand, he's like a sandy this on the stand? because he would want to file and run a muck and find himself cross-examine and impeached in ways that he can never fathom. and it's really i had a biddle response when i hear him speak and i can't stress enough and i said it so many times in that courtroom, he says guilty as you are innocent until proven. of course, reasonable doubt when he steps out of the courtroom, what he says is so despicable& so undermining of the criminal justice system and the foundation of our country, that he should stop running his mouth. people should stop allowing him. it'll maybe blanche would actually objecting the courtroom and stand silent like he's standing next to his client outside the courtroom. much better place, donald trump, a butyl, much better place. >> but what do you, what do you find specifically? what do you find despicable the accusations that the judge is currently matter what happens in that courtroom, unless it goes his way and we've seen this in the previous case, right in a civil
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matter with the attorney general's office he comes out in the attack. the system, of the criminal justice system attacks the judge any undermines the credibility of law and order. and if that's the bar that people are now going to have, that's really problematic for the next first thing that comes to mind sick, donald trump said this. donald trump did this. so why can i he was far more agree just and hizon the credibility of law enforcement you are innocent and bite your case in that courtroom, do whatever it takes. but stop saying this out of the courtroom. stop. >> you have this pulpit and people listen and imbibe upon it and consume it like they do. >> it's dangerous and i'll tell you what if people are seeing this and say, i'm gonna do that if i ever get in trouble with the law they're going to find out that they're going to be treated much harshly your system to is my challenge defense down no. you
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have no grounds for mistrial? no. i'm not going to modify the gag order. >> first of all, let's just remember, judge, merchan has a great reputation. he is known to run a tight courtroom that he has as judicious temperament and that he is very fair to both sides. i think paulus had a little bit earlier today that trump's team has gotten a lot of wins with him. i think it's also important because it goes back to stormy daniels testimony the fact that look, we don't know. let's see what the jurors take away from it. but stormy daniels testified that donald trump didn't seem to care about his wife. these are some of the details that trump's team was. is now objecting to that. they slept in separate rooms that he didn't wear a condom, that he didn't ask her at the time? to keep it confidential those
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points are critical to the case that the prosecutors are making. >> that maybe he was concerned about his family, but the two weeks before the election, what trump was really concerned about was the election that goes to the fraudulent business records and jamie, we heard testimony from madeline western trump's former personal assistant at the white house were told she cried a little bit on the stand. trump insiders say she's putting essentially an important witness because just like hope hicks, she she she was privy to a lot. she saw a lot at the white house i think her testimony was actually fascinating. >> once again, this is someone who is not a hostile witness to donald trump. in fact, the only two witnesses that i think that we're going to see who were hostile to trump would be stormy daniels. and when he takes the stand, michael cohen, but her testimony was fascinating because she was
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able to testify that people at the rnc, were rattled. were panicked after access hollywood that sets the stage which for why there would be the concern and the payment at the end of october. she also however, when the defense got up under cross she talked about the relationship between donald trump and his wife melania, and there was one quote here that i thought was great. >> he said there was really no one else who could put him in his place. >> she's talking about melania he was my boss. she was definitely the one in charge when someone gives that kind of testimony, you have to wonder the jurors it's very credible. so she's not hostile. she's saying something nice about the relationship and the family. on the other hand she's giving the
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context that donald trump micro-managed everything was on top of every detail and the people were rattled about access hollywood all right. >> jimmy, again, gael, thanks so much. appreciate your insights in just a moment, i was inside the courtroom today. i'll show you what i saw as donald trump trump's defense team tried to pick apart testimony from adult film actress and director stormy daniels, a key witness for the prosecution, trying to prove trump himself, knew about the false byd records, trying to hide this hush money payment to hide the alleged affair. we'll be right back the only go, daddy arrow helps you get your business online in minutes with a power bi with the perfect name great level& a beautiful website. >> just start with the domain a few clicks and you're in business make now the future at slash arrow, they slept on me for 15 years here's things i collected, pollen, dust, dander all that time. they could have protected me. mallory's mattress
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pregnancy and after surgery, coli he's increases water in the stool making it softer. so it's easier to go. no harsh laxatives, cramping or straining coal i'm kevin lived ttac at the white house and this is cnn closed captioning bronchi by meso are firm only represents mesothelial of victims and their families. if you or a loved one who has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, call us now welcome back and we are still in manhattan after a fascinating day inside the courthouse. courtroom 59, where donald trump's hush money cover-up trials ongoing i got to go there today. i spent hours and court watching mr. trump or the back of his head. the days key witness, stormy daniel's the legal teams, judge, joan were sean. he often held his head in his hands like lists the jury, i'm a failed cartoonists to happen to have an ipad along with me, along with some art software so since cameras are not allowed in the courtroom, i decided to show
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you what i saw the best i could. arts interpretive, obviously courtroom sketch artists, masterworks like jane rosenburg, her, her works awesome, although look, if you look at this picture from work from my see, and she had a better seat than me from my seat donald trump never was looking directly at stormy daniels. that's not what i saw from where i was sitting to me. it looked more like this sketch done by artist christine cornell, where donald trump is looking straight ahead at the judge or the monitor in front of him? not directly. it stormy daniels, who's off to the right. and again, i was sitting in the cheap seats. they had better seats and they're better artists as well. >> but let's walk through this. so you can see former president trump on the left. he's leaning back in his chair, emotionally expressing discretion less, staring straight ahead instead of looking off to the right, we're stormy was on the right side. she's on the standard the bottom right. that's trump's lawyer, susan necklace. she was questioning daniels, so it's kinda like at a podium they have there for whoever is the lord doing cross a redirect for
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the jurors, which would be on the right, but i didn't draw them because i'll get in trouble watching that cross-examine when nation was like watching a tennis match or game of ping pong, constant back-and-forth. for the most part, stormy daniels was mostly serious business like she was grilled by the defense with questions about whether she profited off her relationship with trump, questions about her credibility there are a lot of moments like this one i'm trying to depict in this picture here where she's looking with a witness, looks at the screens. there are a lot of screens throughout the room slightly fewer cops, but also a lot of cops throughout the room susan nechele is accused stormy of having said she would be essential integral to trump going to jail. stormy said where did i say that? nicholas showed this tweet were a trump supporter called her a human toilet, and she said she would be the perfect one to flush the orange turkey. i don't know if we have that tweet, but it'd be great to show it in court today. the former president there it is, making the best person to flush the orange her down the court today. the former president would occasionally turn in, whisper to his attorney, todd blanche at one point, trump was writing
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on a notepad the prosecution and defense sidebar, with judge merchan, a lot of times while i was in court and it was really weird because all you don't see pictures of this and note we're not allowed to listen to it. >> but up to nine lawyers all huddle up the bench. >> judge merchan stands up, leans over, they have the private little conversation. unfortunately, those was in the courtroom. you're not allowed to you're allowed to use binoculars during corp but not during sidebars. because they're worried that we're going to be able to lip read, which is not a talent i have. but i also met some members of the public today who were there for what i was told. they said there were five seats available for them in the room. and others a more seats in the overflow. one of them got there at 12:30 in the morning he was second in line behind a guy that stands in lines for living. he's a trump supporter. he wanted to see it for himself. anyway, that's what i saw. i want to bring into washington post, paris stein and the wall street journal, curran, ramy current. let me start with you what
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stood out most to you in court today? >> i think one thing that stood out to me was that daniel is really seem to hold her own life. she was asked a lot of tough questions about particularly how her story may have changed over the year, which it does seem to have. it absolutely yeah. and witnesses are prepped for this. they're ready for it, but i think two hear the questions for hours and hours about her lack of credibility, her story changing, her social media history she dealt with it well, she kept her cool and at times, you mentioned like a ping-pong match like that, then the jurors are going like this the whole time. >> at times they started talking on top of each other and she yeah, she pushed back. >> what do you think? >> yeah. i mean, i was really looking to see after that striking testimony on tuesday in which stormy daniels, i think gave some pretty unexpected stuff where she described it as what could be construed. she didn't use these words as a non which an
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annex, an unwanted sexual encounter. >> so not that it wasn't consensual, but it was yeah. >> i she was kept everyone. you have to be careful how you interpret it, which is why i was so curious to see how the defense would respond to this and they went hard after her, as you said, they really tried to strike down her credibility and stormy daniels& her response was she hasn't sharp responses. what was it when they when they tried to paint her as someone who? concocted all these stories in the porn industry and in her reality tv career, she goes, oh well, if i had actually written and made this one up, i would have written it much better. >> so she was ready to respond to their attacks, but yeah, i mean, i was very curious how they would respond to what happened on the stand and which i thought was unexpected on tuesday. yeah, it was it so strange i wonder what you guys think about this to me, it's just so strange because you have the momentous snus of this trial. >> former president and the presumptive republican presidential nominee on trial criminal court and the charges
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are really a times gross, and they seem small and cd and the orange turd reference and it's, it's just, it's, it's discordant in a way. you don't even i mean, i think this week in court, it was a very discordant. we do know that first day we had on monday we had all the testimony about checks and invoice this ledgers russia was incredibly mundane. see the jury kind of glazing over a little bit as always words you could barely read one over the screen and they went through every prosecutors went through every single document very much sonically. then the next day, stormy daniels gets on the stand and it's just a totally different tone in the courtroom and a totally different level of interest from the jury to yeah, i think that's fair. >> also, like one of the things the defense was trying to make clear what stormy daniels has been making money off this. she says it's been a net negative, but they say she's been making money, but they show her merch they show the hashtag team stormy t-shirts, pink on black, the stormy daniels in st. indictment prayer candle,
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whatever. i mean, just weird stuff. >> right yeah. >> i don't know what you're allowed to say here, but they don't say anything. they did. they really went into the tours that she did around america horny against four, yes. >> that's what i was going to say said in court 100 times, we're allowed to say it on tv. >> yeah. and then yeah. and then at the end, you saw todd blanche really tried to her attorney tried to bring it back and say this is not a case about sex. this is a case about falsification of records. so he was really trying to bring it back and he wants all this testimony to be disregarded. this is why he said there should be a mistrial and so he was trying at the end that the last few minutes a court to bring it back. it didn't seem the job judge ruled against the nest trial. again, to see you guys. thank you so much. appreciated. the witness back on the stand tomorrow. trump's personal assistant, and she sat right outside the oval. my next guest knew her well, we'll rewrite back this making you
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>> i'm sara marie and washington and this is cnn today in donald trump's, hush money cover up trial, we heard from madeline western out that is a former trump assistant at the white house her desk was just outside the oval office. >> she'll be back on the witness stand. >> tomorrow. let's bring alyssa farah griffin, and she was the communications director and tribes trump's white house. it so you know, madeline western, tell us a her why she might be an important witness and what does she like i wasn't surprised to hear her name called because actually when hope hicks was on the stand, i was thinking madeline right in the outer oval with hope in the early days of the trump administration. >> so she was his executive assistant, but very much a gatekeeper. this was unlike any other white house where you would go through her to get an audience with the president, cabinet secretaries would call her, they would reach out to her, but also her proximity physically to the resolute desk where the president would take his meetings throughout the day. she could see him. she
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could likely here conversations if the door was open, she's somebody who was well-liked and trump world. i don't have a bad thing to say about maddy. she also i think she somebody who presents very well that came through and what we were hearing, she's smiling to the jury. she is acknowledging the former president i have yet to see what she offers specifically on this this case, other than to simply verify that he did pay attention to both his finances and debt like documents around his finances and communications in general. so very much corroborating hope in that regard. >> do you doubt the charges? >> i mean, do you doubt that there were that there was a falsification of business records to hide this hush money payment and that he knew about michael cohen doing it. >> i don't doubt for a minute that he had the affair that he paid hush money and that he tried to cover it up. but if i'm being honest, i'm not an attorney i have yet to see the connection on the falsifying business records. i think that's where a lot of people watching this would stand by the way. i think a lot of
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people, republican voters, unfortunately, because i made peace with the fact that the severity likely happened and they just frankly don't care. >> so it is that i don't know if i call it an affair. well rhonda. >> rendezvous but i think that people are going to need to see a very clear link to willingly falsifying those records. i think they've establishes for campaign and tent that was part of it, but that is the piece that i've yet get to see. >> do you think at all that especially with the magnitude of the other charges against him, also, credible charges i'm not saying he's guilty or innocent, but it's a case when it comes to january 6, when it comes to classified documents do you think there is the risk that voters will look at this case and think what what it also, it creates fatigue. i'm i'm devastated and i was talking to i've got a text thread with former trump white house officials who testified against him in january 6. and we just are stunned that this is the case were getting before
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the flexion that with all the evidence that was done, the committee work that department of justice, it's very likely the public will not get a resolution on the january 6 charges ahead of the election. it is so for much more important than anything that's been debated in this courtroom today it also is what would have influence with voters the testimony that we would hear from someone like his former vice president is formed my chief of staff on his actions to try to overturn the election. his lead up to january 6, and the violence that de and instead, we're hearing the tawdry gross thing about something that he he did that i have no doubt he did, but it doesn't impact our democracy the way this other case does. >> yeah. all right. let's farah griffin. it's always great to see, especially in person, thanks for being here also this hour israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu telling his country today, israel is ready to stand alone to defeat the terrorist group hamas in gaza. the statement came just one day after president biden's comments in a c in an exclusive interview with erin burnett saying that if israel's military operation goes into gaza's southern city of rafah. the us will stop supplying
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check it out at >> i'm katelyn polantz at the federal court in washington. and this is cnn bag with our worldly it in a flood of
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reaction from around the world after major news was made here on cnn then in his most stark warning, yett president biden volts, cnn's erin burnett, that he does not support a major israeli invasion of rafah in southern gaza. and the united states will withhold specific us weapons if israel invades the major palestinian population center. listen going to refer, i'm not applying the weapons that have been used historically do with rafah do with the city's or deal with that problem we're going to continue to make sure israel are secure in terms of iron dome and their ability to respond to attacks like came out at least recently. >> but it's just wrong. we're not gonna we're not gonna supply the weapons and artillery shells let's get right to cnn's clarissa ward in jerusalem and alex marquardt back in dc. clarissa quite a flurry of response from israeli
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officials to what mr. biden told erin burnett radical, racist far-right security minister ben gvir tweeted, quote, hamas hearts biden that's not sitting too well among other members of israel's government. what's going on yeah, we heard from benny gantz giving us sort of slapped down to ben gvir for that post on x, but he has also been pretty vocal about the disappointment that israeli officials are feeling about president biden's decision saying, quote, the us has the moral and strategic obligation to supply israel with the necessary tools. >> we also heard from prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying, listen, we will go it alone if we have to go it alone, he said we will fight with our fingernails. >> and we also heard from the idf spokesman daniel hagari, the he said, we have the weapons we need to push ahead and rafah so the question is now, does israel take the warning? >> what do they do with this very pointed, very public
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repudiation. we're hearing from the delegation that was on the ground and cairo for those talks that they communicated to mediators, that they are pushing ahead with fighting inside rafah. and meanwhile, jake all sorts of alarm bells going off about the state of affairs inside i'd refer those border crossings have largely been closed. some dispute about how many trucks were able to get through kerem shalom today? the israeli saying dozens us saying some, the un saying none, and the un's humanitarian chief, martin griffiths, taking to x with a very, very stark post saying, quote, for three consecutive days, nothing and no one has allowed been allowed in or out of gaza the closure of the crossings means no fuel, it means no trucks, no generators, no water, no electricity, and no movement of people or goods. it means no aid. our supplies are stuck, our teams are stuck. civilians in gaza are being starved and killed. and we are prevented from helping them. this has gaza today, even after
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seven months of har jake an aleks, your sources tell you there's now a quote, pause in ceasefire talks, but earlier this week, the white house was maintaining optimism. has that completely disappeared? it's dissipate, jake, i mean, certainly we heard a lot of optimism from us officials throughout the week who said that the gaps between israel and hamas could be bridged. >> that was the attitude the white house said today that cia director burns went out to the middle east width, but they admitted today that those gaps have not been closed. burns is on his way back to the united states, the israeli and hamas delegations have gone back essentially that the talks had broken down though the mediators will continue to talk, they haven't completely given up hope, but certainly they are in a pause as i've been told by two us officials and those officials, frankly blamed the israeli military operation into rafah. so why the white house has john kirby said that they are not giving up pope but he said what is needed now is moral leadership
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and moral courage by both sides, jake all right, alex marquardt in dc, clarissa ward in jerusalem. >> thanks to both of you, president joe biden's warning israel and that's on yahoo has unified republicans in condemning president biden it puts israel's national security interests at risk. >> this is insane. >> why is it on hold to appease his liberal base in places like dearborn, michigan because joe biden's in trouble in michigan. he is playing into the pro hospice wing of the democratic party it continues to also expose divisions among democrats. his action drawing praise from progressive democrats such as congresswoman alexandria, alexandria cassio cortez, who posted on x quote, president biden enforcing conditions on us military aid and holding the israeli government to the same bar. we hold all our allies too. so is
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the responsible, secure and just thing to do. on the other hand, you have criticism from other democrats such as pennsylvania democratic senator john fetterman i am concerned about that and i don't agree with the president. it demonstrates the hamas that they're winning the pr war and things. and also the president cares about casualties, innocence in gaza and hamas doesn't. and that's part of the plan. so they are exploiting compassion let's bring in our panel of political voices and jemar, let me start with you because let's talk about the politics of this and whether or not that was part of the calculation president biden made last night, erin burnett asked president biden i can if he had heard the message coming from the young americans who have been calling him genocide. >> joe, here's what he had to say absolutely. >> i hear the message. look two things first of all there's a
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legitimate right to free speech and protest there's a legitimate right to do that, right to do that there's not elysium. legitimate right to use hate speech. there's not a gentleman right to threaten jewish students is not legitimate, right to block people access to class. that's against the law. >> but do you think how much do you think his move when it comes to israel and rafah is because of demand let's take political considerations. >> it seems to me that it's because of a variety of things. first of all, the president has been steadfast ally of the israeli government, is really people while he's had some conflict with the israeli prime minister bibi netanyahu. >> it, but it is also clear that there are people in the american sayyed and i just democrats, but other people who believe and you can both taught us a cure. >> israel and try to protect palestinian women and children from dying in large numbers. that seems like a false choice for people who say, you don't,
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you can't, you can't do both at the same time. so i think the democratic party is wrestling with this issue because the president is the one that's in charge and the republicans are the ones playing politics. what do you think? >> well, i think it's an interesting dynamic here in the sense that he's appeasing the folks that are on the far left in this argument and those are the folks that at the end of the de in november, they're not going to go to trump. they're going to stay either with biden or they're just going to stay home versus the folks in the middle who were all trying both sides are trying to compete for to come back over either to trump's sayyed or stay with biden. he's losing that support. and i think at the end of the day, he ends up hurting himself more for on this issue because he's the appearance wise cao cao. and through these minority, vocal minority folks on campuses that are protests. >> okay. but do you think that there's a domestic political consideration to play here that's why he's due hundred percent. >> because i think his most outspoken allies, at least on the far left, the progressives that are trying to get out in michigan, in wisconsin in some real key battleground areas are
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the ones that are the most vocal against him. and what he's doing or against israel on this and asked him so please go ahead. the president is still sending weapons to israel. he's pattern huge package. what he said is not 2000 pound bombs dropped in the middle of a densely populated city that's a very different, maybe a little bit more nuanced conversation to have. i was with some young people last night and in the many of them are students and many of them are protesters. and we saw the story that came across the wire that this is what the present state was. their response, they were they were happy to see it. there's the presence listening. he started to get it. and so i think there is politics in the sense that this is all about a big, this is all a political environment. we're in the middle of a campaign season. >> we want politicians to listen to the people. >> and if they can make a decision that's cures our allies that follows our foreign policy and still addresses concerns of a domestic audience. why should they not do that? so i'm here in new york because i was at the trial in this building behind me. >> and guess who i saw their
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florida gov, florida former governors, now senator rick scott, he made a cameo appearance at trump's hush money trial, and then he went outside. he was there from not that long my by the way, i was lottery longer than him, but anyway, he went i'm sure you it's more important to do. he's a billionaire or whatever, but he went outside the courtroom and he made some comments he is going through is just despicable it's a crime in this country he used a court system, go after your political opponent what's happened in this courtroom is clearly criminal let me go to you first. what do you think well, i mean, clearly i think you're going to see a collection of folks that have already been in here and that it will continue to come because there's one thing about trump is that he is while he may not be completely loyal, he does not forget in situations like this, there's already been calls out there that from various folks in trump world saying that nobody has been there to support them. >> and so is that right? yeah.
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probably, yes. so rick scott probably was in town for something else. like you mentioned and wanted to make sure that at least he came by to pay his specs do i think it does anything for the trial or anything else other than appeasing the one person that he's trying to appease? no. do you think this trial will have any political effect on anything? >> let's assume, for the sake of argument and none of what i'm about to say is i sure thing. but let's assume he's convicted. and let's assume he's sentenced to some sort of major penalty or whatever. do you have any effect on the presidential election? he does have an effect. it's already having an effective, here's why we know why the president talked last night about opening up 100 offices and having 5,000 staffers donald trump's not doing that and the weight donald trump has orchestrated the republican party. he's the big fish that comes in. everybody else sort of feeds off of what it is he does, he does those rallies. he's traveling around the country building rallies. was that which means they're not building lists off of the people who show up at those rallies. they're not getting data from people who tried to
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get tickets. those rallies, and everybody is just waiting for the senate or congress, or county commissioner is not getting access to any of the people they're going to have to find in order to turn them out at the end of the but that isn't i mean, that's that's i appreciate. that's a logistical that's effect. >> but down-ballot races when you look at this from a campaign perspective in the sense that the biggest expenditure in a campaign is media. he is getting 24/7, 365 days media every house, depending on the matter charge. thanks to both you appreciate another big story. we are following a florida families demand for answers. they say sheriff's deputy stormed into the wrong apartment and shot and killed a us air force airman who was on facetime with his girlfriend at the time. we're going to bring you the body camera footage released moments ago, plus attorney ben crump who's representing the family? he's also here stay with us how we'd really have with jesse l. >> martin. >> sunday's at nine on cnn
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one 4,000 here are some breaking news for you on our national lead just released body camera footage shows the moment a 23-year-old active duty us ehrmann, was shot by a florida deputy seconds after the airman opened his apartment door. this shooting happened last friday afternoon, and okoh elusive county in the florida panhandle the family of us air force senior airman, roger four csun says the deputy knocked on the wrong door after a responding to a disturbance at the apartment complex. a report of a disturbance that's a key detail that the sheriff's office denies. the sheriff's office says forts and a black man was armed when he opened the door for and the deputy shot him in self-defense forts in died later at the hospital. i want to warn our viewers. the body camera footage that we are bound to show you that was just released is very hard to watch you're about to see the moments after the deputy did his initial knock on the door
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sheriff's office open the door it's open the door three 12 shots fired. suspect there dispatch calls reveal that the individual was shot six times. >> joining us now is the attorney for the family, ben crump band. what's your reaction to the body camera footage? >> is very troubling. jake tapper, even though it answers some provide some answers, it leaves us with more troubling
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questions like, you don't hear him give the verbal command to drop the weapon. i'll put your hands up. >> he immediately within a split second of saying, step back, which roger decorated military error, man follows all his commands he goes to step back and bam, bam, bam. >> he doesn't give him a chance to comply. he is doing everything the man says jake tapper in his so troubling he says, when he's on the ground, tossed a weapon. and he said i did. and he doesn't give him any a debit rent. the nea to him. >> and he was on the phone with his girlfriend in the apartment by himself, with his dog. they had the wrong apartment. jake tapper they need to own up to it the apartment complex or the
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police. they had the wrong apartment this young man was a model officer and he was a model citizen the sheriff's office is saying that it wasn't a mistake. >> the deputy knocked on the correct department and they say the reports that they entered the wrong apartment were completely untrue what do you make of that? whoever the leasing agents there whomever she is, she's saying. where we at have you you get to that apartment? i mean, he's at the end of the hall furthermore, she says we've heard this before when they first asked if she's going to shear, but did she says 1401 we just think they aired in for that. roger lost his life and that is truly tragic. but from the more this whole thing about him having a
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good he is a law. abiding citizen with no criminal history whatsoever. here's a military officer. he has a license registered gun. if anywhere on america florida, we should know that citizens hail their right to the second amendment, show police officers when you come to my door, you assume and i hear you. his girlfriend said they didn't hear him. she's going to have our own press conference, but we released the video facetime i'm video i don't think you have it, but it shows the last moments of his life. it is out then the public people can watch for themselves and de all conclusions as to the & just the fireball killing. this decorated patriots so he was on facetime, you say with his girlfriend when this horrible, horrible thing happened, what has she told you about the moment?
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>> well, she's going to speak for ourselves in her own press conference. so net that will be lost in translation she is right there listening get to everything. and so she's got her and her lawyer going to have the all press conference. but the video speaks for itself. jake tapper, you tell me to step back. i step back, and then you shoot me six times. i may i'm compliant what more could this young man have done to complete and then when he's on the ground, when you watched that facetime video, he's on the grounds i can't breach and he's like stop moving. stop moving. i may it's desk i was so tragic j and we're so tired of this. it reminds you a both them. jiang, it reminds you of our town of jefferson people are in there. own home minding their own business. and they can't even be safe in their own home house. >> i think i know the answer, but how is this family doing? how are they holding up they
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are devastated. >> his mother gave the most heart wrenching press conference comments. he was the person who was her special gift from god. she said, he lived for taking care of her and his ten year-old sister, harmony, and his 16 year-old brother, andre, he got injured when he was on a tour in kuwait, serving our country from trying to load up on a plane. the accident, he said, mom, i thought i was going to die, but he told her i couldn't because i had to live for you and my little sister and my little brother i gotta be there for yeah destic count of person he was. everybody said nothing but good things about him. jake, so they can not tarnish this young man's name. this offices name can't do it crop. >> thank you so much, sir. >> we'll be ght back i'm
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for dry eyes thank this is cnn. the world's news are lastly, it's now the threat of severe storms continues in the southeastern united states and along the gulf coast and parts attack texas this follows a de, a deadly tornadoes that killed two people in tennessee. >> one tornado near nashville stayed on the ground for two miles, lifted home comes off their foundations. the ongoing run-up, severe weather has seen at least one tornado in the every day since april 25, and a total more than 300 and our money lee general motors, this announced attending production of the last traditional sedan in its lineup, the gasoline powered chevy malibu when the final car rolls off the assembly line later this year in kansas city, kansas, gm will retool the factory to make electric vehicles. both gm and ford have phased out gas patterns a gas-powered sedans, to concentrate on larger and more popular suvs, trucks