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tv   Campaign 2024 Vice President Harris on Abortion Rights in Washington DC  CSPAN  May 9, 2024 5:16pm-5:35pm EDT

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giving you a front-row seat to democracy. >> earlier today acting labor secretary testified about and her agency's 2025 budget request before a appropriations subcommittee. she has been serving since march of last year while her confirmation is held up. watch the full hearing at 9:00 on c-span. and c-span our free mobile video app or online at c-span. org. >> do you solemnly swear that in the testimony you are about to give, will be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. >> saturdays, watch american history tv. and our country's history by the
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u.s. house and senate. authors and historians and see historic footage and the impact and legacy. this week, the 1987 hearings on the iran-contraand in exchange for the release. and proceeds going to contrarebels. congress investigates saturday at 7:00 p.m. eastern on c-span 2. >> vice president kamala harris said a second president would be more bans and less freedom. at her remarks dedicated to electing politicians who support abortion rights. ♪ takes me back.
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with so much freedom. freedom ♪♪ the vice president: good evening everyone. good evening. [cheers and applause] the vice president: thank you. please have a seat. thank you. thank you all. can we please applaud amanda for her extraordinary -- [applause] the vice president: we who are active in this movement probably remember, amanda was one of the first women during the phase of this movement to speak publicly about her experience and the courage that she has shown continually. i have been with her in states across the country as she helps people understand the reality of
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all of this and i have met so many women who in this months and years who have been so selfless in telling such a personal story in a way that is fully intended to benefit they may never meet. amanda, thank you always for who you are. [applause] the vice president: i thank president jennifer mackler and this powerful organization and to the board of directors of emily's list including my sister, mia harris and the elected officials and members of congress who are in the room including senator and former president of emily's list. [cheers and applause] the vice president: and thank
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you to the members of our administration who are here. and today because of emily's list, we have more pro-choice women governors than at any time in history. we have more pro-choice women in
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the united states congress than at any time in history. and yes, with the support of emily's list, i am proud to be the first woman elected vice president of the united states. [cheers and applause] emily's list was built for this moment. emily's list was built for this moment. this fight for exteme. the fundamental freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government telling her what to do. [cheers and applause] two weeks ago last week, the united states supreme court decided to overturn roev. weighed and that decision was linked to two years ago last
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week. most of us remember where we were when we heard the news about the leak that the highest court in our land, the court of thurgood and r.b.g. was about to take a constitutional right that had been recognized from the women of america. two years ago i stood on the stage at this very gala and said what we were all feeling that evening, how dare they. how dare they. and that evening, i also made a prediction, overturning roe would be the shot on a full-on assault state by state on reproductive freedom and that is exactly what has happened. roe was overturned and in states
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across our nation, extremists have passed laws to criminalize doctors and to punish women and threaten doctors and nurses with prison time for life simply for providing reproductive care, laws that make no exception for rape and incest, even trying to revive laws from the 1800's and understand as amanda said, who is to blame? former president donald trump did this. he hand-picked three members of the united states supreme court because he intended to overturn roe and as he intended, they did. many of you may recall, i searched on the judiciary committee of the united states senator. and i questioned two of those
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nominees. to one of them, i asked and i'm going to quote myself -- [laughter] can you think of any laws that give the government the power to make decisions about the male body? and you probably remember he had no good answer. and now, because of donald trump, more than 20 states have abortion bans. more than 20 trump-abortion bans. the most recent in florida, where another trump abortion ban just went into effect, a ban so extreme, it applies before many women know they are pregnant, which by the way tells us these extremists don't know how a woman's body works or they just
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don't care, or they just don't care! trump says he wants to leave abortion up to the states. all right. so here's how that works out. today, one in three women of reproductive age in america lives in a state with a trump abortion ban. many with no exceptions for rape and incest. i started my career as a prosecutor but what many of you may not know is why. when i was in high school, i learned that one of my best friends was being molested by her stepfather and i said you have to come stay with us. i called my mother and my mother said she has to come and stay with us and she did. the idea that someone who survived a crime of violence to
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their body, a violation of their body would not have the authority and the abilities to make a decision about what happens to their body next, that's immoral. that's immoral. and i know we all agree, one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree that the government should not be telling her what to do with her body. [cheers and applause] and let us understand the impact then of these bans, the horrific realities that women are facing in our country every single day, women like amanda whose lives and health have been put at risk after being denied medical care,
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women who as a result of these bans are losing access to basic held care inclinics across our country. you know, i am proud to be the first vice president in history to visit air reproductive health care clinic. [cheers and applause] and we all know these clinics provide critical services, breadth cancer screenings, contraceptive care, paps. however around our country where there are trump abortion bans, we are seeing these clinics being forced to close, denying women access to essential medical care. and be clear, donald trump is the architect of this crisis. and this, this is not a fact
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that he even tries to hide. in fact, he brags about it. he has said the collection of abortion bans in the states is quote, working the way it's supposed to. and last week, he said in an interview, states have the right to monitor women to enforce these bans and the right to you punish women, punish women for seeking out abortion care. so emily's list, the content in this election could not be more clear. donald trump has said that the government should decide whether women should access abortion care where we say the government should never come between a woman and her doctor. and as much harm, as much harm as he has already caused, a
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second trump term would be even worse. his friends in the united states congress are trying to pass a national abortion ban, a national ban that would outlaw abortion in every single state, even in states like new york and california. and now he wants us to believe he will not sign a national ban. well, enough with the gaslighting, enough with the gaslighting because we all know if donald trump gets the chance, he will sign a national abortion ban. and how do we know? well said, the former courtroom trial lawyer, let's follow the facts. congress tried to pass a national abortion ban in 2017. remember? and the then president trump endorsed it and promised to sign
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it if it goss to his desk. and in an interview last week, he seemed perfectly fine with the national ban that would make i.v.f. illegal across the country. well, the great maya angelou once said, when someone tells you who they are, pleerve them the first time. donald trump has told us who he is and here's what a second trump term would look like, more bans, more suffering and less freedom. but we are not going to let that happen. [applause] -- we trust women to know what is in their own best interests. and emily's list trust all of us to protect their fundamental
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freedom. for nearly 40 years, you have upheld a single mission to help elect pro-choice women. and today, i say to everyone here as this emily's list family, we need you now more than ever. this november, reproductive freedom is on the ballot. and you, us, collectively and individually, have the power to protect those rights. it is your power that will help us win a pro-choice majority in the united states house of representatives. [cheers and applause] it is your power that will defend a pro-choice majority in the united states senate. [cheers and applause] and it is your power that will send joe biden and me back to
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the white house. [cheers and applause] and when congress passes a law that restores the reproductive freedoms of roe, our president, joe biden, will sign it into law. yes. [applause] but guess what. donald trump ended it. joe biden is the president who restores it. [cheers and applause] and emily's list with thanks for all your work, i say momentum is on our side. let us not be deterred. momentum is on our side. since roe was overturned, every time reproductive freedom was on the ballot, from kansas tore california to kentucky in michigan, montana, vermont and
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ohio, the people of america have voted for freedom! and not by a little, but by overwhelming majority, proving also that this is not a partisan issue. proving this is not a partisan issue. and proving that the voice of the people has been heard by overwhelming margins and that the voice of the people will be heard. so today i ask, emily's list, are you ready to have your voices heard? [cheers and applause] do we believe in reproductive freedoms? do we believe in the promise of america and are we ready to fight for it? and when we fight, we win!
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god bless you and god bless the united states of america! [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪♪ >> the house will be in order. >> c-span celebrates 45 years. since 1979 we have been your primary source for capitol hill and providing coverage of government and follow cyst debated and decided all with america's cable companies. c-span, 45 years and counting, powered by cable >> saturday, former president trump speaks to a rally in
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wildwood, new jersey. story of slaves and jrney as self-emancipation in 1848. >> husband and wife enslaved in macon, georgia and they decide they are going to flee for freedom and do it with not any underground railroad where they are, not by hiding and traveling by night, but they gout in the full light of day disguised asthmas tear and slave with ellen as the master and william playing the role as the slave. that are


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