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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 9, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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the the, this is the w news live from the, the us president, joy part and puts israel on notice is ralph closest allies says it will stop shipments of bombs, but kill civilians if israel goes forward with plans to invite rafa. and the other 3 stays in the spring, carrying out strikes against from us, targets in southern gaza. a say find negotiations continue. also coming up into our communities, cut off and more than a 100 people, david weeks of flooding in southern pursuit, present flames, climate change, and has promised action to prevent further catastrophes linked to global warming. the
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method he had. welcome to the program, the u. s. a stepping up, it's a position to is rouse plans to launch a full scale assault on the city of rafa in southern gaza. president you i bought and said in an interview with cnn that he would not send certain weapons to israel . if it invited population centers, and he'd regret that the civilians had been killed by us, my bones, his comments, comments as well, presses the head with it strikes against a mass targets in rafa. unlimited operation, just short of an invasion. that is what us officials are calling israel actions and rasa. this footage released by the is really army on wednesday. choose troops pressing forward with the defensive on rasa. israel says it's part of its campaign to eliminate from us of the we are continuing on our mission and rough
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uh as part of the war aims because the last 4 and the last 4 battalions of come up so that we will destroy them is really forces have ordered the evacuation of more than a $100000.00 palestinians from parts of rafa headed its operations. they have been directed to places like wasi, a squalid mix shifting cap that the union says is not ready to shelter people. these really military has closed the roof of border crossing. it now controls all routes in or out of garza in response, israel's closest ally and mean military supplier. the us has paused some weapon shipments and is reviewing other military aid for government. we're going to continue to do what's necessary to ensure that israel has a means to defend itself. but that said, we are currently reviewing some near term security assistance shipments in the
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context of unfolding events. in or off on thursday. the us has pushed for a ceasefire deal from us, agreed to a proposal from egypt and guitar this week, but israel says its demands have not been met now, but israel has entered rasa hopes for a potential pause in the fighting or hanging in the balance and the status of 1000000 some guys a on ever more instead of ground. right, let's bring a correspondent in washington dc. didn't even alvarez grab benjamin, tell us 1st about what the shipment of weapons actually contained. so the shipment was supposed to consist of 3500 bombs, some of them, 900 kilogram bombs other, other bombs, 225 kilogram bomb. so not as heavy as the other ones according to a you fish will it with the focus of the us being very concerned what we've heard from pentagon, from the state department, also from the white house that this laundry explosives. it could be used in dense
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oven settings in girlfriend. that's something that the white house has repeatedly stressed that it opposes any white, a ranging invasion of frontline. it seems that they would indeed condition military age to israel. something many, not only here in washington has been asking, happened, demanding for 4 months and the state department voice. what it call is a very serious concern over this widespread rough operation. and what that would mean for the civilian population and the spokesperson office, a department set that was made clear with the israeli government. and also that this one shipment of military assistance that was pos is only one part of that is also reviewing others. while adding that, the long term commitment to israel, so security has not changed. so the us is using its liberty of israel by suspending the shipment of arms is riley officials for the pop tracking it off. the pause saying disagreements are being handled behind closed doors. does this signal for the deterioration in us is riley ties and it shows that
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this is not happening behind closed doors anymore. and this new decision is the latest sign of the growing risk between a, both governments, a number of biden's democratic allies and congress happened urging him to limit or to hold on the shipments aid to israel for many months. now something that he has refused to do so until now and the fact that washington finally did so show how this frustration with the government opinion minutes on yahoo, in, in israel and all the is also increasing. and the, the is really counterparts that not hearing the use warnings against the major operation in a rough while. this decision latch to praise by those who have been asking the us to do this for a while. it also led to criticism one of them. speaker and my johnson and senate minority anita mitch mcconnell sent a letter to president biden saying that security assistance to israel is an urgent priority that must not be delayed. so button saying he wants to send for the weapons. if there is a full scout,
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it's rarely ground assault on rafa. how serious is that trip? it is the 1st time the present biden set this so openly that he would not supply offensive weapons that israel could use it to launch in all out a sold on the rough. well, he said that the u. s. was still committed to israel's defense. what for example, continues supplying iron don't broke it into sept, as in other defensive forms, but if it is real, goes into rafa with a wide scale invasion. washington will not supply weapons in a tillery shelves that have been used. she was also ask about these a 2000 pound bonds and t deployed the bombs that the united states has to apply to israel and that also they have to use it to kill palestinian civilians. so that explains also this decision of the us to study and it will continue sending this arms. and these old tim item that a president biden said to, to, to israel today in case it wants to go ahead with a full scale invasion in ruffin seldom does stay with us. benjamin i want to talk
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about a, another story that thing that the us house of representatives has rejected a motion to remove speaking mike johnson, johnson survived the challenge to his leadership with will make his fighting overwhelmingly, against the resolutions put forward by the fire rock republican madry, tyler grain. it's the 2nd time embrace of months. but house republicans have tried to ask their own lead to something called the resolution a distraction at a time when the party has the smallest house majority. in recent us history. i wonder off the back of that, daniel, and does this mean that the internal wrangling with some of the members who belong to the spring wing of the republican party is now a thing of the past? definitely for now, if we see that the house of representatives swiftly defeated this effort by imagine retailer agreeing that you just mentioned, to remove republican speaker, mike johnson from his leadership role. and what so interesting, he is. a democrats actually joined the republicans in disability protected
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johnson's is because she failed to gain traction among her colleagues. and crucially, she was not supported also by donald trump. we recently said that speaker mike johnson was doing a very good job and many lawmakers, a force on both sides of the democrats and also if the republicans while they wanted to show is into one or to prevent just to repeat the k is that ensured after the removal of the former speaker of the house, kevin mccarthy. so for now that seems off the table because there's so many other topics that the house of representatives needs it to look into. and we can also expect more discussions from both sides over this position of washington to hold this shipment on farms now and to consider if they will sending a weapons as we've heard from, from president 5. and today really strong words showing that this criticism of the way that the israeli government opinion mean that's ano is dealing and is carrying out this attacks in solving cause a showing this risk between both governments. the us in israel,
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in washington dc pennyman over his group. thanks so much i or alright, let's have a look at some of the other stories making headlines. this i'll laugh, it has must the 79th anniversary of the end of world war 2 in europe. government latest light rates at the annual day for remembered ceremony in regions for life via the end of the book. also, harold, in the beginning of 45 years of serve you ok patient active as of staged in other protests that the new friend knows the museum in paris to call attention to food insecurity. the food response group post and stick is saying, resistance is vital. next to the famous painting, liberty guiding the people by 10 o'clock. it's the latest in a series of protests involving upwards until our communities are cut off and more than a 100 people have been killed in devastating flooding in southern brazil. it's one of the worst natural disasters eva, to hit the state of rio grande that a soon president looked at the silver has blind climate change in his promising
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urgent action to prevent further destruction linked to global warming. the skies have cleared the flood waters and southern brazil remain dangerously high . much of the city of poto, a leg rate is submitted and almost entirely cut off. the airport is swamped and main roads. a barely possible, a search and rescue teams according neighborhoods to help far is unable to take the account to settle, see, it's very sad to see people desolate with no direction unable to make contact because there's no power, no communication, no cell phone signal. it's difficult to get in touch with this family so that they don't know where to go meet most of people when you arrive, but as well as damaging critical infrastructure. the heavy rains have lease crops
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across rio from the sol under rosa and kill livestock. although some animals appear to have had a lucky escape, more than 160000 people have been forced from the homes by the flooding. with many seeking higher ground to cease out can enter your i took shelter here because i don't think that was i will ever get this high. thank you again. well, on the rest of the work is that bringing us food and there are doctors treating people who are sick, somebody by the way. if the move from too much water to knows enough shortages of basic supplies are also causing problems along with a growing risk of disease in flooded areas. adding to the patient is more full. cast rain with fields, flood waters could rise again before they start to receive
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and can you of thousands of people have been evicted in the homes, demolished as weeks of heavy rain inflicted widespread destruction. the government has ordered families living and low lying slum neighborhoods to move to high ground for their own safety as the another cousin t, a kenneth flag, informal assessments. i've been the, as part of a government directive, people living beside 3 of us and have been told to leave their homes, decided that one of the items that may be right there on monday, just as housemates from home had children have lost all their belong. like many of us, she was close by surprise. by bit demolition. we were not giving enough time to leave . the president made the announcement and the next minute tractors were here, demolishing homes. we needed a period of at least 2 weeks so that everyone could plan the next move will do in
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the month of 5 saves. she has no other place to go. she and her neighbors faced nights out in the cold comfortably that destroyed houses. she says people living in a friend's neighborhoods actually ted differently all day, go over to the new if we were in the rich area, the demolitions would not have happened in the same manner. the rich and safe. but we are not because they are wealthy. they get to keep their homes. no, my financial situation is what led me to live here. you know, i'm wondering. i don't have a choice. no, not today. now that way the government save living close to revise is illegal and that that demolition should prevent for that. that's as more bad with approaches taking the human rights commission has like use the government. ok now off i'd be sorry. and victoria, these guys, as and like you racial and even the residents whose houses have been the more least feel that a government has a to a more team. when the truck says,
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started bringing the houses down to you guys. and the reason for the demolition is, is not the flooding. many of the houses here were not touched by the flood water. it's like the government is looking for land to build their affordable housing all what it was. some residents have taken my test into that one has shutting down that one homes. the others on the like they told us they will come tomorrow with tractors and demolish our housing. so were saving whatever we can before they destroy our property. the material will help me either rebuild somewhere else or i will sell its in good condition. it would be better for us to save what we can. and what happened. i thought i can, as president has said home or not. so those buildings had been demolished. so big event, the crew violent of 7 to us compensation to help them relocate. but people like maybe wait there, feel the government of law just just tried their homes, but their lives too. right. that's all for now after the break. i didn't believe interview with robert williams, he's the executive director at the university of southern california show up
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foundation, of course this morning is on our website at the definitely dot com and on youtube and social media channels as well more at any time you want. i'm anthony howell and teach boss now the votes winning the we say never giving us the most exciting thoughts, stories about people and visualize every weekend dw, the 30 years ago filmmakers students bo.