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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 9, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the way you use my from the land. you as president joe biden, which is way old on notice. it's close. the sound lice says it will stop shipments of farms that killed civilians is well goes forward with funds to fully invade rafa . the military says it has been counting on strikes against homeless targets in the area. a ceasefire. negotiations continued as relations with the west was an over its ongoing invasion of ukraine, russia monks, victory in the 2nd world war with the military for right in moscow. and drummer and
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the champions league is by and munich think they headed for the final of the full re i would rate to score twice late in the game. the i, i've been visible in the united states is stepping up until position 2 ways rails plans to launch a full scale assault on the city of rafa in southern guns that president joe biden . now saying that he would not send certain weapons too, as well. if it invades population sentence and that he requested the palestinian civilians have been killed by us, made bones as well as pricing ahead with strikes against thomas which led the october 7th terror attacks. a limited operation just short of an invasion. that is what us officials, a cooling israel's actions and wrap up this footage,
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released by these really military on wednesday, shows troops pressing forward with is offensive on rap. a israel says it's part of its campaign to eliminate from us. we are continuing on our mission and rough uh, as part of the williams, because the last 4 and the last 4 battalions of come up so that we will destroy them. he's ready full series of order. the evacuation of more than a 100000 palestinians from pots or rafa ahead of its operations. they've been directed to places like me was the where squatted make ship 10 camp is being set up . the when says the site isn't ready to shelter people. these really minute tree has closed the rapid border crossing it now controls all routes in or out of golf the in response, israel's closest ally and main galaxy supply of the west has pulled some width and
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shipments i want. it's also reviewing on the military aid secretary defense lloyd. austin told lawmakers at a hearing that was briefly interrupted by pro palestinian protest is going to continue to do what's necessary to ensure that israel has a means to defend itself. but that said, we are currently reviewing some near term security assistance to shipments in the context of unfolding events. in rasa, there's in the united states is still pushing for a seat by a deal multiple, a mouse agreed to a proposal from egypt and cut out this week. but israel says it's the mountains have not being met. now that is really false is have entered rappa hopes for a potential polls and the fighting, or hanging the balance. i spoke with al correspondent in jerusalem, tanya came about how is well is receiving the bite and administration's latest move . well, i mean this is been very closely watched yet,
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and one well known commentator here i wrote and one of the menus papers that this is, it just shows the magnitude of the crisis between the 2 countries. now, in general is really see that was a bit of a frustration because they say should not be as well. that is a not getting to weapons, but it should be all directed. you know, at how much they should be, the ones being sanctioned in a way. and also it is seen, of course that this might create problems for the negotiations that are ongoing in car was it opened the questions, the relationship between israel and the united states? no, he's been hearing about this particular shipment. we're talking here about 3500 psalms heavy weight booms among them. these 2000 pounds and 900 kilogram bombs that are not to be used in such densely populated areas. and that is where parents, you know, the united states, they are drawing the red line and it is a, it is still unclear. you know, how much of this actually weighs, uh,
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on the east. well, how much impact that has, how much the military has, or that versions of these kinds? and it's stuck pause, but it's a very clear red line that the united states are drawing him and tell you off the months and months of truce talk. so we any closer on that front as well, that very mixed messages coming out of cargo and nothing much coming out of car are here these past days. and so unclear how the mediators are mentioning those a different narratives that these been seeing here in the past. days home us headset on monday night, the day agreeing to an agreement and the is really negotiate as a headset. well, this is not the agreement that we are agreeing we have agreed to. so we understand this, still a tutoring, but there's a lot of pressure here and as well, especially from the families and from the supporters of those one to see those
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remaining hostages of being released. because every other week, this the news of another hostage that was killed in gauze as it is a lot of pressure, public pressure on 5 minutes opinion minute move forward with a do. but he also has a lot of pressure, was in his cabinet from the far right constituency, mainly to move forward with a rough authoration. and part of that deal has been to be more right for civilians . how much is getting through right now? while the situation is unbearable for people, the is really only a had ordered a people in the east of golf, of a to buckhead already on monday. and we understand that many thousands of people are on the move. also, those were not in these areas because this fear that this would, you know, this operation would have widened to other parts of forgot to ask what has happened, goes into noise, you see heavy airplane, boardman and then tanks and moving india hearing from 8 agencies that already in
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a few is not coming in as kind of as close as also the question mark about what's happening is kamesha loan and the other crossing are with isabel that has been closed of to and more to attack on sunday, but had been reopened officially. but agencies saying nothing is coming in. so for people that it's a very, very desperate situation. thank you for bringing us up today, tanya. tell you my in jerusalem russian president vladimir putin has been presenting over a big 3 day parade in moscow. 2 days off that he's integration for another term as president clinton has done the celebration of victory over nancy, germany into a key focus of his it'd be 25 years. rule is often invokes the 2nd world war to justify his invasion of ukraine. addressing the crowd food and accused waste in countries of risking a global conflict and said that he would not allow anyone to threaten russia.
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as i talked to while correspondence bodies are tough asking what else to say it? i think it's very important to point out, 1st of all that it is a very emotional a day for millions of russians for millions of ukrainians who lost their relatives in the new when they were fighting side by side against nazi germany and no rush as president poor thing is actually using those emotions to bring to fixture that history is repeating itself allegedly, being under attack, allegedly by the west. he went on to say, quote that the, here's the truth about world war 2 is being distorted by the west. and he also said that the future for the motherland depends on us, depends on russia. very similar remarks we made actually 2 days ago during his integration speech. when he spoke about 40 story klan that needs to be protected. so it's basically repeating over and over again. this very same narrative or this very same propaganda that is trying to sell this war if you like, the unclean here in ukraine as something that has to be done in order to make sure
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that the washer is defending itself against what caused is an alleged attack by the west. now what i find quite interesting that he didn't talk about immunizations. he didn't talk about fluid immobilization amongst the russian society. and certainly he didn't say anything about just how long the war and ukraine is going to continue talking about a repeats last is parade cain and the big losses around here in the battlefield. what's the situation now? definitely it was a symbolic victoria taking an of deep gun during a screech in this year in february, but she's to be a town of more than $30000.00 people before the and they're trying to really ansuka chest if you are another important strategically important town. basically not much exist anymore in chelsea, if you all used to be also at a time about 17000 people before the will. so to try to gain momentum here. and obviously they've been using the time why ukraine was waiting and has been waiting
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for weapons and military gear from the west and allies using this time to make some gains. but overall, if you look at the map now about 18 percent of ukrainian territory is being controlled by russia and that number really didn't really change much. so we'd speaking about one 5th of ukrainian territory being under control by russia and it forces the question is from now on, as this is the so you of the things i going to change on the ground as soon as the weapons arrived. and also if you listen to what put it actually said right after the speech that these new kid we also are going to continue. the question is just about through the escalation and what's russia has learned during this pause a 2 years from the wall in ukraine? how are they going to change tactics? we do not know, but what's for sure, sewage and unfortunately also for the millions of ordinary citizens who are bearing the brunt and ukraine that the was going to continue for quite some time. and uh,
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something else that hasn't changed wasting lead in staying away from those victory day celebrations. advocate or exactly. in fact the for a ministry of a freshman made clear that those so called for on friendly states are not welcome. and what, what i found quite a bizarre here actually that the so called friendly countries. i'm speaking about former soviet states for example, like a media and as a by john, they were invited but their leaders didn't come from the stop pushing. yeah. and the problem, the stuff, i mean, yeah. and we just recently came back from armenia, actually create as i switched as president tutoring, over failing to protect ethnic. i mean, he is in a gone to colorado. so even though the what was continuing in ukraine, that doesn't mean the joe, but it's a good interest and strategies on the ground do not change. for example, in the south congress's, you heard it from a very own funny. gotcha. let's have a look at some of the other stories making headlines. 6 people have been detained for public disorder in georgia. they were protesting against the foreign agents
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bill, the critic c as a russian in spine threats and media freedom. huge demonstrations has been ongoing and recently chinese presidents aging ping has arrived in hungry finals stuff on his 1st european tour in 5 years. he's expected to meet with prime minister victo or bond for talks on thursday. cheese visit is expected to further increase economic cooperation between the 2 countries. bills, macedonia is nationalist on position, but he has one big in complementary and presidential elections. the found right group lead bike with done us a lot of good topical claims victory with over 2 thirds of about the results and likely to influence the country's chances of joining the european union. the entire communities are cut off and more than a 100 people killed in devastating floods in southern brazil. it's one of the worst natural disasters to hit the state of rio grande data. so president lunar that says
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has blamed climate change and is promising urgent action to prevent future destruction linked to global warming. this guys have cleared the flood waters and southern brazil remain dangerously high. much of the city of poto, a lead rate is submitted and almost entirely cut off. the airport is swamped and main road. it's a barely possible search and rescue teams are claiming neighborhoods to help follow is unable to take the account to see it's very sad to see people desolate with no direction unable to make contact because there's no power. i no communication, no cell phone signal, then it's difficult to get in touch with this time. at least they don't know where to go meet is supposed to be able to and you live with as well as damaging critical
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infrastructure. the heavy rains have lease crops across rio grande's so under rosa and kill livestock. although some animals appear to have had a lucky escape for more than 160000 people have been forced from the homes by the flooding. with many seeking higher ground to cease help can enter your i took shelter here because i don't think that was i would ever get this high. thank you again. well, on the rest of the work is that bringing us food and there are doctors treating people who are sick. so maybe i think that's the sort of way. if you only move from too much water to knows, enough shortages of basic supplies are also causing problems along with a growing risk of disease in flooded areas. adding to the patient is more full. cast rain with fears, flood waters could rise again before they start to receive
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a man here in germany, a full the mayor's. but lynn has been injured in an attack of a library social democratic francisco different now. the city's economy minister was heat over the head, buying a silent wielding effect containing a solid object. please. the rest of the 74 year old man, a series of incidents is fueling fee is about the security of positions and activists here in germany. the latest and the eastern city of today's didn't was caught on camera by the w. yes, the front of the new campaign event tends ugly green politicians that's upon by to bystanders. threatening our commer team on the course. number a is that most spinster we've joined yvonne most not fuse running for local
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office in the eastern apology. the greens have become a point target of political violence in recent months. and this is kind of this, but i think it's especially important in this district where you have a lot of non voters to maybe motivate them again to vote until at least show your face. and to say we're here, in fact, isn't the of the to move to another area. the nude became tense, a group nearby sounded a bond nazi slogan and support for the following a party. then this happened with us rather why supposed to be, you know, you're breaking the law. what are you doing this? well, most lot documented evidence. another group started happening her and her team pulling a pair of files. they decided it was
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to retrieve the shelf this, the outgoing mail. you see that the arguments are not found, it is, but it's something they've picked up somewhere else can afford and s as all i'm just honestly i haven't had this one before. actually it's a new one for me, but yeah, we'll keep on fighting what becomes provide. busy but that does get solved before that confronted yes. these are the need that picture right now the all the time, the camera off to can someone call the police. you didn't need that photo you bloody green. a is that much? they are you crazy? as a parent to imitate the group on demand that they delete the pictures, witnesses try to reach the police
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most my for my food to now s my. so my 1st of all, it took a long time before we got through to them. done homes with this and then they didn't take them seriously. and then they said that they will take 5 to 10 minutes, even though they were told that the threats were made against the group. and just so, you know, the police station is a 3 minute walk away from him as it up in the ships. i'm extremely personally disappointed and i think this is something we will have to talk about. at least offices eventually arrived. official say they're investigating the suspect for faults, vandalism, i'm so using unconstitutional slogans. south korea's president says he wants to set up a new ministry to help those to break or the phrase calling it a national emergency. it's a very the lowest in the world and times the another 8 percent last year, despite states spending on family funding policies. experts predict if it doesn't
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improve south korea as population with home by the end of the century. many korean women complain they're forced to bear the brunt of child care left with having to choose between a career or family. i asked journalist gentlemen, kim, if she's considering having kids, i don't have plans for it, but i'm not particularly against it. when i speak to most of my friends and my in the same age early thirty's, they also feel the same summer married and they want to have kids for me or someone like me, people consider having children of something of a thing of a far away future when their career is more settled or they have better um, better plans for housing and also other things to consider. like for myself, i wouldn't wanna really raise my child in a super competitive south korean environment unless the society changes understand
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where you're coming. folks tell us more about some of the, the more interesting state incentives to boost the bus right. there have been a lot of different types of government incentives, but i would say that many of them are targeting wrong things. a lot of the state of santas focused on maybe providing better paternity leave maternity leave for people who are working these days. it's very different from ages ago when women use too many women used to knock work after being married. it's usually both husband and wife, they, they work and so the government instead of mostly was on trying to tackle that. but it also has to really handle the issue of low marriage rate as well in early thirties in late twenty's these days. and people are really not looking at marriage and child care of childbirth as something of a thing that they would do in their late twenties on society. changed
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a lot. but the government incentives, not the not really tackled that part of the changing social norms when it comes to parenthood itself and marriage. so i think that's why i'm despite many of the students that as it's not really working. but there happened other incentives such as a little bit of an increased support for things like ex, freezing for women to retain the possibility of having children even later in life . if current trends continue, it's predicted south korea as population could have by 2100. what happens to the country that or a lot of problems as we are expecting? i'm just going to mention 2 things. one is military, south korea is still technically of war with north korea. and we are on conscription basis. and if the demographic cliff hits by it will be very difficult to maintain the current level of number of forces in south korea serving service numbers. secondly, there would be a big pension issue uh, and the generate,
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the younger generation will basically be responsible to pay more for the pension, and also they will. it's not only the little birth rate also the aging society. so there would be a lower ration of people who can participate and you called omega activities in the future, and they will have increased responsibility to take care of the elderly gauge, putting a future with or without children. young man came great talking to you. thank you. in some sports news, real madrid bull face, but rosie adult led to the champions league final after a dramatic of late when of a buying munich to buy and scold. first things to us about the strength from the funds of davies, but with just 2 minutes left, substitute to say to equalize before grabbing the winter in the stoppage time with buying, claiming an offside, the media comp thought they had leveled but another debatable offside. coal ended the dream of an old gentleman final in the most watched annual sporting event on
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the plan. so we found that we'd mock meadows from dw sports, but a drama that yeah, i'm an amazing match exactly what the champions league is all about. let's talk about real madrid, the because yet again they've, they pulled out the bag in the semi final 2 years ago. they were, they were losing his gold, 3 goes by lights on this time it was 2 goals. you know, the record 14 times champions. and they, they just don't know how to live, who's in this competition and you'll salute the goal score. he's, he's a journeyman. he was like a hot, over a few years ago. and jenny played with stoke in england, you know, not major clubs. and he was, we have a laughing stock getting ready for almost and he is playing for room. it's going to goes, he was actually playing for team to go relegated last season. so quite incredible story from him. but then looking, looking at buying, you know, manual, know, you had a great game, then he made a mistake for the 1st go. and then the 2nd go, was it of side route to go? was the upside. i think he was just on. but then by and think they go in and get
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a level a and the officials. so i get for off site and blow the whistle when really they should have waited for the video assistant. and i actually think it was just off side and the officials got them. all right. that's totally fine. coach wasn't very happy. we can listen to him now. to have the boss to have the guts, to raise the flag in a situation like this is a huge, huge, huge called and it's a wrong called the rest already has the chance when he sees that we've been the 2nd ball and we've been the rebound and we get the shot, the rate between guns. he has the chance not to be. so he takes the decision to whistle. it is against every road. i'm sorry, we accept, we lost it. it is what it is. but just so that would not have happened on the other side. so the prospect of a, an old job and find a low of a box. what do you think about goldman rather than buy it?
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yeah, i mean, you wouldn't have predicted the obviously, the start of the season buying assess this e as in 2012 without a trophy, have retain the great struck us gold bundles of those and still has never won a trophy in his entire career now. but don't lend yet it's, it's such a say start with, don't mean because they had everything holland go to the best place in the world and you bedding them. they both left and the, the year when they both left. they can go and get to the champions like finally, really to show that it's, it's all about the team and to be how we send you mine and all that good salary money. and to get through, it says that of a fairy tale story, really, for the goldman, i obviously defend itself in wembley against rtd. the reco champions book don't move in playing and everything terribly and abundantly together on the face them the one that they give. but in the champions league, i give them a chance actually, i mean they want it to play against buying because they wanted revenge for 2013 when they last against by and in the final also it wembley. but this will be a really interesting game. yeah. and another chance but german success tonight. yes
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. by labor cruise, new other bundles they get champions of play against roma in the real police. any finals that go to to know lead from the 1st, like you'd expect them to go through an amazing season for the invocation. i mean, they haven't lost in 48 games just quite incredible. this will be a record if they went to night or drawer only be going to $49.00 games an entire season. quite incredible. they could win 3 trophies already won the bonus. they maybe the euro plague and think of the general final as well. so general football is, is doing fantastic and because of the success is they've got an extra spots in the champions league next season. like that is, thank you very much. i and the olympic flame is in france 481-2000 kilometers journey to the 2020 full paris games. a 150000 spectators points that sale into must say on the 19th century shipped from greece. french president, the memo, my quote was on hand to welcome it and wrapping it and hit the quote. in the next 2
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and a half months, 10000 people will take turns carrying the torch in america and really across france . and it's overseas territory. i've been dissolved and thanks for watching you go with the is up next and collaborative. we'll have more use for you next down here the
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. ready swim phone is internal to do us struggling. sky rocketing seed, costs and disease freshman metric system. insect feed sources could help. they achieve nutrition and then the defense side and vision, insects of shame. they actually become more or less. this tends to diseases eco,
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india dealing next on dw, from refugee to business, wind, m. a sharma has made it 10 years ago. she fled from syria to touch the she started as successful confectionary self, even so she places the challenges in her new home. the focus on us and 60 minutes on d w, the not just another day. so much is happening all at once. we take time to understand this is the day i'm in the look at
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current use events, analyzed by experts and critical thinking is not just another new. so weekdays on dw, the what does our future look like? well, if you're thinking of flying the robot that stop right there, because i'm talking about the, to a sort of 5 planet of thought in line with hello and welcome. i'm saw the got the body annual watching equal in the future is uncertain for sure. and it will pause, unforeseen challenge and these challenges we need new in genius and use. so in today's episode let's take a look.