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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 9, 2024 8:00pm-8:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news why different berlin tonight from inside guns are reports it is really bombing in the city of ruffled is really officials say that they are going to press ahead with their plan defensive in rockford. now this, despite of warning for me, was present inviting that he may stop some weapons shipments. it is real inmates, also coming up as relations with the west, worse it over ukraine, russia marx, the soviet union is bored. more to victory with the military parade in moscow. the
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number golf, it's good to have you with us on this thursday. israel's military spokesman says that the army has the munitions it needs to press a head with it's offensive in the southern garza city of rockland. now this comes after a warning from us president joe biden, there in washington could cut some weapons exports to israel if the offensive goes ahead, tearing, of course, massive civilian casualties. tens of thousands of people are thought to be leaving rafa looking for a safe haven. and for most it's not the 1st time that they've done. so seeing the fighting and rasa the can find a family is once again on the move, the heated to come, eunice, but fear what they will find me. a 110 units area say there's no life there. they chose to go to con us almost. okay, so it's a safe place, but it doesn't have any water or any food or drink or 8 or anything. we don't know what to do. that doesn't help with israel had previously labeled rasa is
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a safe zone. more than a 1000000 people have been sheltering. mia now it's is rails laces baffles on. it says the city is a strong hold for him. us militants. tanks patrol easton district and it strikes, escalating thing with children among the victims. a sort of in the israeli army struck us with 2 missiles without warning. this is the criminal act. 8 people were murdered among them were little children who had nothing to do with any of this and see, i heard you say the restrictions on the i making life, even worse. israel has shuffle off the vital rough for border crossing,
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leaving supply warehouses virtually empty. and bringing hospitals to the brink of collapse the most important elements, literally all these human, their issue fuel fuel fuel that of course also for you and your age that also saw moments and that of that. so i was trying to get it off you all the return precious, including the hospital ration. they called general health and saw our estimation is that the hospitals only have fuel for $2.00 to $3.00 days. the united states has repeatedly wound israel against a full scale offensive and rougher and has halted some deliveries israel, the remains defiant, and shows no signs of giving into international pressure. well,
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i spoke with middle east analysts, laura blumenfeld, and she told me more about the differing positions of the is really and us leaders . and i mean from biden's point of view, this is like our friends don't let friends drive drunk moment. he's taking away the keys, so to speak, for an attorney, yahoo, you know, he's standing on the side of the road and saying, i still got to get home and we'll do it with or without you. um, as you know, so you know, he is really is have abandonment issues. natania spoke about that right to that point on holocaust memorial day, he gave a speech this week where he said there were times when did you spend alone in the world? no one came to our aid and we will not be defenseless again. so he's really driving hard natania along this period of holidays. they call it the days of all which start on holocaust memorial day. they take you up to a memorial day for soldiers right up to israel independence day. so he's kind of working with that calendar to make a political point, which of course has military implications. yeah,
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the military implications here biden has said that the united states will not withhold defensive weapons like those used for israel's iron dome, for example. um, could that change uh, you know, of all the bad case scenarios and believe me, i'm contemplating them. i don't see him pulling back on defensive weapons. i mean, even with the width of again room, i remember we're talking only about a pause on our offensive weapons. you had the senators lining up republican senators, you know, basically saying that the president is, is a banding, a key ally, and it could have implications for other allies around the world. mean the world is watching other countries. if we're saying, you know, we're going to put a dent in this iron clad alliance. what does it mean for other countries? can you rely in america? are they that dependable state? and what about the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu? he says that is real, will stand alone if it has to. can it really the stand alone? i mean, how far can it push this more without its most important ally to regulate?
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the idea is real. defense forces are heavily dependent on the united states for weapons. you know, 3800000000 dollars of year a dollars a year. they receive and military assistance. i think from the right here, he's kind of channeling mackie of alley a little bit and he's, he's just saying to himself, you know, you need to treat your enemies generously or destroy them altogether. because if you injure them only slightly, they will come back to different to, to seek revenge. and if you don't, they won't be able to. and i think he sees and why, really, as a kind of fight to the finish. and maybe he's hoping i don't know in his calculation the present abiding might even be the us present in a couple of months. yeah, i want him to pick up on that. i mean, what is at stake for joe biden? domestically right now, particularly if he holds a red line with his real oh, it's a very tricky pivot for about him because he has been the most pro is real
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president and us history. and he's been accused of, you know, being genocide, joe. and then you have the folks who, who are happy with his support for israel saying, you know, hey, you are way to go, joe. and where are you now? they're saying that he's kind of a, you know, he's 1st was talking about the 2 state solution and now it's a 2 face solution. there are 2 biden's, the one who gave that tremendous speech just a few days ago that the rise of anti semitism. and then the joe, by that who said no more offensive weapons, i would argue that he's more of a father abraham figure, and he sees both past syrians and israel is as his children who are fighting. and he, he's a man of tremendous empathy. and it's just hard on him to watch the images coming out of gaza where it were so many civilians are dying and he cares deeply. i saw him wipe a tear from the corner of his eye when he talked about visiting israel and the days and the aftermath of october 7th and seeing a picture of it is really mother burned to death. while she was tied together with her daughter, i mean this is real and i do think that a lot of this summer,
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somebody, he does, he is motivated by politics, but also by the personal as well. it is a very good point. we want to remind our viewers in your best selling author. you've written a book about revenge for, for acts of violence. so i want to ask you, what strikes you about the weight is real, is pursuing. it's more against them. us for the attacks of october, the 7th. so i think that's really interesting is you know, immediately following october 7th, president biden said, you need to learn from our mistakes, enough data stand and not, not kind of follow our path. but what he seems to be going to be kidding for. now, if you watched his interview on cnn, he said, you know, we want him to get been logged in and we can help you gets into our son. an interesting way to present it is advocating or personal revenge rather than military retaliation. it's an interesting pivot. it's an interesting point that you bring up. um you were a policy advisor to the us state department on middle east end the peace process.
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so let me ask you, do you see a path for the end of the war in gaza and do you think the 2 state solution still has any life left it? well, i think it's gonna take a lot of diplomatic finance. and frankly, a lot of emotional intelligence, this war, it hasn't been a world war, but all of us, the whole world has been at war emotionally because of the, the impact of social media. i think one way that you can get these rallies to kind of look more toward a 2 state solution is rather than framing it as an opportunity of normalization with saudi arabia, which of course is important right now. i think they do want to just club or somebody if you frame it in a fight against the wrong. and you know, talk about this kind of coalition of co existence to push back on the axes of resistance. that is a point on her, on the horizon, i can see these really is amy for right now, given their emotional state. and you have to take into account that has to be in
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trauma as well. it is unprecedented. and so we need to kind of move forward delicately. laura bloomfield, joining us tonight from washington dc. lauren, we appreciate your time and your analysis tonight. thank you. thank you are. all right, let's have a look now at some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world of thousands of protocol. as many of demonstrators have gathered in the swedish city of melma to protest. israel's participation in the eurovision song contest for the city is hosting this year's event is real, is represent finger aiden goal lot. she's performing in the 2nd. so my final swedish authorities have tightened security in the run up to saturdays. finally, the death toll from flooding and new southern brazil has risen to a 107 rescue teams are still working to bring people to safety. relentless rainstorms have hampered their efforts in more bad weather is in the forecasts. dozens of people remain missing. 6 people have been detained for alleged public
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disorder in the georgia and capital tbilisi. they were protesting against a for an agents bill that critics see as a threat to media freedom inspired by russian mass demonstrations of taking place in the capital in recent weeks or russia. and celebrate of the soviet union's victory in the 2nd world war with its annual red square military parade. in moscow, a russian president vladimir putin to use the occasion to lash out at western powers warning them that ma scale will not be threatened. the parade comes his days after russia announced new military drills with neighboring bella roost involving the practice deployment of tactical nuclear weapons. a sea of uniformed bodies all waiting for one man to arrive a loud demand polluted for actually sworn in for
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a record breaking 5th tongue as russia's president of to watching soldiers parade through the on seasonal may snow on most goes red square boot and returned familia territory warning the west, the russia was ready for the conflict and even nuclear war. but i see it, we did deal with your russia, we'll do everything to prevent global confrontation. but at the same time, we will not allow anyone to threaten us and access to the thank you. just use our strategic forces are always on the alert. once again, he also use the backdrop of the survey unions victory of a nazi germany to justify his current war and ukraine, boots and has repeatedly based as the accused, the korean government of being run by neo nazis. so i'm watching in the crowd, but clearly in agreement with that long time leader in such a square as driving now for victory against fascism. we are directly involved into this. and we have the 1st one because we must always learn from the past. and
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remember what our grandfathers did for us, and that we must do the same. now. the fruits of futons efforts to twist the pulse in his favor will also one display at the end of the parade. once he was joined by jim and chancellor as an un secretary general, this, you know, western leader came to lay flowers alongside russia's president or russians living here in berlin. they also celebrate may, 9th, as victory over nazi germany. date remembrance, events are held across the german capital, but this year police were out in force to prevent the spread of any propaganda backing the war in ukraine and sharing the same ground. but fire popped in ideology ceremonies, invalid and mocking the soviet victory over nazi germany. has become more political than ever since russia invaded ukraine, doesn't you indulge? we're in germany, and we think the instrumental ization of this historical rememberance for today's
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war against ukraine is wrong with the russian symbol. it's what band around the collaboration and yet some where on display is my country's flag. i was born there. i was raised there almost the this black is a symbol for the position from fascism. also present. diplomats including the investigators from west side and its allies, that arose as well as the russian orthodox priests. around $900.00 police went ahead to ensure public safety with only a few minor scaffolds marrying become a ration. if you're watching dw this, we want to leave you now with the olympic torch relay that is underway in france in the build up to the summer games in paris, marci football, legit possible, kicked off the 1st leg the after the plane arrives on the sailing ship from greece
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. other french bearers include crating, the gymnast maria is a transcript and the french in the star own. yeah. i'll be back in some of the um, with, with mobile news hope to see you then the learn shannon with the world winning offer is available language learning. german has been sent to go it's the year 2010. germany's name and my land root has won the.