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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  April 26, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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connecticut along with retired supreme court justice stephen breyer and, before we go, this "special report" family is growing. our white house senior producer erin mccune gave birth to a beautiful boy on thursday evening. meet wallace braden, both mom and son are said to be doing great. congratulations to them. remember, if you can't see us live. set your dvr 6:00 p.m. eastern, 3:00 p.m. on the west coast. thank you for watching "special report." thank you olivia beavers for your kindness. thank you to rutted gears university tort great honor. i'm mike emanuel in washington. "the ingraham angle" is next. have a wonderful weekend. ♪ ♪ >> laura: welcome to "the ingraham angle." i'm laura ingraham. thank you as always for joining us. tonight, multiple tornadoes are sweeping through the midwest
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causing extreme damage and flipping tractor trailers. >> right in front of us, guys. holy [bleep]. violent tornado, guys. violent tornado. >> laura: well we'll monitor and bring you more as it comes. but, first, leaked today, we saw mounting evidence not in the courtroom, but outside it that donald trump is winning. after 8 days of sitting through the sham hush money trial, he pivoted seamlessly to the news of the day, including biden's comments on howard stern's show that he is happy to debate trump. >> i have invited biden to debate. he can do it any time he wants. including tonight. we're willing to do it monday night, tuesday night, wednesday night, thursday night, or friday night on national television. we're ready just tell me where. >> laura: brilliant. and by the way he looks great. it's hard to see that biden ever debates him but we will start popping the popcorn early for
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that one. but the point is at 77 years of age, donald trump came out of that courtroom energetic and if fighting form after, yet, another long day of sitting and listening to nonsense. and voters seem to be noticing, too. a new national poll of likely voters not just registered, by the university of north florida's public opinion research lab, shows that donald trump is flipping a significant percentage of biden voters. michael binder is faculty director told "newsweek" via phone that the numbers are a quote big deal. 60% of biden voters considering voting for trump could have a major impact in what have been notoriously close presidential elections. and i love this ominous line. if you're a democrat, i'd be worried. now, that's also the message we'll hear from a top union leader later in the show. when he is going to stop by. he hosted trump earlier this week and sees a pro-maga wave
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building among his members. and, of course, we have an insane friday follies on tap. but, right now, why alvin can't brag, that's the focus of tonight's friday angle. >> laura: all right. dead dogs can't bark. but, from day one of this ludicrous case against trump, the manhattan d.a. has been pounding on the canine court trying desperately to resuscitate it. look, he is still breathing pay attention and watch him do tricks. but it's not working. the cases is flat lining. and that's because alvin bragg's approach was to indict trump first and find a crime later. one problem. there's no crime. and david pecker's testimony didn't help the prosecution. and it was particularly delicious, i thought, to see how uncomfortable one cnn host got when one of his guests spoke the truth about the case. >> he is taking the wind out of
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the prosecution's sales and said showing there was this relationship that had nothing to do with sort of a quid pro quo. >> confirm the concept of catch and kill was not talked about at the august 2015 meeting at trump tower that's correct pecker said. >> bove doing a great job of bringing out facts that undermine. >> confirm that trump and cohen did not pay story former door man at trump power tower. >> laura: well, got to interrupt when you don't want where it's going. they are getting nervous. the lawfare being waged against trump seems to be totally back firing. and so disappointed common tartsd who kind of bet the farm on this, are just left sputtering. even and this was really great this morning. offering nasty jabs after trump's sweet birthday greetings to melania. >> what they want to point out wish his wife a happy birthday wished he could be with her.
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she could be there. >> she could. >> any number of his family members could be there at this trial at any point. they have all chosen not to be at this trial. >> laura: they have chosen not to be -- really, john, really? that's -- that's as good as you can do? it's bad enough for trump to waste his time in a sham proceeding, why on earth would he want to punish his family, punish his wife on her birthday? oh, come sit at the trial. happy birthday. how ridiculous. all day long media personalities who had hoped, hoped that this case was going to help sink trump were themselves sinking right along with alvin's case. >> having people be reminded of just how crazy the 2016 campaign was. it's not clear of the impact it will have. the question is what does this actually do for voters come november. >> right the campaign is the courthouse. the courthouse is the campaign. >> laura: alvin and the chip monks. well, yeah, the courts house is
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the campaign, but not exactly as they hoped. the left thought that the endless lawfare against former president trump would effectively neutralize him. obviously take him off the trail but really really hurt him. biden essentially wouldn't even have to campaign. the trial would campaign for him. but it's the other way around. this case shows us once and again once again how dangerous it is for our legal system to be used as a political battering ram. >> you expect the lead witness to really set the table for the jury but, you know in both relationships and trials, first impressions matter. what's the first impression here? they have been talking about something not in the indictment, something that's not a crime, and, actually, their star lead witness seemed to help the president. we're left on friday wondering what's the intelligent design
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here towards conviction and one thing that would help if you would just tell us what's the crime? >> laura: don't you love turley? now, with much fanfare, alvin bragg announced this indictment last spring. y'all remember it. hoping to use his legal campaign against trump as i think a springboard for higher office. but, in the end, he'll be just known as another untalented lawyer who thought his ambition and liberal connections would hide the fact that he has no case. but, if you're going to try to take down one of the most formidable political forces, america has ever seen, you better show up with more than david pecker, that goof ball mobile cohen and a few canceled checks. and that's the angle. joining me now sol wisenberg former deputy independent council mike davis, article iii project president and former law clerk to justice gorsuch. sol, what about today?
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again, the last day of testimony for one of the primary witnesses for the prosecution. was the glove really laid on donald trump? >> no. no change in the basic facts of the case. and no change in the legal problems that i think alvin bragg is going to have. you had three witnesses, had you pecker finishing up. you had a records custodian who was trump's former gate keeper. trump organization is paying for testimony and she obviously likes him and gave good testimony for him. and then you have a banker that dealt with michael cohen. so very, very unevent full. the needle wasn't moved at all. >> laura: at one point it god so absurd, mike, that the d.a.'s office was objecting to the defense attorney referencing president trump -- i mean as president trump as president trump saying that and it was a tweet just came out, during the
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cross of pecker, trump's defense attorney bove had repeatedly been referring to president trump as president trump when referencing periods of time when trump was not in office. the d.a.'s office keeps objecting and judge merchan keeps sustaining those objections. so, okay. convict him of using the wrong title for trump at that time. this is where we are, mike. >> mike: i mean. >> laura: i howled at that one. we called president obama, president obama. that's crazy you wouldn't call a former president the president. that's their title for the rest of their lives. and it just shows you how political this process is. and even though the evidence is completely bogus. the legal allegations are completely bogus, you still have a clearly biased judge, this juan merchan who donated to biden, donated to another anti-trump cause. his adult daughter has raised $100 million on this case. he should have recused. he didn't recuse, you have this
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soros funded manhattan d.a. alvin bragg and you have matthew colangelo deployed from the biden justice department senior political appointee and justice department rigid. asking potential jurors if they follow trump on social media, but they didn't ask them if they followed biden on social media for example. and you have already have a jury poll that's 87% voting for biden. there's no chance that trump is going to get a fair trial. >> laura: now, sol, the thing about this i find is very strange is that their star witness, michael cohen, who we have yet to hear from, we will hear what he has to say. from everything we know it's going to be another goof ball testimony. i mean, i don't know him that well. i have had few interactions with him over the years. how does that, again, show in any way that trump committed -- was doing this to commit a crime? i still don't get how cohen ever
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gets you there. >> well, he is somebody who has absolutely no credibility. his former attorney has said he has no credibility. the government, in other proceedings has said that he has no credibility. so, you start with that i have said all along the basis of the case is very weak. the idea that paying for a catch and kill story could constitute election interference in a way that lifts this misdemeanor into a felony because that's the other crime you were trying to commit, election interference is a joke. i mean, what about -- compare that to what we know hillary clinton did. she gave money to support the false russia collusion hoax. and then listed their payments for the steele dossier with the federal election commission. >> laura: exactly. >> hid it as attorneys fees.
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that's a real crime. the problem here, laura, huge problem and this actually ties into the supreme court argument yesterday, there's no restraint on these tin pot state prosecutors. you don't have the kind of institutional restraints that you should have with the federal government to keep a former president from being prosecuted on frivolous or political grounds. you don't have that at the state level. and, actually, it's something that justice barrett mentioned yesterday in the arguments on presidential immunity. no restraint at all here. you remember bill barr. you know, he said when he was the attorney general hey, not every corrupt act by jim comey or anybody else is necessarily a crime but people like alvin bragg have apparently forgotten that. >> laura: mike, how is it election interference to want to portray yourself in the media
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more favorable which essentially if you take their facts, that's what they were really trying to do which is what all these other celebrity figures that they established at trial did with the national inquirer. >> david pecker said he has done this for trump before 2016. david pecker testified trump had no knowledge ever the payment by michael cohen. this case is a dog. >> laura: dead dog, doesn't bark. sol and mike have a great weekend. all right, apparently hamas is -- has some new friends. we'll tell you about. is it because they see new recruits in america? hmmm, curious, we'll explain it, next. ♪ ego, the number one rated brand in cordless outdoor power brings you the select cut mower. customize the cut with three interchangeable
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♪ >> laura: they say ignorance is bliss, but these people don't sound too happy. [shouting] [chanting we are hamas] >> you are hamas? wow. you're what? you're hamas? >> yes, we're all hamas, pig. >> do you support hamas? do you view hamas' reactions as resistance or violence. >> they are protecting their own people. >> get away from us! >> laura: isn't life on college campus wonderful these days? and these protesters are so cool
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they have some new fan boys. and they are actual terrorists. according to a free beacon report senior hamas political leader put out a statement likening israel to nazi germany and declaring support for american student protesters. and the popular front for the liberation of palestine, which the u.s. has designated as a terror group is also cheering the students on urging an escalation of their on campus struggle. parents, i know you're watching, grandparents, you are also footing the bill. pay attention. the groups specifically mentions rutgers, yale, stanford and columbia where this gem of a protest leader goes. >> zionists don't deserve to live. they are nazis. they are fascists. i'm not saying that i'm going to go out and start killing zionists. what i'm saying is that if an individual who identifies as a
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zionist threatens my physical safety in person, ie puts their hands on me, i'm going to defend myself. and in this case scenario, it may come to a point where i don't know when to stop. be glad, be grateful that i'm not just going out and murdering zionists. >> laura: khymani james put out a lengthy statement today after that video resurfaced saying the video was from january but that what he said was wrong and he said every member of our community deserves to feel safe without qualification. i misspoke. in the heat of the moment for which i apologize. well, he is sorry all right. a sorry example of protest inc. this was what blm infected social media feeds can do to the human brain and it's not pretty. we also spoke with a columbia spokesperson who said in part
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calls of violence are unacceptable and violate university policy while we will not comment on individual cases when there are violations of student conduct policies, they are reviewed and disciplinary measures are applied. noncommittal from columbia. joining me now is erin cohen counter terror expert and special op. vet. aaron, what does hamas see in these college protesters. >> p.r. free marketing ticket. this is what you are seeing systematic radicalization. very similar to the blm. start looking at where the money is coming from. there is counter-terrorism red flags going off everywhere in my head right now. first of all is he wearing his keffiyeh wrong. no idea what the core root of
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what is he even talking about. a little all over the place. brainwashing going on, laura. happens en masse and unfolding across these campuses. the danger red flags in my opinion is the effect that it has for the lone wolf actors who are -- who may want to carry out violence. the only direction this goes, laura, is up. we have got this rhetoric getting fed through that iphone, literally fed through that iphone with no real context of what hamas is, obviously. because they are calling for -- because of all the rhetoric and incitement not just toward the jews, laura but towards israel. this is the same type of indoctrination, laura, that was used by ahmed, the spiritual founder of hamas, who we assassinated in 2004 because we understand how dangerous it is. and it's only going to get worse on these campuses and nypd can come out and say everything is peaceful. just wait, just wait.
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things are getting very tense at columbia. we will continue to monday that and bring up any reports. aaron, we all defend and support free speech rights on campus. but, when speech morphs into incitement and i mean real incitement or you end up blocking with protests the exit and entry of just normal students that want to go to class, it's completely unacceptable. there is a reason why these terror groups seem to be pretty happy today that this is happening on campus. i want to show a former princeton student photos that were snapped at an anti-israel encampment there. now, you see students holding the hezbollah flag, aaron, where does one even get those flags? do they even know what they're holding? >> the only place i'm familiar with getting one of those flags is off a dead hezbollah terrorist. i don't know if there is a
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secret website on etsy where these green bandanas from hamas -- by the way which means to the death. i don't know where they're getting this material from. the fact they are flying the flags now and seeing these patches coming out now it's very alarming. laura, bottom line with this is this is nothing more than pro-terror incitement and rhetoric and propaganda disguised as free speech. i challenge any of the lawyers and i'm not a lawyer like you. but i challenge the lawyers to tell me otherwise. but you will see the gradual escalation. >> laura: a lot of protection for free speech. >> that's right. that's right. >> laura: there is a lot of protection for free speech. proving incitement is not the easiest hurdle on occasion but this is -- this is oftentimes going way beyond what is free speech, even detestable speech that people might really disagree with aaron, thank you for your expertise tonight. earlier today, fox's griff jenkins was at george washington university and
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spoke with a jewish student who feels targeted on campus. but i want you to watch what happens when one of the protesters overheard this. >> what you people are doing here is standing up for justice. i haven't heard any anti-semitism from them. >> do you feel that it's threatening? >> when you call for intifada revolution you are threat just. >> this is not to any jews this is revolution. >> you are coming to my university and tell me you are not threatening me. >> you come here and you call for intifada resolution you are calling for the death of my people. >> i'm no. i'm a hotel manager. go [bleep]. anti-bias. anti-semitism. >> if you don't want to have a conversation, can you turn around. >> i don't need to have a conversation. i'm here against genocide. the type of conversation is over. the time to stop genocide is now. >> did not call for the death of jews. they have not glawld called for intifada revolution. >> intifada.
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>> revolution. get it people. >> step away from me. because you are attacking me. >> laura: i love the mask. i love it. and touching the mask. that's how stupid she is. joining me now victor davis hanson. victor, obviously, tensions are running high as you can see. is there something significant, truly significant happening in these protests? >> yeah. i think there is. i think they have pulled off the scab and there is a real putrid wound and america is watching. they make no distinction between being for hamas or palestinians. they are inseparable. they hate israel and jews. anti-semitism to them is the same thing as being anti-israel. and they are promoting a death cult. this is a 1960s touchy-feely peace for everybody. this is a very sadistic. they come across -- i don't know -- never are not even aware how they come across but they
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come across as arrogant and ignorant and spoiled. and they are asking the american people to subsidize the endowment income on these elite universities and this $2 trillion student loan protest and this is what you get in return. i don't think in 2024 the american people are going to put up with it. >> laura: well, i think at some point, victor, that the white house, the campaign, they're going to have to get control of this. because, this is obviously helping trump. and, most of these protesters hate trump. right? they are -- there is classic blm marxist, neo-marxist. many of them just ignorant want a friend liberal. it's going to help trump. so at some point they realize uh-oh. we are actually going to help elect donald trump? will they pull back or are they just so seized by this issue that it's going to be full steam ahead, they will take over the dnc in the summer? another chicago dnc?
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con>> i don't think they care. i think they are ignorant. i think they will go out in the street in chicago and replay 196 #. they don't care how they appear to the americans. remember, after october 7th. before the israeli armed forces went in on october 20th, 2021st. they were doing. this they were cheering on the mutilation, the decapitation, the mass rape and mass murder. this is a very different movement. this is a death cult. and i think people are -- have had it. they are sick of the blockades, occupying bridges, desis he creating religious services. occupying saint patrick's cathedral. they have had it up to here. it's going to hurt joe biden. and he's playing into it by privileging 250,000 voters in michigan. >> laura: i don't think this is going well for them at all. victor, thank you, as always. we're going to continue to monitor what is happening at
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george washington university and across the country. but the father of a badly beaten teen is now suing the gilbert goons. that teen gang caught terrorizing southeast phoenix. he joins us next. ♪ i will bless those who bless you it's almost passover here in israel and across the former soviet union but we're fnding thousands of destitute, elderly jews
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very large wedge tornado causing extensive damage especially in the town of he can horn, nebraska this is as the tornado was getting going expanded in size a lot from here. a lot of the next few hours watch damage videos begin to pour in. today in nebraska. now stretching in towards iowa. had large tornadoes on the ground. really extreme hail with this and flooding as well to the west saw the worst of it. two tornadoes on the ground. one of them in iowa and kansas and throughout the overnight hours we still see the threat for tornadoes then tomorrow watch the atmosphere reload again. watch what happens here. many of the exact same areas tomorrow a worse day for tornadoes. so if you are anywhere where you see this red, you need to have a plan in place. sunday, same story, maybe a tiny bit farther off towards the east. but you get the idea, laura, we are heading in towards may,
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which is the peak of tornado season most of our tornado activity. we are watching a really active pattern set up for us right now. people need to be watching and making their plans right now, laura. >> laura: rick, i don't like the term reload with a tornado. that's terrifying. thank you so much for covering it tonight for us. >> laura: last month we brought you the story of the so-called gilbert goons, a gang of vicious young people, mostly teens from an upscale phoenix suburb. police say they have been rampaging through the area for the last two years. but the rein of terror came to an end in october after several of these young men were charged in the vicious beating and it ended up in the death of 16-year-old preston lord. but it was hardly the first vile attack they are accused of carrying out. brass knuckles were often the weapons of choice as victims were pummeled in other vicious assaults. in public garages.
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[shouting] [gasp] >> hey, let's go. [bleep] >> and even parking lots. [shouting] >> laura: which is where the son of my next guest was brutally beaten allegedly by the goons. in a lawsuit filed by his father, tristan keener, it says that when he was at a local fast food restaurant last august, he was ambushed and savagely attacked by at least six of the gilbert goons. tristan ended up in the hospital bloodied and with a severe concussion. rick keener joins me now. rick, i first have to ask you how your son is doing and where is he? >> thanks, laura for asking. my son is doing okay he is currently in europe. i have him overseas there for
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his safety. but he is physically okay. i he is not the same son that i had before he left. >> laura: i mean, i watch these videos. you just ask what has happened to our society. who are the parents, all of it rages through your mind. i want to show a senate image that you say, rick, your son received. somebody loading up a magazine of a gun pull up. and messages people wanted to beat him up. and then the message you are getting yours. rick? >> yeah. that's, you know, it's unfortunate and all these kids i don't even know where they are getting guns, laura. they are all minors, most of these kids. it was so disturbing to see
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something like that. and to your point, you know, i don't know where they are getting this violence or where this anger is coming from. but, it's been going on in at least valley of phoenix where i live for at least the last couple years. i know i have personally brought it to the school's attention two years ago. so, it's very disturbing. and we need to do something about it. >> laura: what was the reaction from the school? other parents have as well. >> yeah. it just seemed very transactional. there didn't seem to be any empathy or taking it serious, you know. hey, gilbert is the second safest city in the nation. so i don't think people thought those things would happen. and they did. and many parents, not just myself have been bringing this up to the local officials, the school boards and nothing ever was done about it. >> laura: richard, at least a
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couple of these kids come from pretty privileged background. and i read one report where one of the fathers got involved and was trying to like help smooth things over before the murder charges came down. >> yeah oh yeah. where we live is a very affluent area. large families and you are right, laura, a lot of these kids come from affluent families. and unfortunately, you know, we all believe that some of these parents should be culpable and take some responsibility for this, too. it really starts at the home, right? >> laura: rick, we wish your family the best. please give your son our best. and i hope emotionally he is okay after this. thank you so much. >> laura: white house staffers cover for biden, literally. and kamala's word of the day. raymond arroyo has it all in another hysterical friday
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the president walks from marine one? >> laura, remember, all those sad images of the lone shuffling joe biden across the white house lawn? well, you won't be seeing that again. oh, he still can't walk. but since mid april, staffers have suddenly begun creating what i call the biden swarm. watch this. they -- they create a perimeter around the president to distract from his stiff gate and block the camera shot. this could go down as g gait ga, laura, but it's intentional. >> laura: you are kind of watching, what coat is karine jean-pierre wearing? it is kind of a good trick. an optical visual check. >> raymond: you will need the entire white house staff and agencies to block out what he is transmitting. i'm sorry you are not going to hide his age or the decline with howard stern today he was talking about saving six people and women sending him salacious images that he gave to the secret service while a senator.
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you don't have secret service protection as a senator. part of the reason team biden needs to hide joe biden's age is because they don't want the public to think about kamala harris taking over the oval office. >> laura: what's kamala been up to? >> well, she held a big criminal justice summit at the white house yesterday with that criminal scholar of our age kim kardashian. a word of the day was apparently second chances. >> using your platform in a way that has really lifted up the importance of talking about and being dedicated to second chances. i know that it works to give people second chances. we have been here then at the white house we have done a number of things that have been about allowing people second chances through understanding the obstacles that present in society prevent people from taking a second chance. >> i'm glad the word of the day wasn't repetition, laura.
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>> laura: she has had six second chances. all right, raymond, i know you spoke to robert f. kennedy jr. this week. and i was shocked, not really but i was stunned still that he believes that he could win the election with only 33% of the vote in a five-man race. >> raymond: that's if he gets a chance. joe biden clearly doesn't want the competition. in fact he has denied kennedy secret service protection five times despite this that he told me. >> also provided them 68 pages of material death threats and actual incidents of people coming with guns to my event. i think four break-ins at my house including one intruder who got to the second floor when my family was there. >> raymond: given the family history here, laura, it's unbelievable that biden hasn't granted this man secret service protection. >> laura: well, because they don't want competition.
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they don't want a real campaign and i don't believe joe biden is going to debate. what else, ray? >> spending $3 billion to try to knock kennedy off the ballots in states. meanwhile, laura, this week journalism's annual self-congratulatory festival in d.c. is underway. the white house correspondence dinner weekend. >> laura: oh, i'm going to miss. >> raymond: it's filled mostly with people connected to the white house as joy reid is to the wwf. but as the media gathers to praise itself. the people have been submitting their own reviews. watcher. >> explain to justices and whether they can fashion a five justice majority. i mean, this is one of the turning points for this argument. are you more concerned about a president. >> presidential act. [shouting] >> implicated? >> ken. >> you're fake news. >> just making sure you're okay. >> raymond: laura, when 38%. >> make sure your hair spray is okay.
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>> trust in the media. this is a nightmare. the recent gallup poll said actually 7% of people trust media. 7%. yet, joe biden has given them no interviews. no press conferences, less than any of his predecessors, they are going to vet him this weekend at the correspondence dinner. they are both derelict in their duty to the american people. >> laura: all right, raimondo, i could write a book with our adventures at the white house correspondence dinners in years past. >> raymond: may have to. >> laura: someone may have snuck in at some point when they lost their ticket. have a great weekend. a reality check coming for biden. he thinks he is the most prounion president ever. my next guest is going to set the record straight. is he a union leader who even has --
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there's news, and there's good news.
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like thousands of patients receiving free life changing surgeries, from volunteer doctors and nurses on hospital ships. all made possible by donations. we love good news.
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>> laura: we all know that biden tax grant and joe tries to present himself as the champion of union workers nationwide. >> one of the reasons i
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ran for president is to build a backbone for the middle class. and we have. following my blue-collar blueprint to build america and guess what, it is a working. i'm proud to be the most prounion president in american history. >> laura: but trump is not ceding blue-collar workers to the man who has driven inflation and the cost of living through the roof. >> we're here in new york city and talking with these members. do think tre may be changing their minds? >> i think they may be were democrat but they took a lot of great buildings in this city with these people. and they have given me great support. >> laura: that is what he did before court this week. it was a great moment. joining me now, the business manager of the steamfitters local 638 in new york city and long island. bobby, great to see you tonight. i know a lot of the union workers, obviously the union leadership for sure went for biden back in 2020. but are you sensing a change in
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the air? >> good evening laura, great for you to have me on and thank you for that. yes. my members are basically fed up with the illegal immigration, the crime, the outrageous prices of food and gas back oil, electric. it is hurting everybody and we were basically -- when we get into a union we're basically all democrat. the democrats are just pushing us away. and we are a patriotic union, we have three congressional medal of honor winners in our union, we have many military veterans. we have people who his family police and fire department. and they are tired of it. we are being treated as second-class citizens. >> laura: but bobby, the president this week after that horrible gdp number came out and the inflation number came out which is a disaster on thursday, he came out and said,
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essentially, we are going in the right direction and as treasury secretary said, things are going to calm down. things are going to get better. maintaining that growth is a real and the economy is very strong, as she said. >> if they think they are going in the right direction they should probably turn around and go the other way, as far as we are concerned here in new york and all of the union members are concerned. >> laura: part of what i also think is happening is that outsourcing of jobs is now speeding up in the united states under biden's policies. we're seeing a bigger trade deficit for the united states which means more stuff is coming and then going out. that obviously hits your union workers across the country. >> not only the union workers, that hits everybody in this country. everyone is feeling the pain. it is not getting better.
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our tax dollars are going to illegal immigration, feeding them, housing them, clothing them. god knows what else. and we cannot sustain what is going on. this country cannot sustain it. >> laura: bobby, i know you did your own internal poll of your union workers, what did you discover? >> i discovered -- i have 9000 members. we have only got a fraction of that that have reported back on my pole. but as of right now, it is 3-1 in favor of trump against biden. trump is leading 3-1 in our poll >> laura: bobby, trump said he is doing well in new york and has close the gap to only 10%, do you think he has a fighting chance in new york given what has happened? >> i believe he does. my union members have been calling me since 7:30 this morning, thanking me.
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i have been getting phone calls for my sister locals from business managers around the country. from other locals, electricians, plumbers. i'm getting calls from retired members of other union locals that are glad that we are at least taking a stand and we are standing for what the members want. >> laura: god bless you. the steamfitters union, thank you bobby, we appreciate your perspective tonight. >> thank you laura, have a great night. >> laura: that is it for us tonight, make sure to follow me all weekend long on social media thanks as always for watching and remember, it is america now and forever. jesse watters takes it from here, have a great weekend. [ ♪♪ ] [ ♪♪ ]


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