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tv   The Saturday Night Showdown  GB News  April 27, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm BST

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have george, we're asking, do we have a two tier police force .7 and a two tier police force.7 and policing minister chris philp is getting a hard time for getting the congo mixed up with rwanda. but why should he be.7 he's the congo mixed up with rwanda. but why should he be? he's the minister for policing, not the minister for esoteric african geography. and victoria beckham has been accused of fatphobia after her new clothing line only stretches to a size 14. fat activists are so angry with her they nearly dropped their doughnuts. this is your saturday night showdown discussing all tonight's topics with me are my brilliant panel. joining me tonight are kezia noble , andrew eborn, and paul noble, andrew eborn, and paul cox. but first, let's get your latest news headlines from ray
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addison . addison. >> that's leo. our top stories tonight from the gb newsroom and conservative mp doctor dan poulter has defected to labour, saying the tories are now a nationalist party of the right . nationalist party of the right. announcing his decision in the observer newspaper, the former health minister said it is abundantly clear that the labour party alone has the will and the trust to restore and reform the nhs. he urged rishi sunak to call a general election as soon as possible. tory party spokesperson has described the news as disappointing, but labour leader sir keir starmer says it's fantastic. doctor poulter , who represents central poulter, who represents central suffolk and north ipswich, will take the labour whip until the next election . the prime next election. the prime minister says a recent influx of migrants into ireland shows the deterrent effect of his rwanda plan is working. the comment comes after deputy irish premier micheal martin said the uk's asylum policy is driving
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migrants from northern ireland into the republic . the into the republic. the government wants to send asylum seekers on a one way flight to the east african nation. rishi sunak says the scheme is having an impact because people are worried about coming here. two men have been arrested at a pro—palestine protest in london. police say one was holding a placard with a swastika and the other made a racist remark towards counter—protesters . the towards counter—protesters. the event, which was organised by the palestine solidarity campaign, was calling for an immediate ceasefire in gaza . immediate ceasefire in gaza. part of that march took it past a fixed pro—israel demonstration on pall mall. earlier, a counter demonstration organised by the campaign against anti—semitism was cancelled , with organisers was cancelled, with organisers saying that the safety of jews was at risk . saying that the safety of jews was at risk. humza yousaf is asking leaders of rival parties to find common ground with the snp as his leadership hangs in the balance. he's inviting them to talks at his official residence to see how they can work with his minority
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government. the scottish first minister says he won't resign ahead of a crunch vote on his leadership next week. it comes after the collapse of the snp's power sharing deal with the greens last thursday , and greens last thursday, and finally, a gold pocket watch recovered from the body of the richest man on the titanic has been sold at auction for a record breaking £1,175,000. now it had been expected to fetch only around 150 k businessman john jacob astor was 47 when he went down with the ship in 1912 after seeing his wife madeline onto a lifeboat rather than attempt to get on one himself. the businessman was last seen smoking a cigarette and chatting with a fellow passenger the previous highest amount paid for a titanic artefact was 1.1 million for a violin that was played as the ship sank well. for the latest stories, why not sign up to gb news alerts by scanning the qr code on your screen right now, or go to slash alerts. back
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now to . leo. now to. leo. >> thank you ray, and welcome to the saturday night showdown . and the saturday night showdown. and what a week it's been a few days on from threatening to arrest someone for being openly jewish. london's police moved on to arresting people for being openly english. after months of standing by during the palestinian riots, they finally saw some protesters that they could batter without being called racist by the guardian and promptly kettled them, threw them on the ground and had mounted police staging cavalry charges into them. the police response wasn't just heavy handed, it was heavy hooved. there was no need to consult community leaders or be aware of social tensions when it's a group seen as gammons . compare group seen as gammons. compare this to the treatment of other protesters over the last six months, the police stood meekly by while islamists threw fireworks and missiles at police, desecrated war memorials and chanted anti—semitic slogans, displayed swastikas and
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called for jihad, which the police excused as having a number of meanings. yeah, i'm pretty sure jihad just as one meaning when it's shouted by a foaming mouthed hamas supporter who wants to destroy israel. left wing commentator say the saint george's day protesters are far right, but the anti—israel protesters aren't. so the protesters with swastikas and anti—semitic chants aren't nazis , but the ones with england nazis, but the ones with england flags. a country that fought the nazis are the nazis. can someone please make this make sense? and social media was awash with the annual saint george's day parade of smug, superior lefties saying, well, actually, saint george was a turkish arab immigrant and his mother was a palestinian. take that gammons as if this was some kind of edgy jaw dropping revelation instead of the only acceptable opinion, and something you'll see a million times if you open social media on the 23rd of april. and as well as being trite and smug, it's not even correct if i can
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adopt the snobbish , know it all adopt the snobbish, know it all tones of the leftist chatter party. well actually saint george wasn't a turkish arab, but was a greek christian from anatolia, which used to be christian but was aggressively colonised by islam. so maybe digging into saint george's history doesn't make the point. you think you're making by calling him a turkish arab is like saying keanu reeves as a high ranking member of hezbollah because he was born in beirut . because he was born in beirut. see, we can be knowitalls, too. and saint george is revered in the east as a curer of lunatics. so we could certainly do with him today . i so we could certainly do with him today. i am joined tonight by paul cox, andrew eborn and kezia noble. now paul the police say they have to keep the peace and the anti—israel protests are too big to step in. i mean, doesn't this sit in a dangerous message that if you've got a big enough mob, you can do what you want? yeah, i mean, it's got to a point now where i'm not even sure why we're debating this. >> there's an open shut case,
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isn't it? the two very contrasting views there on the screen. we saw it earlier in the week. it's like debating whether the titanic sunk. it's sunk, and the titanic sunk. it's sunk, and the police have absolutely no idea how to manage these situations. now, i'll tell you for why and what they've put themselves in this position is because they've introduced culture, war, politics and religion into policing rather than making policing a binary than making policing a binary task. is he the breaking the law or it's not breaking the law? is he the is he the protester? it's not protest. and as a result, what we're because they're bringing in the religion of these protests we're seeing they have no idea how to handle it because of the culture war. i mean, at the rate we're going, sort of saint george waving white blokes will by will be a minority within ten years. so we'll be the ones that will be able to enjoy , you know, free able to enjoy, you know, free protests wherever we like. >> so once you're a minority, you'll be able to do what you want. >> white karens unite. >> white karens unite. >> i'm not sure it'll work like that, but but we'll see. i mean, i'm surprised this is a scotsman living in england. you know, i think it's a perfectly green and pleasant land. it's very warm
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and welcoming. it's lovely . and welcoming. it's lovely. great place to live, you know what i mean? it doesn't have the stringent hate crime laws that you've got in scotland. so you can still crack jokes in england from time to time. why? why do you think english people don't celebrate saint george? they seem to be almost embarrassed to celebrate it . celebrate it. >> yeah, they do seem pretty embarrassed, don't they? you see, like everyone celebrating saint patrick's day, i think. i think the, the english like to celebrate saint patrick's day even more than saint george's day. it'sjust even more than saint george's day. it's just been now linked with racism, hasn't it. so yeah, they're just very uncomfortable with it. and they probably see you know, they've been told you know england was the it was part of the empire. it was the empire. you know. of the empire. it was the empire. you know . and we have to empire. you know. and we have to feel guilty about that. but but scotland and wales were part of that empire also. you know, i know that it was like, okay, wales is a principality. i understand . but, you know, back understand. but, you know, back in the days of the empire , they in the days of the empire, they were they were soldiers also. and yeah , absolutely. marching and yeah, absolutely. marching on other people's land and all the rest of them, plenty of scottish slave traders and, and
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there were some scottish slaves as well. >> there were. absolutely. well, it is interesting, i always say that trust comes in on foot and leaves on horseback. and the reality is that it's about communication. yeah. at the moment there are tears everywhere. more than two i would have thought with, with the police on that sort of basis, what they need to do is be very, very clear as to the policies. so let's put it in this perspective. there's section 60 a, a of the criminal justice and public order act of 1994. i can tell you the clock's already ticking, but but that can empower them to say you can remove anything that might conceal your faces and so on and so forth. so they put that order in on saint george's day. so all the people in their english outfits had to take things off, but they didn't when they were the palestinian marches. yeah. so they could cover their face. so they could cover their face. so there's an inconsistency there. what they need to do though is about clarity. and i put the other perspective we like to balance. i've read the notes. you've got to be balanced . i felt a bit sorry for the copper who turned round and put the other perspective with a guy who, when he said he was openly jewish, he didn't mean it as an anti—semitic way. what he was trying to say is, look, it's a
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bit dangerous because if you go over there , palestinians, you over there, palestinians, you might come to harm and therefore the situation was the crowd could see it as a provocation. and i think that's the thing. it's rather like saying, hang about your i don't know if you're black and there's a whole load of national front people over there. you want to warn them. it's about safety. >> agitator, by the way. oh, well, he was making the point and he was making a good point, but he was an agitator. and the reason there's a two tier system, i don't i don't believe that the police are pro palestine. i don't believe that. it's the sheer number they're deaung it's the sheer number they're dealing with here. it's huge. and most of them are peaceful. but you've got this mob and i've seen them. they're young men. they've got their faces covered like cowards . and you can see like cowards. and you can see they're looking for a fight. they are looking for a fight. and it's something triggers that it all hell will break loose. >> but andrew rees is an interesting point. he said, you know, if this was, you know, a black person in front of a national front mob, a national front mob would never, ever be allowed to march in london. >> exactly small. if those were like 50,000, 60,000 people, they would also have to manage it
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differently. >> yes. yeah. >> yes. yeah. >> but i mean, the reality of the situation is that that it just isn't. i was on the anti—lockdown marches , you know, anti—lockdown marches, you know, and they were huge, much bigger than this. and to be honest, it got a bit hairy sometimes. but they couldn't do anything because of the size. that's the lockdown because no barbers were available. >> that's why they got hairy . >> that's why they got hairy. >> that's why they got hairy. >> he was antagonising ones. he but he did. of course he was something , right? yes, he did something, right? yes, he did expose something and that was that. there was the potential for danger. and we've been continually told there is no potential for danger because these are peaceful protests. so what he what he successfully managed to do and single handedly on this occasion was expose it for what it is. that element that kezia was talking about does exist, and we shouldn't deny it. >> but but also the interest of people would not have done anything to that murder. >> they're peaceful people that are upset about. >> but you don't want it to be inflammatory . and the other inflammatory. and the other thing, which i think they handled incorrectly, the police say we're just putting the other side is when you come out and apologise and say, well, yes, it almost means as though, well, it was it was anti—semitic and things like and it wasn't. i don't think that was the intention. i think it really was
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to do with safety and so on and so forth. it's rather like the orange marches, which they do. there are certain streets you can't go down because inflammatory work on that basis should be sponsored by easyjet. >> but it wasn't the only protest this week. there was also rees—mogg, jacob rees—mogg being harassed by pro—palestine students. i believe in wales. we've got a video in cardiff now those protesters as well as being right up in his face, he's got security. so he's safe, and, you know, i trust jacob rees—mogg could fight his way out of anything he could. >> tall guy. >> tall guy. >> but they were. they were waving. one of them was waving a flag of the soviet union, a communist flag, which is one of the most disgusting. i mean , how the most disgusting. i mean, how many millions of people were starved, tortured, beaten , horrendous?
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>> all of those are very valid points. and that's what the mail was saying. that was outrageous . was saying. that was outrageous. what's interesting was jacob's own statements, which was what he said in a statement. rees—mogg said it was a legitimate and peaceful if noisy protest. the cardiff university security team was exemplary in allowing a lawful protest while keeping everyone safe, so he doesn't sound as bothered as the headune doesn't sound as bothered as the headline sound. >> that's what i love about jacob rees—mogg. he's a man of principle. >> he he doesn't apply them in a partisan way. he sticks to his principles. >> an englishman will walk but never run. he kind of exemplifies that, doesn't he? he stood there . he stood there just stood there. he stood there just going, well, of course my team will handle this. >> englishman will walk, but never run. is that to do with the obesity crisis ? the obesity crisis? >> that's a quote from a lyric in a police song. >> this is this. >> this is this. >> this is his inspirational speech before the london marathon. that's what he works. >> he does it is it is important to say this, and perhaps we don't do it enough. i see you don't. is wes streeting angela have all suffered the same thing this week from the same people balance. so what we're seeing is the same people are doing the same thing to people. i don't know really what they expect to
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gain. let's not forget there isn't so much that we can do . if isn't so much that we can do. if they all stood up in harmony in parliament and said ceasefire now, there would not be ceasefire. >> what they expect to gain is pubuchy. >> what they expect to gain is publicity . if you want to draw publicity. if you want to draw a crowd, start a fight. well, these protesters aren't always, you know, they don't always have the most deep rooted, passionate , you know, deeply held beliefs. >> we've got another video now of a pro—palestine protesters. not more. don't seem to know why they're protesting . no. they're protesting. no. >> have a look at this about anything else. >> go with tonight's, protest. >> go with tonight's, protest. >> i think the goal is just showing our support for palestine and demanding that nyu stop. i honestly don't know all of what nyu is doing. >> is there something that nyu is doing? i really don't know. i'm pretty sure there you know what nyu is doing? >> what about israel? why are we protesting here, we'll be free. i was more educated. >> i'm not either. oh, i came from columbia. i was there up at columbia, and we came down. >> they said nyu students got support. so i came down. i heard there's lots of cops. some people were saying it was getting dangerous.
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>> i love who she says. i wish i was more educated. those are students at the most elite institutions in the states like nyu and columbia. these are elite ivy league universities. >> these people do not care about the palestinian issues, just like they don't care about the syrians. the 600,000 syrians that were slaughtered, no protests , the, 280,000 yemenis protests, the, 280,000 yemenis ignored no protest. yeah. this is a lot of people are upset about what's happening and genuinely are going on these protests. and it's very understandable why some of those images are coming out. videos are horrendous. yeah but a lot of them are jumping on a bandwagon and just going free palestine. they don't know what they're saying. it's oh , just, they're saying. it's oh, just, they're saying. it's oh, just, they're in a moment. they're caughtin they're in a moment. they're caught in a moment and you're absolutely right. >> it is. and actually just i talked to probably a party pooper on this. it's not quite what she said. so what they said in the media, i did my research on this sort of thing. she did know what she was talking about. she did know about palestine. we don't like nuanced research. we love a bit of neon. there'll be many tears to this argument.
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what she said is, i honestly don't know all of what nyu is doing. that was her quote. did she say she wasn't other university? she came from another one, so she didn't. she knew she was pro—palestinian. what was interesting is similar sort of quote. very recently there was somebody holding up from the river to the sea and one of the journalists said, well, which river? which sea is it? i don't know, i don't know what that's about. and a lot of people on these marches, it's the mob mentality . and that's the mob mentality. and that's the mob mentality. and that's the thing. it's tribal, isn't it? >> yeah. they've got the drums playing everything or like the drums. >> oh, i had cymbals as well. that was quite nice. that was pretty. that was good. >> but the drums are a bit with the tribal thing though, of course, what that does is it means that people are blindly following. now, i believe that she's supporting palestine, but i only believe she's supporting palestine because the mob are because her friend group, you know, it's a bit like when we were growing up, you know, you followed a certain, you know, i was a big oasis fan. i didn't like blur, which. >> why did you like. well, you know liam, who do you like? well, i always like noel because he was a songwriter. >> yeah, talk about that later. that seemed a football team. >> you support the team that you know, you're told. yes >> cool. yeah. i mean, it's a really good point. and the trouble with that is when it becomes political, like this is you don't look any further.
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yeah. and it takes away free thought. yeah. let alone free speech and people saying what they want to say. i mean i'm all for that. but it takes away three fought in the sense that like nobody is really thinking about why they are saying or doing what they're doing. they just know this is what the consensus is. >> yes, yes, 100. i i agree with that. >> and they're out there getting their snaps for instagram . but their snaps for instagram. but they are. >> that's what they want. it's all about likes these days. is it. well doesn't matter. i don't care what the cause is but look at the likes. look what i've got on on a map. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> oh, come on to that. absolutely. >> anyway, coming up we will assess the week's winners and losers in kerster blast this week. we've got an mp mocked for his knowledge of african geography, alec baldwin getting harassed and a drag queen indoctrinating kids. but there's a twist . and we'll show you what a twist. and we'll show you what happened when this lady tries virtual reality for the first time. oh, nice. stop, stop stop stop
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i >> -- >> on -_ >> on mark dolan tonight. the
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bbc is hoping to brush the huw edwards scandal under the carpet. our national broadcaster is becoming an unaccountable echo chamber. the bbc has become a law unto itself. in my take at ten, andrew neil has attacked gb news as the home of conspiracy theorists and nutters. i'll be giving my full response and i'm not pulling my punches. plus, mark meets my all star panel and tomorrow's papers. we're live at nine. >> welcome back to the saturday night showdown . kherson oblast night showdown. kherson oblast is coming up. but first i promised i would show you what happened when this woman used virtual reality for the very first time. sorry. night. >> stop stop stop stop stop stop stop now! step off, step back. step to your right. >> wow. step to the right. wow. you're just. wow. you're floating. really? yeah. go jump!
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go . go. >> oh, glorious. >> oh, glorious. >> yes. glorious work for a plaster or somewhere. >> what? i always think that this section should be sponsored by personal injury lawyers. because. because that's what you certified every week. it's wonderful stuff. >> people get injured in new and interesting ways. well, it's now time to go through the winners and losers of the week. and cursed or blessed. anyway, how's your geography ? hopefully it's your geography? hopefully it's better than chris phillips, but if it isn't, maybe you can be a government minister as well. let's have a look . let's have a look. >> no, i think there's an exclusion on people from rwanda being sent from rwanda. >> they're from congo. they're from congo, and they're supposedly from congo. they're supposedly from congo. they're supposedly war in these people, from rwanda. are they then going to be sent to rwanda if they came here on a crossing from from congo? yeah >> would people be sent from. well, i mean, random is a different country , congo, isn't different country, congo, isn't it. it's a different country. it is. yes, definitely . is. yes, definitely. >> you're saying if they come from a war zone in congo, would they then be sent? >> so he was on question time
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this week and i've got some sympathy for him here. he was asked about a town called goma , asked about a town called goma, and how could anybody be expected to know where goma is? i mean, he's the minister for policing, not the minister for, you know, knowing where every single town in africa is, it's a lovely place. >> it's got a great coffee shop, it's in the republic of congo andifs it's in the republic of congo and it's right next to you. >> are you making this up? >> are you making this up? >> yes. of course. did you google this? >> no, no, but what i can. i have a lot of sympathy, a bit of nuance on this because actually he didn't understand the question. the guy was turning around and saying, look, my person was from congo . they're person was from congo. they're in a war at the moment with rwanda. what's going to happen if they get sent to rwanda? that was his question. he was sort of working it out. he knew that congo's next to rwanda and you and you've got kenya just up there, and you can keep going there. somalia, i can do the whole lot and you keep going. >> you finally get to britain. >> you finally get to britain. >> i expect you especially if you take a boat. so the reality is and the reality is exactly that. so i did feel a bit sorry for him, but the way he went. oh, hilarious . oh, hilarious. >> would caught you out the faux
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educated you from from wes streeting. they're like, oh, of course we all know where goma is. you, wally, where no one knows, you know. and his way he phrased the question as well. it was a gotcha moment. it was to him. he was trying to catch him. now he doesn't have any problem with people trying to catch politicians out, but essentially what he was saying is, you know, there's a dispute between rwanda and congo, and congo is obviously where they make ambongo. >> i thank you, they do, they do i know and the and you were saying , look, you know, if saying, look, you know, if someone wanted to come from the congo to the uk, would we send them to rwanda? >> and of course it's a stupid question really. we wouldn't do that. yes we would, of course we would. i can't wait for the first plane load of congas to get the weight of rwanda . get the weight of rwanda. >> and they'll all be doing this, wouldn't they, all together in a line work on that base and it is extraordinary though because they do need that clarity. so i do think it's one of those classic examples which that faux outrage and it wasn't i mean, it's all over the headlines. we keep repeating, repeating it. >> he was trained to make the point, which is a valid point and shows that, you know , the and shows that, you know, the rwanda policy actually does have a heart and isn't just you know, sending people to their to their doom if that's that's what's
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happening. so if, if sending it to rwanda will cause you harm, then the government won't send you to rwanda. >> serious and irreversible harm. and he makes the point that it's in the legislation. that's what's going to protect towns like the tavistock centre. >> i just yeah, yeah, i mean part of the cast report there, it's just what level of harm can you, can you have a grazed knee? >> i don't know. anyway, next up we've got actor alec baldwin who popped we've got actor alec baldwin who popped out for a cup of coffee and got a bit more than he bargained for. in three months time, baldwin goes on trial for involuntary manslaughter, and after an encounter with so—called ambush , interviewer so—called ambush, interviewer called crackhead barney . that's called crackhead barney. that's a fantastic name. he might quite fancy the peace and solitude of some jail time. let's have a look. alec can you please say free palestine one time? >> why did you kill that lady? you killed that lady and got no jail time. no jail time, alec. >> just say free palestine one time. >> one time, one time. police
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one time. alex. you know you know he's a criminal. you know he's a criminal. come on, alec, just say free palestine one time. one time. you >> could you give me one quick favour, john? >> oh, well, luckily for her, she wasn't armed that time, but he was. well, i did have his fists and he knocked the phone out of her hand. >> i he did, and quite rightly too. i can understand the anger. he said, look, call the police. and they're deliberately ribbing him. it's an appalling case. it was on the film set of rust . was on the film set of rust. somebody died and they're looking into it. there's criminal charges going through. they go through due process, but somebody's coming up to you . i somebody's coming up to you. i think the crackhead barn is a great name, so i'll let them off for that. but they're deliberately ribbing so they can get their views and their likes again. and it's all about that. sensational. so i've got a lot of sympathy for alex. people do have a bad moment. that's what happens. same as photographers . happens. same as photographers. they always do do all this sort of stuff. they want to get wound up and ignored the celebrities. >> they they get that picture of them looking angry . yeah. and them looking angry. yeah. and this is she's almost like a sort
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of american missy . of american missy. >> she's like a crackhead, isn't he? >> that's what it is. immensely unhinged. you seen her? >> i saw her on piers morgan as well. >> yeah, i saw that. yeah, with the plasters covering the nipples . nipples. >> yeah, which i was. i was glad of those plasters of it . of those plasters of it. >> oh yes. that was bizarre, wasn't it. >> i think she was wearing a mask or so they always were. >> and i think i'm piers. i know that was extraordinary. he was actually very dignified about it. he said, look, i'm happy to let you speak. i'm happy to say this, but but let's, let's. and as she was doing this dance performance artist and everything else. all right. yeah, you can make your point. but it then wasn't funny. he handled it brilliantly. but when you're out in the public and you don't have protection there and you're a celebrity and you get that sort of stuff and you deliberately go to him, he's very upset about the person dying, the death of the person on the production, on rust and it's a really tricky time. it's a massive drain on him. so i understand that. >> yeah, but i'm trying to work out the link between that and the middle east conflict. >> well, nothing. she deliberately she wants to be provocative. she's working on that sort of basis. >> this is why i don't have sympathy for alec baldwin. so he's a west coast hollywood liberal elite and trying not to
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sound like donald trump here, but that's that's what he is. >> i don't think he is a liberal. i don't think he is. >> i guarantee you he's more liberal than me. >> well, that's not difficult . >> well, that's not difficult. >> well, that's not difficult. >> luke littler i certainly we don't have any internet in this or whatever it is, but we don't need evidence to make points, do we? >> but so, so yeah, we also yeah, we, we don't need to research anything but what's the point. so alec baldwin is this as this hollywood liberal has, you know, has been like all the hollywood liberals are like, oh, protests are wonderful. everybody should protest. they usually tweet this from the safety of their gated compound. but then they're getting some blowback. i think that's that's quite apt. >> she's nuts . and like kezia >> she's nuts. and like kezia said, crowbarring in palestine just is ridiculous. and that's just is ridiculous. and that's just clickbait. but if you're going to wind anyone up, you might as well be alec baldwin, aren't you? because, you know, he's got a bit of a reputation for lashing out. yeah. and i'm surprised you didn't accidentally shoot her, actually. >> yeah, well, he certainly had a bit of a slap at her phone. anyway, moving on. lgbtq
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relationships are prohibited in gaza, but allowed in israel, so you'd think that a drag queen eventin you'd think that a drag queen event in america would maybe take the side of israel. but for the valley families, for palestine in massachusetts, a queer story time for palestine encouraged toddlers to promote the palestinian cause, as everyone in the room chanted for a free palestine. let's take a look at what a queer story time really looks like today. >> what we're going to do is we're gonna show three palestine. can i hear that? three palestine. if you're a drag queen and you know it, show three sign. if you're a drag queen and you know it and you really want to show it , you're really want to show it, you're a drag queen and you know it. show three outside. >> it's just refreshing to see a drag queen indoctrinate kids in something that doesn't involve pronouns and surgery. on your genitals. >> i mean, don't they see the hypocrisy in forcing children to sing this? paul? oh, it's not free. >> it's not, you know, it's not free. >> well, i'm always interested when they say things like, if
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you're a if you're a drag queen and you know it, shout free palestine, shout free palestine, please. but free palestine from what? they're never very clear, are they? no. the idea is it's free palestine from israel. but palestine needs to be free from hamas before they could be free from anything else. so what? you know, there needs to be some context. this is poor kids are being used as political pawns. >> yeah. no. you're absolutely i'm talking of porn. i think they should shout out free willy and because i mean far more appropriate, it's a dangerous thing to show to a drag queen. you know, it's always a joy . no. you know, it's always a joy. no. it's appalling. absolutely appalling. there's a little kids don't indoctrinate them because what will happen? they will go out into the world singing this because they're completely innocent. they won't know and they will get into all sorts of trouble. it is disgusting and shouldn't be allowed. yeah yeah, honestly, my main sort of attitude to this is changed since i became a father and now i'm very aware of the messages and the, you know, whoever's going into schools to spread whatever propaganda and whatever indoctrination . indoctrination. >> and i mean, is this something that worries you, kasia? >> not really . >> not really. >> not really.
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>> oh, good height. >> oh, good height. >> and now world hunger . >> and now world hunger. >> and now world hunger. >> what is it? what is. leo's child has started talking with a scottish accent, and she was born in the uk. >> in england. >> in england. >> in england. >> i care about if people want to, you know, become women or men. it doesn't bother me. i'm worried about stuff like taxes and things. things that affect me. >> yeah, but what if your taxes are getting taken off? you to indoctrinate children into changing gender tiny amounts? yeah, but i don't want any of it spent on indoctrinating children i >>i -- >> i just think m >> i just think i've got i've got i'm more annoyed with this person saying, say, free palestine. >> yeah, but and that's the point. yeah. so we're not we're not saying we're not saying people can't be trans or they can't dress up as women. so i think the principle is, is it's indoctrinating little kids, mixing it with politics, which has nothing like palestine. >> thing is an issue which has nothing to do with, you know, trans gender. it's nothing to do with it wasn't sexualised ehhen >>i ehhen >> i mean, that woman was, if that a drag queen was supposed to be sexualised in some way, i think they've got it slightly wrong. but because they weren't, were they? they really weren't. it was. i'm not too sure what
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the fascination with drag queens. that's interesting. right and, you know, i don't really have an issue with it in the same way that, kasia does. it's a bit like the pantomime dame. >> oh, no it isn't. >>— >> oh, no it isn't. >> where's your career behind you? >>i you? >> i love i love drag queens . >> i love i love drag queens. >> i love i love drag queens. >> i love drag queens. at 11 pm. on, you know, in a basement in soho . yeah. i don't love drag in soho. yeah. i don't love drag queens at 11 am. on a in a pubuc queens at 11 am. on a in a public school. >> i have never seen . >> i have never seen. >>— >> i have never seen. >> i have never seen. >> i see them in the street everywhere. >> no, it's fine for me. i've never seen ian mckellen. ian mckellen has never been happier than when he was on stage as mother goose. and he was the demon. he was absolutely brilliant. and it's old shakespeare, no drag dressed as a girl. that's where it came from, from shakespeare's time, because the men couldn't basically, you couldn't have female, actors. so men used to do it, and i think that's right. no, the thing which is abhorrent, though, is the indoctrination of little kids for anything , whether it's for anything, whether it's political and so on and so forth. you have to keep an open mind and talk about respect and so on and so forth. a kindness, all these great values for kids, that's what they should be teaching. >> absolutely . >> absolutely. >> absolutely. >> we're agreed on that. next, on the saturday night showdown,
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we've got culture corner coming up and the fight that's erupted between the queer fat club and victoria beckham. i'm not going to lie, if this was a cage fight, i'd put money on the queer fat club. plus, i'll show you what happened when this runner got to the finishing line i >> -- >> what a 5mm >> what a run by forest. oh and she's absolutely exhausted
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i >> welcome back to the saturday night showdown. culture corner is coming up. but first, i promised i would show you what happened when a tired looking runner approached the finishing line. >> and what a run by forest. oh and she's absolutely exhausted here. she king is about to collapse. oh my gosh. hey alice. >> oh, that's a shame. have you ever been so close? >> but so far my whole life is so close. but so far. but we love it. no glory. i felt so sorry for that . i love the sorry for that. i love the videos which they show when you
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get somebody who doesn't quite make it and somebody, another runner goes back and they help them over the line . oh yeah. do them over the line. oh yeah. do you remember that? there's a heartbreaking moment and i think that's what it's like a metaphor for the rwanda bill. >> that wasn't it. >> that wasn't it. >> it was. >> it was. >> isn't that next to congo ? >> isn't that next to congo? yeah, absolutely. i've heard of that. >> anyway, it's time now for culture corner, victoria beckham's mango collaboration has been criticised for lack of size, inclusive inclusivity. >> that's a new one. portia's springtime collection is only available in sizes 6 to 14, with most items only being available up to a size 12. body image advocates are slamming the pop star for excluding them with body positive, which means fat style influencer stephanie yeboah saying that bigger bodies are deserving of clothing too. in between mouthfuls of cheesecake . for what it's worth, cheesecake. for what it's worth, mango have apologised for inconvenience or disappointment caused by the size, availability or lack thereof, and have issued a statement saying that there's a statement saying that there's a tent shop next door which should have something that fits.
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no my issue with this is i'll ask you because you're obviously fashion conscious. >> i'm obviously so fat. no, no, no . 110. >> no. >> obviously fashion conscious and i mean , i think yeah, i've and i mean, i think yeah, i've been stuck in the 90s speaking. >> i've been literally wearing the same outfits as like 1998. >> everyone else, everyone else is wearing tkmaxx. >> you , but yeah. fashion >> you, but yeah. fashion labels. i think if you're an exclusive fashion label, you don't want your stuff being stretched over , you know, the stretched over, you know, the very large buttocks of a fat person. and, you know, it being sort of short and public like that. >> so two, two points here. i do think that, bigger sized women should be included. i mean, they're human beings too, right? yeah. >> they should have known that they're human. >> they they should have access to the same things as skinny people, even like absolute runway fashion. >> yes, but that stuff's not designed. >> it's not designed. >> it's not designed. >> two part answer. >> two part answer. >> you know, this is art. >> you know, this is art. >> yes. two part answer to this.
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okay the second the second part is when i go shopping to get clothes, they have too many sizes. 16, 18, 14. and it's just piled up because all the size sixes and eights and fours go really, really quickly. so just put 1 or 2 just to keep everyone happy. size 20 or size 18 and put loads and loads of size sixes for us little people. >> it's a good point in defence of the independent republic of mango, which is next to rwanda, by the way. you can work out . by the way. you can work out. they do, they do do that. >> i'm looking at the link repubuc >> i'm looking at the link republic of mango. >> that's what it's called. this is the name of the retailer. yes this is the retailer. they do plus sizes. so and it depends on the range. so what they do there are certain styles which might fit the larger lady or gentleman who wants to dress as a lady. and they can go to those particular size. as leo says, you can turn around and say this particular items, they're not really appropriate. if you're beyond a certain size, they wouldn't look as good as others. but let them be the judge of that. >> well, paul, don't you think they could solve this by by just putting the range of clothes at the top of some stairs? so then
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the top of some stairs? so then the fat people will never make it up. >> i was really desperately trying to take us down this path. i mean, one thing i do agree with is this is high fashion, right? this is not asda george. so the and high fashion is aimed at a certain body shape and it is by its very nature , and it is by its very nature, beauty by its very nature is quite exclusionary. yes. it excludes me. >> not . >> not. >> not. >> and i, you know, and i accept that i had a year in about 1998 where i really peaked . and since where i really peaked. and since then it's gone terribly wrong. and, you know, i've accepted that. and there's part of this that. and there's part of this that makes me think it isn't for everyone. i look, i agree with what everyone else is saying except some of the stuff you said, leo. of course, because, can't always agree with you, leo. but what? so what cassie is trying to say is, look, we need to be more inclusionary, but certain things aren't. beauty is not inclusionary. high fashion is not inclusion. >> and beauty is subjective. okay? there's a lot of men out there who like big women, but it's not. >> it's not that subjective. >> it's not that subjective. >> it's not that subjective. >> i mean, that's okay, but yes, but there are there are a portion of men who like big
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women and interesting it comes the story breaks have they have their niche website . so anyway, their niche website. so anyway, next, next, let's take a look at what happened when this man decided to take it upon himself to crash the queer fat club. >> this is a queer fat club , i'm >> this is a queer fat club, i'm queer and fat. >> okay. thank you forjoining. >> okay. thank you for joining. we're just, introducing ourselves at the moment. okay do you want to go ahead and introduce yourself, joe? yeah my name is joe. i go by heidi, and, i identify as £275. >> okay, okay. now, joe, he might have been trolling. >> i'm not sure if he genuinely identifies as £275. he was asked to leave the group. but here's the question. why can't someone identify as fat? surely whether you self—identify as fat or not is more subjective than your gender? i see well done to joe for exposing such a nonsensical, organised nation. and why? why are some things why is identifying as woman okay, but
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identifying as woman okay, but identifying as woman okay, but identifying as a fat woman not okay? >> well, there's so many like very skinny women who think they're fat, so they actually identify. they see themselves as fat . they and they have fat. they and they have a problem, you know, they've got anorexia . anorexia. >> you're right. and that's that's a real serious issue. >> and so, you know, they identify with it and it's really genuine actually to them they're not playing around. they look in the mirror, they feel sad and they say i'm fat. and it can be 100 people around them going, you're not. you're really skinny, but they can't hear that. so i think actually that's really identifying the body dysmorphia. >> and it's interesting. i mean it is the same this a similar issue to gender dysphoria. and in fact , if you look at the in fact, if you look at the google searches, the google searches for anorexia , it's searches for anorexia, it's tailed off as the as the google searches for body dysmorphia and gender transitioning have increased. >> it is absolutely appalling . >> it is absolutely appalling. and you're absolutely right to call it out. i think the language pattern, however, gave it away. and what he says is, i identify as a £275 man. woman. and what the other thing they miss is the naming and brave woman. the other thing they miss
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was the name of the club, because it was, i think queer fat club is good. i also like the idea we should be more inclusive. i think we should call it trans fat, because this is because that clogged your arteries, and it would be very good and confuse the hell out of people. >> but also skinny people can actually be fat. i mean , nico, actually be fat. i mean, nico, he's a comedian and he went to the doctor looking at him. you'd think he's the he's the figure of health. he went to the doctor and the doctor told him he's fat, skinny. he's got a visceral fat, skinny. he's got a visceral fat with insides . fat with insides. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> inside him. >> inside him. >> inside him. >> i mean, i do have some sympathy for this fact. i mean, what goes on at trans fat club should, should, should stay at trans . but i should, should, should stay at trans. but i mean, should, should, should stay at trans . but i mean, they, they trans. but i mean, they, they get together, they've got together these these women largely women i think largely women was not a pun . and they women was not a pun. and they for their opportunity to just be themselves and then he he gatecrashes it seems a little unfair , but he is doing unfair, but he is doing everything we like to do, leo, which is expose the hypocrisy . which is expose the hypocrisy. it's very good. >> some fun. anyway, next on the saturday night showdown , it's saturday night showdown, it's our journey into clown world with biden's latest gaffe . with biden's latest gaffe. brexiteers still crying. it's been eight years, guys. get over it . and flame throwing robot it. and flame throwing robot dog. plus, i'll show you what
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happened when this man went swinging. woo
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welcome back to the saturday night showdown. clown world is coming up. but first, i promised i would show you what happened when a grown man tried out a child's swing. woo woo! oh oh. >> roasted nuts . >> roasted nuts. >> roasted nuts. >> we. we knew what was going to happen. >> we did. come on. what i love we talk about this in the break. somebody ready with their camera. say there's a fire here. there's a there's a man of a child saying you've been framed. i can send it to leo's show personally. personal injury lawyers will sponsor it. we love it. it's got to be good. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> oh, my god. oh, no chance. that rope holding . anyway, now that rope holding. anyway, now let's finish the show with clown world, where we look at the funny videos circulating this week. not for the first time,
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joe biden leads the way. let's take a look. >> imagine what we can do next. four more years pours, more years . years. >> he just read out what was on the autocue. that's incredible . the autocue. that's incredible. >> pause. chat to panellists. yes, joe biden might be a bit unsteady on his feet and a bit dithery, but at least he can still read cassio. >> yeah, just about. >> yeah, just about. >> paul, do you think, do you think he's actually going to make it all the way to the election? >> do you mean will he be alive or will they oust him? just. >> yeah. i mean, i'm not even sure if, like, being dead would be that it wouldn't stop you. >> not in the american. you could be guilty of all sorts of things, including being dead. yeah. so he's 81. he's 81 at the moment. and good old trump, who's identifying himself as innocent at the moment . yeah. innocent at the moment. yeah. which i like. so you do anything. so he's 77 and that's what i do. our politicians basically pale into insignificance don't they. they're all youngsters. but i feel a bit sorry for poor old sleepy joe because it was a clear gaffe on that sort of thing, and he's stumbling all
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over the place. >> he's just he's kept on reading on that, that autocue. i mean, maybe borat should be president. take a look at this . president. take a look at this. >> this suit is black. pause. you know what a pause is? yes. this suit is black, not this suit is black. >> pause. not >> pause. not >> to be honest, i think borat would do a betterjob right now. now picture the scene you go to get the supermarket shopping. just before closing on a sunday afternoon, and the shelves are empty . who do you blame for empty. who do you blame for this? maybe you blame yourself for not shopping earlier in the day before the stock sold out. well, not if you're liz webster. oh, no. there's only two reasons that a supermarket would have empty shelves at 4:55 pm. on a sunday, the dynamic duo of brexit and climate change goodness , this is. this never goodness, this is. this never gets boring for me . people. gets boring for me. people. >> people saying, oh, the supermarket shops are empty on a sunday afternoon, this is brexit. why did you do this ? brexit. why did you do this? >> what i find extraordinary is i don't. the picture is still there, but if you look on the
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left hand side, they've got just a whole load of cucumbers . so a whole load of cucumbers. so i don't know what brexit did to cucumbers, but we've got to . cucumbers, but we've got to. there they are. look, have a look on the left hand side. the only things they've got a cucumbers. >> it's because europe doesn't need to make them bendy anymore. but i mean i voted remain but when i see stuff like this, it makes me. >> it makes me. can we swap? i wish i could go back and vote leave. >> it's insane. and also people , >> it's insane. and also people, you know, why can't people just get over it? paul. >> well , is exactly it. >> well, is exactly it. >> well, is exactly it. >> well, is exactly it. >> well, i don't know why they can't get over it. it's like it's just like this endless break—up, isn't it? it's like she left you, mate . move over she left you, mate. move over it. yeah. it's ridiculous. and it's not so much brexit thing because we can all laugh about brexit. now was eight years ago. we can't all laugh about brexit, but it is. it is funny to people keep trudging it up. however, the climate change things, everything is climate change. >> that's the gift that keeps giving you trip over in the street. >> it's because of climate change. >> yeah, if it's warm, it's climate change. if it's cold, it's climate change. >> yeah, i know you can't win, can you? it's freezing out here right now. it's like late april. it's freezing . suddenly no one's
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it's freezing. suddenly no one's really talking about climate change unless it comes to supermarket shelves. >> and also with climate change, they always say, oh, we're having the this is the wettest weather or the coldest weather or the hottest weather in 100 years or in 200 years. and it's like, well, what was making it so hot 200 years ago was that was making it hot in the dinosaur age. >> tudor. do you know the during the tudor times, the dinosaurs used to love those tudors , used to love those tudors, didn't they? they eat them, but they did. >> they were growing. >> they were growing. >> they were growing. >> they were growing grapes in this country. it was very warm . this country. it was very warm. >> tudor era. >> tudor era. >> they were with the dinosaurs. and i love i love that fact. yes. and the dinosaurs. i love the fact. the reason the tudors . the fact. the reason the tudors. the reason the tudors are extinct is because the dinosaurs ate them. i think that's brilliant. >> that's why henry the eighth is. this is the history channel. it's amazing. according to learning, we're learning. >> and now, finally, we have a solution ahead of the next wildfire. a company in ohio have invented and put up for sale a flame throwing robotic dog. and what a bargain. a less than $10,000. let's have a look at this thing.
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>> the music. glorious >> the music. glorious >> people should be allowed to buy these. to be honest , xl buy these. to be honest, xl bullies were bad. >> well, i love it. it's terrifying , isn't it? worked on. terrifying, isn't it? worked on. let's see what i did there. yeah, a bit of a labra cadabra, wahaca. >> hi. >> hi. >> i'm here all week. i'm here all week. what i love about it is they say in the report that actually, it depends on a state by state basis whether or not this counts as a weapon. so you might be able to take one of those apart. >> what happens when you get the world's stupidest people and give them the world's top technology lies with this stuff. >> people explain to me, how does a fire breathing robotic dog put out a forest fire when it starts them, it starts. >> there's a different one with water. you start the one of water. >> i thought, that's a good idea. it is a good, basically a water cannon on legs. >> that's what they can do and
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what they do. they try and rescue the tudors from the dinosaurs. >> the ones that make it great. absolutely i love it because, i mean, those tudor buildings, they're all wooden, exactly. covered in pitch and tar. >> i don't believe me that they were growing grapes in england, i do. >> i firmly believe that they were growing grapes. >> they were in roman times as well. >> they were. no. >> they were. no. >> but whereabouts in england? yeah okay. well, what was the. okay, we'll get back on that. yeah. >> let's do that. we know why. because we must have been the fire breathing. that's absolutely changes. >> that is quite a fire breathing dragons. >> yes. what was doing it. >> yes. what was doing it. >> well i don't want to change. is dogs into fire breathing dogs. i mean what you say about the xl bullies the sort of people about xl bullies will have a fire, but they will have that. >> no, they'll have one of those instead. >> i'm buying one of those things i want one. they are my house. perfect. >> reassure me at all, anyone? i just wish they'd perfect like robot butlers before they started putting flamethrowers on them. >> anyway , up next, it's mark >> anyway, up next, it's mark dolan tonight. what have you got for us this evening, mark? >> so much to get through this evening. it is your perfect saturday night in. let me tell you, another tory defection ,
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you, another tory defection, this time to labour. is it the nail in the coffin for rishi sunak's premiership? plus, the bbc want to sweep their inquiry into huw edwards under the carpet. well, that's not happening. not on my watch. that's my big opinion. plus he might take a ten. andrew neil has attacked gb news. i'll be responding at ten and you won't want to miss it. sounds amazing. >> mark and i saw that. i saw that defection from the tory party to the labour party, and he said i couldn't look people in the eye as a conservative. it's like you didn't want to look people in the eye at the job centre. you're just trying to keep your job. anyway, thanks to keep your job. anyway, thanks to my brilliant panel tonight, kezia noble, andrew eborn and paul cox and to all of our wonderful viewers. we'll see you again next week . the fantastic again next week. the fantastic mark dolan tonight is next. just as you just as you heard. and don't forget headliners as well. tonight at 11 pm. see you next week. bye >> looks like things are heating up. boxt boilers sponsors of weather on . gb news.
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weather on. gb news. >> hello. here's your latest weather update from the met office for gb news. we hold on to rather unsettled weather across the uk over the next few days, but temperatures will gradually start to climb too . gradually start to climb too. we've got low pressure sitting towards the south of the uk at the moment. that's starting to push weather fronts up from the south, and certainly as we go through this evening into the overnight period, we'll see outbreaks of rain working their way in from the south across many southern and eastern parts of england, some of that rain turning quite heavy, particularly as we go into the early hours of sunday. and that rain also reaching the south—east of wales by the early hours to towards the north and northwest. it's a clearer picture. a few showers around here and turning quite chilly with those clear spells could see a touch of frost in places by sunday morning. temperatures locally below freezing but holding up with the cloud and the rain towards the south and east, that takes us into a pretty wet day across many eastern and southeastern parts of england tomorrow, some heavy bursts of rain still to come. nofice bursts of rain still to come. notice things brightening up, perhaps for a time across the south—east of england, giving some heavy showers, but generally a pretty wet picture. quite windy too , and that rain quite windy too, and that rain pushing up into eastern parts of scotland into the afternoon as well. whereas out towards the
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west it's a brighter picture. sunshine and showers but pretty chilly wherever you are. temperatures no better than 12 or 13 degrees. as for monday, we'll see an east west split once again, but a reversal of fortunes this time with the east and southeast seeing the brightest skies out towards the west . quite a few showers to west. quite a few showers to come, those showers merging in places to give some longer spells of rain. and as we head into the coming week, we hold onto a pretty unsettled picture. outbreaks of rain for most areas at times , but notice those at times, but notice those temperatures picking up to into the high teens or low 20s. >> a brighter outlook with boxt solar sponsors of weather on .
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gb news. >> good evening. it's 9:00. on television. on radio and online in the united kingdom and across the world. this is mark dolan tonight . the bbc is hoping to tonight. the bbc is hoping to brush the huw edwards scandal under the carpet. but that's not
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going to happen. not on my watch . i'll be holding our national broadcaster to accounts in just a moment. a new nightmare for rishi sunak. as top tory mp and former minister doctor daniel porter defects to labour. plus . porter defects to labour. plus. shocking scenes in wales yesterday as sir jacob rees—mogg is pursued by an angry mob at cardiff university. what is wrong with britain's universities and andrew neil has attacked gb news as the home of conspiracy theorists and nutters . i'll be dealing with andrew neil in no uncertain terms at 10:00. you won't want to miss it . that's right. in just under an .that's right. in just under an hour, .that's right. in just under an hour , i'll be dealing with
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hour, i'll be dealing with andrew neil, my former colleague


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