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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 6pm  FOX  May 9, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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tried to protect their homes with hoses as the vegetation fire breaks out and moves dangerously close to several homes. >> this is ktvu fox two news at six. >> hello again everyone. i'm julie julie haener and i'm mike mibach. >> we begin tonight with president biden and the first lady returning to the bay area as part of a fundraising tour along the west coast. >> first lady jill biden arrived at sfo about an hour ago. she flew in from portland, oregon, after attending a private fundraiser there. we are expecting the president to fly in from washington sometime tonight. neither the president nor the first lady are expected to hold any scheduled campaign events that are open to the public, ktvu political reporter greg leigh has more now on the presidential visit. >> president joe biden stopping in the bay area for the second time this year to raise money for his reelection campaign. >> you look at california, and california has historically right, been that atm of american politics. you go from silicon valley to hollywood, from the
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wine country to beverly hills. >> the president and first lady, jill biden, set to attend separate campaign receptions during the quick trip. doctor biden and kentfield president biden attending two fundraisers in the silicon valley friday, including one at the portola valley home of tech billionaire vinod khosla. >> money is the mother's milk of politics, and it matters. and this isn't a presidential election where you're going to see north of 6 to $8 billion, spent billions spent on trying to reach voters in a rematch where the margins are razor thin. >> with six months to election day, biden and former president trump have been neck and neck in recent polls. both presumptive nominees filling their campaign coffers when they can break free . palestine. young people's frustrations with the president and the u.s. role in israel in gaza front and center on college campuses, both democrats and republicans know young voters could play a pivotal role in the election. >> we would expect to see a split screen of wealthy donors opposite protesters talking about what comes next for us foreign policy in the middle east. the difficulty, however,
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will not be conversion. the difficulty will be turnout. and so you're going to see the money that's raised to really go to turnout. >> when biden last visited in february, he was met with protests in san francisco. we need joe biden to call for a ceasefire immediately, and we need him to condition aid and stop selling arms to israel for the first time, biden warned the u.s. would halt weapons shipments if israel launched an assault in the southern gaza. >> if they go into rafah, they haven't gone in rafah yet. if they go into rafah, i'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with rafah, to deal with the cities, to deal with that problem. >> while israel, hamas is a concern for many young voters, surveys show they're also driven by issues like the economy and abortion rights. the fundraising will continue for the bidens after they leave the bay area. the president will travel to seattle, the first lady to los angeles at sfo. greg lee, ktvu, fox two news and the president's visit to the bay area comes as
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he has taken a hardened stance against israel's potential full scale invasion of the city of rafah in southern gaza. >> the white house warned israel against an all out assault on the city, which is where more than a million palestinians are currently located, many of whom have fled from the north. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu said his country will fight hamas, even if the united states stops sending weapons to israel. the white house says peace negotiations in cairo are ongoing and some people are not taking any chances. tens of thousands of displaced palestinians are packing up and getting out of rafah, the place that israeli israeli military calls hamas last stronghold. the rafah border crossing with egypt, has been closed since the israeli military took control of the palestinian side on tuesday. >> we are learning new details in a vegetation fire that broke out in a neighborhood in hayward and destroyed multiple cars and threatened nearby homes, fire investigator are trying to pinpoint a cause. ktvu jana katsuyama joins us now with
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more. jana. julie. it was a very scary morning and afternoon. >> the fire happened in a very dense neighborhood in hayward. people who lived nearby say they even pulled out their garden hoses hoping to stop the fire from spreading the flames. frighteningly close to homes shot up through the trees behind a house on lucien way in hayward thursday afternoon. >> it was really, really scary. >> lucy nieto was home is adjacent to the trees in her neighbor's backyard that caught on fire a shock, she says. seeing the flames so close, i jumped out, got my family out and then i don't know what came over me. >> but basically i just thought, well, maybe i could slow down the fire. i grabbed the hoses. >> she says she got her elderly parents out of the house, and then came back to try and put water on her shed and fence to slow the flames. >> i grabbed the hoses. i told my son to grab a hose and start watering down the grass. our shed area. hayward fire crews arrived and were able to keep the fire from spreading to
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surrounding houses, but four vehicles parked in the backyard were completely destroyed. >> two people who live in the home were able to get out and no one was injured. but one big concern the strong wind gusts that blew embers to four other places, causing spot fires even across the nearby railroad tracks, blocks away. >> when you get a tree that that's that's that high, especially eucalyptus trees, they they do, you know, put out a lot of embers and stuff and they burn pretty, pretty hot. >> and fire investigators say there are no power lines nearby. and it appears the fire started with the trees and then spread to the cars, sounded like the tree was what caught on fire first. >> but also we know that there was some possible maintenance on the cars in the last few days, so that could have played a factor. >> neighbors are now facing a big task of trying to clean up all the debris and the damage. meantime the fire marshal tells me that there were reports of several people in that area by the trees at the time of the fire. they are still trying to
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determine what the cause is reporting live jana katsuyama ktvu, fox two news an update now on a hit and run in san francisco that injured two people, including a 14 year old girl. >> earlier this week, district attorney brooke jenkins announcing today that 54 year-old rodney jefferson has been charged with a number of crimes, including reckless driving with great bodily injury and driving with a suspended license. this is video from the crash at embarcadero and jones that happened after a police pursuit with jefferson. police say it all started when he was spinning donuts on tuesday morning and then collided with a worker from urban alchemy. he then drove off, hitting a 14 year old girl crossing the street. both victims are expected to survive. >> another south bay couple is in jail charged with exposing their infant to a lethal amount of fentanyl. new at six tonight. ktvu south bay reporter jesse geary has the details. >> santa clara county prosecutors say octavian moreno and crystal delgado are major players in the illicit south bay
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drug trade. >> these were a large time drug dealers thursday in san jose superior court. >> both faced four felonies and one misdemeanor for selling large quantities of drugs from their two bedroom apartment and within feet of their ten month old baby, elias. it's similar to the cases of toddler, winter, rio and baby phoenix, both of whom died, prosecutors say due to parents selling or using fentanyl, which the children then accidentally ingested. >> i know for so many people in our community, it's frustrating to hear that we still have these crimes existing because it doesn't make sense. like why you don't do everything to protect your child. >> on the contrary, may 7th, which was national fentanyl awareness day, officers with the county's special enforcement team recovered 25 to 55,000 fentanyl pills under baby elias's crib. it's the largest fentanyl seizure in santa clara county history. additionally 13 pounds of marijuana, a pound and a half of coke and a loaded gun
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were also found, all within the baby's reach. >> they are making a choice to sell this drug. nobody is forcing them to sell it and to sell it out of their apartment with their baby is just is beyond belief. >> judge hector ramone ordered $275,000 bail for moreno and 200,000 for delgado. the baby is being cared for by the child's paternal grandmother. >> when you see something, say something because it wasn't just a risk to that baby. it would have been a risk to any child that was visiting that home. it could have been a risk to any child where those drugs were sold. >> judge ramone says he wants guardrails to ensure the child's safety and issued a protective order against both parents, which brought delgado to tears. both moreno and delgado are due back in superior court july 18th to enter pleas to charges that, if convicted, could keep them away from their baby for over a decade. outside superior court here in san jose. jesse gary ktvu, fox two news new at six
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nurses nurses at san francisco's public hospitals are warning of a possible strike. >> dozens rallied right outside of laguna honda hospital. they say right now, staffing levels are extremely low and patient care could be affected. they're also warning that if the city does not take action in contract negotiations to increase staffing, a strike is inevitable. >> our patients are, put in unsafe positions, you know, because if we don't have enough staff, they can fall out of bed. we have to make sure they get fed. we have to prevent them from having bed sores. you know, we have to make sure they get their overall care. we have to make sure they get all their daily needs met and we're working short. something is going to fall through the cracks. >> the san francisco department of public health says it has hired 166 new nurses since december, and is on target to hire an additional 50 by the end of the fiscal year. in a statement, the public health department says in part, sf has made significant progress in hiring and retaining permanent registered nurses as we continue
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to recover and stabilize operations after the pandemic. nurses are the backbone of care for sf, and the department is extremely grateful for their commitment. >> after weeks of discussion, it is official the oakland airport has a new name, and city leaders in san francisco are holding firm on their threats to sue over the change. >> also ahead, a cybersecurity conference brings thousands of people to san francisco's financial district, and businesses around moscone center say they're very happy to have this additional foot traffic. >> and temperatures warm today as much as five and ten degrees. it was noticeable. but see the flag right there? it's blowing kind of onshore. the winds are shifting. things are going to change. i'll be back here with that forecast. >> also ahead tonight using ai to streamline everything from traffic jams to the dmv. the new hope that the technology could make a difference for california. >> and speaking of traffic, here's a quick peek of that thursday evening commute as we
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give you a live look out at the macarthur maze, where 80 and 580 and 880 all k d
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dupixent can help people with asthma breathe better in as little as 2 weeks. so this is better. even this. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that's not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. tell your doctor right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines including steroids,
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without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent. flying over ocean beach this afternoon and many people out there basking in the sun and hitting the surf as well. >> and a similar scene this afternoon at crown beach in alameda. dozens of people splashed around in the water today to cool down. some talked about why they decided to visit
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this specific beach. >> oh, the sunshine, the friendliness and alameda. it's just a beautiful place to be. it's just warmer over here and it's just a, you know, to take a little trip across the bay and enjoy the warmer weather. >> well, there is still time to visit crown beach if you happen to want to try to cool down. it doesn't close until 10:00 tonight to the public. all right. >> chief meteorologist bill martin with us. it was warm. breezy, too. in my place. >> yeah, definitely. definitely breezy. the wind advisory got dropped this morning, but yeah, the winds were still blowing and they've come down a little bit, but they're starting to shift. and that's the big change. they're coming onshore and that's going to change these temperature profiles from what we have here from today's highs. they're going to come down a few degrees especially along the coast. now tomorrow's temperatures inland will be warmer. but along the coast san francisco will probably lose a good eight nine degrees. pacific will probably lose ten degrees. it'll still be warm, pleasant, just not as warm. but then you get into saturday. temperatures will drop further, right? so the
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fog will come back and then la de da and then it's spring. and this is what happens, right. the feedback loop of fog and wind. it's going to be nice. so the whole weekend, by mother's day the fog is in in earnest. and that will have the most overall impact on all of us in terms of temperatures, not just the coast, which will be tomorrow. love this shot. just never gets old. there's san francisco looking across to berkeley, berkeley hills, grizzly peak, the transamerica pyramid. look to the left. right. just barely. i remember i'm so old, julie. i remember when they were building that thing and i also. and i remember they freaked out because it was like, the biggest thing in the city. and now look at the salesforce is just, well, just look at the city like how gorgeous that is. >> all those buildings and the water in the background. oh my god, i know. >> postcard. >> i think prettiest city in the world. i really do. of course i've been to like not that many, but i've been to a few. okay, there's high pressure. you've been to a bunch julie haener. >> i have high pressure, warm and dry. >> that's how it's going to continue with the fog comes back
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and you'll see it work its way back up the coast. i think certainly by tomorrow night, but maybe tomorrow morning. either way, it's going to be a glorious weekend, but cooler along the coast and cooler inland by a good 5 to 10 degrees by saturday and sunday. >> all right. sounds good bill. thank you. and a quick reminder right now that you can always stay on top of the weather with the ktvu weather app. it has current conditions. live interactive radar, and it breaks down the forecast hour by hour. and it is a free download. >> new at six. the state will soon be testing artificial intelligence tools aimed at improving public services for californians. today, the state announced agreements with five companies to develop the tools, including open ai. they could be used to ease traffic jams and help people file their taxes, among other things. the companies will be paid $1 for their proposals. the state will test them for six months before deciding whether to launch them. the cybersecurity firm rsa is wrapping up its national conference at san francisco's moscone center. >> ktvu christien kafton tells us the event is bringing much needed business to the area, and there are hopes for more to come
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. >> tropical music filled the warm spring air as an estimated 40,000 rsa conference visitors made their way in and out of san francisco's moscone center. charlie garrett is a bureau chief in charge of operations for south carolina's department of health and human services, and says he's enjoying his stay. >> i love it if y'all wasn't so expensive with calls and everything, i would want to move out here because the food is awesome, the environment is awesome. everything is just awesome. i've had a fantastic time now. >> restaurants in the area that struggled when the asia-pacific economic cooperation summit in november shut down much of the south of market area, say the rsac computer security conference is completely different. the grove is just a block from the convention center and was packed at lunch, which david cohen says is great for his bottom line. >> i would be thrilled to have moscone as a prime convention center, busy 300 days a year,
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cohen says. >> the visitors have been telling him they've enjoyed their stay. >> they've really been enjoying it. we see people who are regulars for this event, regulars for this convention coming back year after year, and they say how happy they are to be back in san francisco. >> san francisco travel association says the rsa conference is the second biggest annual conference after dreamforce, and is bringing in an estimated $62 million to the city. >> one of the most important things we can do for san francisco is fill our convention center, bring meetings and conventions to san francisco. so those folks are staying in our accommodations, they're eating in our restaurants, and they're really stimulating the entire economy of san francisco. >> our visitor from south carolina says he's already planning on returning to san francisco. >> i'm already saving the date for the one that we got next year. i think that's around april 28th through like may 2nd. >> and one final note hotels in the area are either at capacity or nearly at capacity. that means it was an all hands on deck situation. the hotel council says hotels called in all available workers to
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accommodate all of the visitors we have in town in san francisco, christien kafton, ktvu, fox two news. >> still to come, big changes approved for how utility bills are calculated with mixed results across the board. >> also ahead tonight, bart warns of difficult times ahead if voters don't approve more funding. plus it was pretty shocked. >> i think all of us were. it's horrifying. >> shots fired at an oakland youth rowing team while competing in west sacramento. authorities are trying to locate wh s re
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ada county sheriff's department hosted the five k in honor of oakland police officer twan lee. the 36 year old was shot and killed last december while responding to a burglary at a cannabis dispensary. members of the oakland police and fire departments took part. >> officer twan lay gave his life in the line of duty. the least we could do is show up today and do a5k run for him. it's really excited about the turnout for our partners from fire and the police department and the community. >> the opd is also mourning the loss of officer jordan wingate, who died april 20th. today was the last time all 61 of the alameda county recruits would run together at the training facility in dublin before their graduation on monday. >> some frightening moments for a young rowing team after shots were fired during a competition in sacramento county. ktvu crime
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reporter henry lee spoke with the parent of one of the rowers from oakland, who says bullets flew just feet away from the athletes. >> these teenage boys from the east bay were rowing in a race on the sacramento river when, without warning, this happened, someone fired at least three shots that landed near the team. you can see splashes from bullets in the water just a few feet away from the boat. >> i was pretty shocked. i think all of us were. it's horrifying. >> fred ackerman's 15 year old son was among nine boys on the boat. their team, the oakland strokes, was taking part in a regatta in the sacramento river ship channel on april 20th. when the shots rang out. it was maybe ten feet. >> it could have been closer, it could have been a little bit further away, but it was too close. >> luckily, no one was hurt, a motive unknown. no one saw the shooter. >> there were. there were dozens and dozens of people that were boaters or people fishing. there were, people walking along the path, and the police don't even know where the shots came from.
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>> west sacramento police are investigating the high school age boys on the boat are part of the oakland strokes, which compete in local, state and national races. they practice five days a week. they're based at the tidewater aquatic center in oakland. they're certainly aware of the violence in oakland, but never expected to get shot at while racing out on the water. >> no parent should give any thought to sending their child to a sporting event to a concert, to elementary school and think, my child might get shot today. >> video of that shooting was caught by a woman whose son is also on the team and quite understandably, everyone is shaken but grateful that no one was hurt. anyone with information is asked to contact west sacramento police. henry lee, ktvu, fox two news. >> governor newsom is putting the pressure on half moon bay to approve a 40 unit affordable housing project for senior farm workers. the governor released a statement today calling on the city's planning commission to stop stalling. the delay follows a deadly shooting last year that
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exposed the dire living conditions of farmworkers in the area. earlier this week, the county board of supervisors approved funding for that project. the half moon bay planning commission could move the housing project forward next week. during its meeting on tuesday. >> coming up on ktvu news at 630, oakland port commissioners vote to rename the oakland airport. but the threat of legal action from the city of san francisco looms. >> also had state regulators approve a plan to change how utility bills are calculated. but it doesn't mean higher bills for everyone. >> and coming up later in sports, a big loss for the 49ers family, one of their hall of famers, has died. jason applebaum honors the late jimmy johnson
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hold separate events. the first lady touched down at san francisco international just before 5:00 this evening. she then went over to marin county for a fundraiser. the president is scheduled to arrive at moffett field before 8:00 tonight. >> fire investigators in hayward are trying to figure out what caused a wind blown fire today that destroyed four vehicles and threatened several nearby homes. flames spread through tall eucalyptus trees behind homes near poppy wood court and silverthorn place. strong wind gusts blew embers blocks away, causing spot fires. no one was hurt and no homes were damaged. >> a south bay couple facing charges for exposing their baby to fentanyl. authorities say the
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two are drug dealers and were storing upwards of 55,000 fentanyl pills under their ten month old baby's crib. the judge in the case has issued a protective order against both parents. the child is now living with a grandparent. >> you're watching ktvu, fox two news at 630. it is official the oakland airport will now have a new name. >> the port voted this afternoon to rename the airport san francisco bay. oakland international airport. but as ktvu tom vacar reports tonight, the city of san francisco is threatening legal action. >> vote no to the name change and no to the airport expansion. please protect the east bay and lead the way to a healthy future with fewer flights and less pollution. >> the slanted survey, written and administered to achieve approval will. it does not at all provide evidence that aucklanders want a name change. >> amir adib, a bay area trademark and intellectual property attorney, says since both entities are in the exact same business airports, san
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francisco probably has the better claim. after almost 100 years, san francisco is prominent. >> it's the first part of the both marks, it creates a lot of issues around confusion. if you enter san francisco into san francisco's pop up, that that's by definition, that's very confusing. come up with something that's more distinctive at the beginning of the name. if you really want to change your name, even at oakland airport, where we met passengers from out of town, opinion was divided. >> i would guess that maybe be combining the names, maybe, teaches people that they are close and affiliated with each other. i do know that when i first was flying here, that it was a little confusing which one to go to. >> so i can understand that being an issue. >> actually, i like it being oakland. i like it being, not not so confusing for somebody who doesn't fly in here all the time. the san francisco city attorney issued this statement. >> if oakland continues to rebuff our offers to partner,
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we'll have to move forward with the next steps in our trademark lawsuit and seek a preliminary injunction to stop infringement on sfo's trademark tom vacar kttv, fox two news. the california public utilities commission has approved a controversial plan that will change how pge and other investor owned utilities calculate customer energy bills. >> the plan will add a $24 utility charge to most customers bills. >> in exchange, it will lower electricity prices by 5 to $0.07 per kilowatt hour. low income customers will pay a flat rate of 6 or $12. the average pge customer in the bay area, who's not eligible for a low income plan, will see total monthly bills fluctuate anywhere to about $1.47 a month less, or about $9 a month more. >> california is one of the few states where utilities do not use the fixed rate model. those in favor say the change will save customers statewide an average of $30 a month. the plan
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is all part of a law approved by lawmakers in 2022 and advocated by utilities including pg and e. now supporters also say it will help lower income households and incentivize people in california to go electric. >> you can't delay on getting help to struggling families for those who need it most, and so we really encourage, you know, everyone to get behind a fixed charge. and, you know, as we set off on a path to an equitable path to a clean energy future for everyone. >> but critics say it won't benefit everyone, people who already conserve electricity may actually see their bills go up. >> we think that if you have a low energy footprint now, even in the central valley where it gets hot, this fixed charge could actually raise your rates. if you're a low energy user to begin with, officials say money generated from the fee will be used for infrastructure and maintenance. >> the rate changes will take effect in early 2026. >> the san jose bart extension project is getting $500 million
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in federal funding. the valley transportation authority, the agency overseeing the project, says the investment will inch them closer to getting the project complete. construction is already underway. the bart extension will build a subway through downtown san jose. that project is expected to cost $12 billion. >> that means it is a nationally important project. it is one of the most important projects in this budget, is the second highest project with an allocation. and what that means is that this project has huge support. >> right now, crews are working on the second phase of the project, expanding the newell maintenance facility near santa clara university. service is scheduled to begin in the spring of 2037. bart board of directors says a proposed ballot measure could be the only thing that keeps the agency running. average weekday ridership is still about 40% of pre-pandemic levels, according to the agency.
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they say by 2027, bart could face annual deficits of up to $300 million, potentially forcing the board to make drastic service cuts. state lawmakers have introduced a measure that puts a 30 year transit funding tax on the 2026 ballot. board members say this could be bart's last hope. some riders now say they're worried about rising costs. >> it's ultimately up to the voters. the voters will decide bart is really the backbone of the bay area, and our economy, and the bay area won't be the bay area without transit service. >> we definitely do need a bart system. absolutely. it's really important, i just don't know if i want more taxes to go up because of the cost of everything right now, the board of directors does not appear to have a back up plan. >> if the 2026 tax measure fails to pass more testimony in the criminal trial against former president trump in new york city today, defense attorneys pushed back in cross-exam nation also had airline mileage programs and
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credit cards are extremely popular. but some federal regulators question whether they're truly helping or harming consumers. and a quick reminder that you can get ktvu on demand on your smart tv through the fox local app. >> you can watch live newscasts and see all kinds of in-depth content from our newsroom on a variety of topics. it is a free download for your smart tv. we're back after the break
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tried to cut her credibility in cross-examination. >> back up on the witness stand thursday. stormy daniels faced another round of tough questions from former president donald trump's attorneys. this time they very clearly accused her of lying about having sex with trump. quote, you made all this up, right? trump's attorney asked. no, daniels shot back. daniels on tuesday testified
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that she met trump for dinner at a hotel in 2006, where she had unprotected sex with the former president. later, she sold her story to trump's former attorney, michael cohen, who paid her $130,000 out of his own pocket to keep quiet. prosecutors allege that trump later reimbursed cohen for this hush money payment, but marked these checks down as legal expenses. while the case is not about whether or not trump and daniels had sex, trump's attorneys used this to try and cast doubt on daniels credibility. trump's legal team zeroed in on slight inconsistencies between past interviews and daniels testimony this week. trump's team also wanted to make it seem like she was in it for the money, pointing to ways she profited from telling her story, which included a book deal, a strip club tour and a documentary. trump's attorney also worked to cast doubt on the night of the alleged sexual encounter, asking why, as an adult film star actress, she would feel light
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headed seeing trump in his underwear on the bed. daniels responded, saying that it caught her off guard. trump was twice her age and she felt on edge knowing trump's bodyguard was right outside the door. when it was time for redirect examination. daniels said while she might have made money by coming forward with her story, it also cost her she has had to hire security and take extra precautions, and she was forced to move a couple of times. trump has denied the charges and the affair, and i think you'll see some very revealing things today. >> and, i want to thank my lawyers. they've done a very good job, and i'd rather thank them after it's over. >> growing outrage in florida tonight after a us air force airman was shot and killed by deputies in his apartment. roger fortin's family accuses deputies of mistakenly entering his apartment while responding to a disturbance call. deputies shot and killed the 23 year old when they saw he was holding a gun in
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his right hand. the family attorneys say fortson was a licensed gun owner and they are demanding more transparency. >> that's all we want. we want to see the body cam video. we want to know what happened. we want the mistakes to be owned. >> i know my son did not do anything to you guys. if he scared you or if you guys wasn't trained properly. i apologize, ma'am, but please clean my baby reputation. >> and late today, the sheriff's office did release body cam video showing the deputy knocking on the front door announcing the sheriff's department was there. the investigation is still ongoing. >> a new report from the gun safety group everytown says the rate of gun thefts in the us has tripled since 2013. the group says nearly 112,000 guns were stolen in 2022, and over half of those were taken from cars. cars parked at residences are the most common targets. there are no california cities in the top 20 on the list. oceanside in san
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diego county had the highest rate in our state, with just just under six thefts per 100,000 residents. everytown urges gun owners to lock their vehicles and use gun safes. >> and we're closing in on the weekend. what's that mean for your mother's day weekend? at that, we'll have that forecast coming up. >> all right. now to alex savage and a look at some of the stories we're working on for west coast rap coming up at seven alex. >> all right mike thank you. coming up tonight at seven. we'll get back to president biden's upcoming visit here to the west coast. it comes as the administration makes a major announcement affecting asylum seekers coming into this country tonight on west coast rap, an immigration expert breaks down the impact the rule change could have at the border. plus, several skiers swept away in a huge avalanche in utah. authorities say two people have died and a third skier survived after digging himself out of the snow. what we're learning tonight about the victims, those stories and much more coming up tonight at seven on west coast rap. and of course, that's
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followed by the ktvu, fox two news at 730 with heather holmes. >> all right, alex, thank you. but first, a rare mishap on advertising from apple. why the company is apologizing for its latest ad and pulling an extensive ad campaign dupixent helps people with asthma breathe better in as little as 2 weeks. and when you can breathe better, what isn't better? this is better. this is better. that's better. and that. even this. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. it works with your asthma medicine to help improve lung function. that's pretty good! dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's proven to help prevent asthma attacks. it can reduce or even eliminate oral steroids.
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and doesn't that make things better? dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. tell your doctor right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines including steroids, without talking to your doctor. when you can get more out of your lungs, you can du more with less asthma. and isn't that better? ask your doctor about dupixent, the most prescribed biologic in asthma.
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for its newest ipad that drew criticism from musicians and artists. all the things you do. >> give me a reason to feel my way around you. >> so the commercial released on ceo tim cook's ex page, shows a hydraulic press destroying and flattening musical instruments. paint the television sculptures and other items. it then reveals the company's newest ipad pro model. advertising analysts said the spot resonated negatively with many people who saw it as an example of technology crushing creative industries. apple told the magazine ad age that the company missed the mark with the ad. the company is also canceled. plans to run the ad on television and social media. >> federal regulators are looking into whether aggressive marketing tactics for credit card rewards programs offered by
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airlines are hurting consumers. federal regulators held a hearing today in washington, d.c, to analyze the rewards programs, according to a report from the consumer financial protection bureau. the fine print of those deals often doesn't match the marketing, it says. consumers reported paying hefty annual fees and finding companies are devaluing, devaluing their points by making it more difficult to redeem them or limiting redemption options. officialalso say more people are going into credit card debt for choosing cards with higher annual percentage rates for the perks alone. >> since these programs, by design, often can encourage a customer to not choose the product with the lowest price, we want to make sure we understand the impact that rewards programs have on competition and market behavior. >> some airline executives say the credit card rewards programs can provide value when used properly. >> students from oakland's castlemont high school, who recently traveled to asia, are now sharing their experiences
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with other students. the student travelers went to elmhurst united middle school this morning in east oakland. the casselman students have been home for a month from their trip to japan, taiwan and the philippines, and they told those middle school children about the different customs they learned. the sites they visited, and about what they ate and experienced. >> it's one of the best things you could do. open eyes to different things and you just get out of your comfort zone, basically trying new food, speaking a new language, trying to learn a new language. socializing with different kind of people. >> the students also say the aim of their visit with the middle school students was to show them how big the world really is, and what they can look forward to when they travel. >> and the weekend just around the corner now. beautiful day today. last couple of days have been nice. we did hit a 90 degree reading in pittsburgh today. most of us were mid 80s. the winds were blowing. those winds at mount diablo up to 54 miles an hour down from where
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they were over 24 hours ago. the wind advisory has been dropped, but it's still it's still pretty breezy out there. and that breeze is stirring up the tree pollens. as you know, it's also doing this move where it. we've talked about this before, but downsloping winds how they heat up when they sink. right. so it comes over the hill. maybe maybe it's 6070. let's say it's 70 degrees comes over the hill and it drops 1000ft. it picks up another five degrees or so. so that's how you get a temperature like 77 degrees at half moon bay today. for the high it actually warms up as it sinks the air. so these downsloping winds is which what we've been experiencing the last few days kind of winding down now because the winds are going to the direction is going to change. and as they change, as the wind comes more onshore, the cool, moist air from the pacific will enter into the region and certainly cool the coast first. tomorrow by good 510 degrees. still really nice at the beaches though, fog should be back in earnest by. there might be a little tomorrow morning, but it'll be back in earnest by tomorrow night. and on saturday morning. live camera shot. just beautiful. good air
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quality because of the wind, right? that makes things nice. and the high pressure is now weakening a little bit, which makes sense. and the low pressure is allowing the fog to kind of work its way. a thermal low is allowing the fog to work its way up into the sacramento valley. the thermal low is in the heat trough of the sacramento valley because it's air rises and creates a little vacuum so that cooler moisture air on the coast will get sucked into it. we're already seeing winds shifting. there's novato onshore and santa rosa is offshore. but let's see, there's concord and fairfield. they're onshore. so this is all different from where we were yesterday. sfo northwest. so onshore winds. that's that's your clue when you see that that is your environmental clue that, yes, things are going to change quickly. and in fact, they are. i mean, look how much cooler it is now in oakland than it was last night. at this time, it's 11 degrees cooler. that sea breeze getting right through the golden gate bridge, cooling things down. so that's the game and that's how it goes as we go into the next few days. but still, it's going to be a really, really, really nice weekend. it's going to be really
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nice. we're going to see plenty of sunshine and then just some patchy fog along the coast that shows up. i think it shows up mainly tomorrow night, but we'll see. but overall you got the wind shift has occurred. that's why it's so much cooler in oakland right now than it was yesterday at this time. but still, tomorrow is a nice day, even at the beaches. you're going to see upper 60s, low 70s, saturday cooler, sunday cooler, and monday cooler still. all right, bill, thank you. >> well, the oakland zoo is welcoming a new baby giraffe. and they want your help in finding a name for him. >> the new giraffe is exploring his space and getting to know his five herd mates. the 13 month old male came to oakland from the audubon nature institute in louisiana. the move was recommended by the association of zoos and aquariums as part of its species survival plan. >> the predominant factor really is habitat encroachment. but, you know, there's less and less space, more and more humans, and that creates a myriad of
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different pressures that make it really hard for those animals to survive. and reticulated giraffes, in particular, of significant portion of their range, moves through parts of africa that really struggle with a lot of civil war, drought, flooding, and various really climate concerns that are affecting their ability to do well in that environment. >> and how about this you can actually vote on the giraffes name. you just have to go to the zoo's facebook, instagram or x pages. the winner will be announced on monday. >> coming up next in sports, the giants play a forgettable game against the rockies in denver, though one key players bat appears to be heating up. our jason appelbaum will have the highlights coming up. michael conforto ( ♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus
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all time greats. cornerback jimmie johnson has passed away at the age of 86. johnson was the niners first round draft pick out of ucla in 1961. he played his entire 16 year career in san francisco. he was so good that opposing quarterbacks rarely threw his way, and when they did, they paid the price. johnson finished his hall of
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fame career with 47 interceptions, none more memorable than the pick six in the 1970 season finale against the oakland raiders, which helped clinch the division title and earned the 49ers their first playoff berth in 14 years. he's one of six hall of famers who has spent his entire career with the 49ers. jimmie johnson, dead at the age of 86. the giants. meantime, they scored 13 runs over the past two days at coors field. but today, in the series finale, they could muster just one. giants fans munching, looks like maybe, yeah, maybe chicken nuggets. the giants they get on the board first. michael conforto goes the opposite way off cal quantrill, his second homer in as many days, his seventh of the season. one nothing giants but the rockies get it back and then some in the bottom of the inning. brendan doyle the big blow a three run blast off keaton winn, the rockies explode for seven runs
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in the fourth to win 9 to 1. the giants are back home for nine games, beginning with the reds tomorrow night. the oakland a's. they have been one of the surprises of the major league baseball season so far. at 18 and 21, they have a better record than the giants, and they're just four games back of the division leading texas rangers and their closer, mason miller. he's been must see tv. he's the hardest throwing pitcher in the game. his fastball tops out at 103.7mph. that's one reason why he leads all closers with 33 strikeouts in just 16 and a third innings of work. the a's story this year prompted a national baseball writer, travis sawchuk, to tweet out this astute comparison last week. the a's are two and a half games out of first place, with the game's best closer and an owner trying to run them out of town. we've seen this movie before, of course, he is referring to the movie major league. it's a baseball classic
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1989, starring charlie sheen as the fireball in closer for the cleveland indians, whose owner, rachel phelps, famously penny pinches her way to what she hopes is a last place finish before they get out of town to florida. spoiler alert. okay, it was 35 years ago. cleveland ends up winning the division. listen, a long shot to be sure, for the a's, but you never know. >> you got a little confidence, win a lot of balls. get it rolling. >> get something going. yeah, a little magic. >> maybe. thank you. we'll see. west coa rap with ale va when we say it'll be on time, they expect it to be on time. turn shipping to your advantage. keep those expectations with reliable ground shipping.
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7:00 pm
president biden set to arrive here in the west tonight as the administration proposes new rules for asylum seekers. congress, reacting in the middle of


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