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tv   The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon  NBC  November 30, 2016 10:34pm-11:37pm CST

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[ cheers and applause ] ?? >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- felicity jones. billy crudup. musical guest
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and featuring the legendary roots crew. >> questlove: 581, quebec! yeah! >> steve: and now, here he is, jimmy fallon! ?? ?? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you very much! thank you. oh! that is a hot crowd! [ cheers and applause ] that's amazing right there. hey! right back at you, man. welcome. welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, to "the tonight show." this is it, baby! this is it! [ cheers and applause ] this is the show. thank you so much.
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welcome, everybody. here's what people are talking about, you guys. tonight was the lighting of the rockefeller center christmas tree. [ cheers and applause ] that's right. thousands of people waited for hours in the cold just to go, "cool. back to the hotel, let's go back to the hotel." [ cheers and applause ] "that was good. that was good." [ applause ] that's -- actually the rockefeller tree lighting was like any other tree lighting. everyone helped for about five minutes, and one mom had to finish the rest by herself. [ laughter ] "don't eat the popcorn! it's for the tree! forget it." meanwhile, the obamas just had the white house decorated for their final christmas before they leave. they want to make it look nice for santa, since he's not coming back for at least four years. [ laughter and applause ] this year -- this year's white house holiday display also includes 56 lego gingerbread houses, which is took over 200,000 lego to make. or as joe biden put it, "this gingerbread is crunchy as
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"you're eating a lego." "it doesn't even taste like gingerbread!" they used over 200,000 legos for the white house christmas display. after hearing this, donald trump heard said, "save those legos. we can use them for the wall." [ laughter and applause ] "save them. we need it. we need every lego. at the very least, they really hurt to step on if they come over barefoot in the middle of the night. it hurts when you step on them." [ laughter ] "it's okay, and can't describe." this photo was everywhere today. trump and mitt romney were spotted having dinner here new york last night, and everyone's talking about romney's expression. take a look at this photo. is that good? [ laughter ] it got even worse when the spaghetti came and trump said, "ever see lady and the tramp?" [ laughter ] "let's just try it." [ cheers and applause ]
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for education secretary betsy devos never went to public school, and has never even worked for public schools. people are saying that as a a billionaire without much experience, she might be too similar to trump. well, we wanted to find out for ourselves, so we actually have her on the line right now to discuss her new role. betsy, are you there? >> hi, jimmy. it's fantastic to talk to you, really fantastic. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: mrs. devos, how do that you're too inexperienced and too similar to donald trump? >> i have big respect for trump, jimmy, bigly. but let me tell you, we are very different people, very different. and besides, who needs experience? think about it, jimmy. what teachers did you like more in school? the experienced losers, who assigned homework every night, or the hung over substitutes who just turned out the lights and put on an old vhs copy of "e.t."? >> jimmy: yeah, that's right.
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teachers unions have also spoken out against you and your lack of -- >> that's ridiculous. i have a great relationship with teachers. teachers love me. they love me. it's true. but jimmy, when americans elected our tremendous president donald trump, and he really is tremendous, just tremendous. i mean, this man is so tremendously tremendous. [ light laughter ] donald trump is the most tremendous of the men in the world. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: mrs. devos, mrs. devos, i feel like you're not actually saying anything. >> jimmy: well, if i may just point out, you failed at every political movement that you've been part of. >> wrong. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: your track record suggests that you would gut the education system for the benefit of private companies. >> wrong. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: basically serving as a puppet for donald trump. >> no puppet. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: and his business interests. >> no puppet. [ light laughter ] you're the puppet, jimmy. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: betsy devos,
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what is she talking about? [ laughter ] >> steve: "bigly." >> jimmy: bigly. finally, if you're looking for a cool christmas gift, you guys, a swiss company just released a new $250 drone that's actually attached to a a rope that you hold in your hand. they say it helps to control the drone. it's great for first-time users and it's a kite. it's a really expensive -- [ cheers and applause ] we have great show tonight. give it up for the roots! ?? ?? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] [ coughing ] it has been great week so far. [ laughter ] did you notice that i had a a little -- >> steve: vampire cough? >> jimmy: i had a little tickle in my throat. yeah. and i coughed a little.
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[ coughing ] [ laughter ] it's been a great week so far. there's more ahead. tomorrow night, our pal emma stone wille be here. >> steve: yes! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: she is -- >> steve: stone bone. >> jimmy: stone bone, man. she's gonna be here, and we're gonna do a special singing edition of "the whisper challenge." it's going to be fun, yeah. plus, we have kacey musgraves. she's gonna be performing. [ cheers and applause ] and then on friday, chelsea handler will be here! [ cheers and applause ] and john legend! [ applause ] but first, we have a great sho she stars in one of this year's biggest movies, "rogue one: a a star wars story." it's the very talented felicity jones is on the show tonight. >> steve: oh! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: plus, he has two highly anticipated new films coming up, "jackie" and "20th century women." billy crudup is to being by. >> steve: oh! >> jimmy: always good, talented, talented guy. [ cheers and applause ] speaking of talented, i love this band. guys, if you like good music,
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>> steve: i -- you know what? i do. >> jimmy: yeah, exacly, yeah. car seat headrest is here tonight! >> steve: yeah! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: "teens of denial." that's all the words. they're the coolest kids. when i first heard them, i think i heard the song, "fill in the blank," and -- you have heard of them, quest? >> questlove: i heard it. >> jimmy: these guys are, like -- i thought it was, like, a king. i thought it was, like, a new king song unscripted. yeah, i mean, - it's louder, and they're just -- they're awesome! i love them. they're -- kids. they're so young. i was like -- i think they're 10 years old. >> steve: really? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. >> steve: 10? >> jimmy: they're 10 years old, yeah. >> steve: wow. >> jimmy: they're on "america's got talent." [ laughter ] no. that's not true. but they're just phenomenal. the song they're doing tonight is called "drunk drivers/killer whales." [ light laughter ] yeah. don't let the title -- yeah. [ light laughter ] here's a little piece.
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? it doesn't have to be like this it doesn't have to be like this ? ?? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: yeah. it's good. yeah. that's it. if they just -- [ cheers and applause ] i think -- i think that car seat headrest, i might be making the story up. >> steve: i think you would know. >> jimmy: well, i run their wikipedia page, so i -- [ laughter ] i think they're called "car sear headrest" because the guy -- writes the songs in the band went to his car to get some quiet. and to write the songs, he sat in the back seat, and he wrote everything on paper on c i might be making it up. >> steve: you never know. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: anyways, they're here tonight, and they're fantastic. >> steve: yeah! >> jimmy: car seat headrest. [ cheers and applause ] you'll know about these guys. everyone's talking about them. "rolling stone" loves them. they're just -- they're awesome. i love them, love them, love them. guys, we're in week 13 of the nfl season, and the big thursday night football matchup is between the dallas cowboys and the minnesota vikings! [ cheers and applause ] and it's right here on nbc this thursday night.
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"most valuable player." but, they also awards during the season, sort of, like the ones in high school yearbooks, "like most likely to succeed" and "class clown." >> steve: right. >> jimmy: stuff like that. >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: so that in mind, it's time for "tonight show superlatives." here you go. [ cheers and applause ] ? tonight show superlatives ? ?? >> jimmy: our first player is jeff locke. he's a punter for the minnesota vikings. he was voted "most likely to be and the elf on the shelf." [ laughter and applause ] >> steve: wow. >> jimmy: interesting. >> steve: i can see it. >> jimmy: these are awards they give out during the season. >> steve: yeah, during. not after the season. >> jimmy: no, yeah. next up from the cowboys, chaz green. [ cheers ] he was voted "most likely to flip his beard around and use it as a neck pillow on a a flight." [ laughter and applause ] annoying. [ squeaking noise ] yeah. yeah. [ squeaking noise ] >> jimmy: it's a rare award. they rarely give it.
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>> steve: it's a blessing and a a curse. >> jimmy: it's a gift. it's a gift. >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: the next player is kavon frazier. he was voted "most likely to be the character in a horror movie when he's like, 'guys, i don't think we should split up.'" [ laughter and applause ] "'i'm serious. i'll go with you.'" next up is vikings quarterback sam bradford. [ laughter ] he was voted "most likely to corner you in a party and talk about the dip." [ laughter and applause ] "you think there's seven layers in there? eight layers?" >> steve: "go easy on us, it's called dip not soup." >> jimmy: "what if it's not nine layers?" >> steve: yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: "is that layer dip? no way." >> steve: go get the ingredients." >> jimmy: "how many large chilis do you think are in there?" >> steve: "i'm going to say two, three." >> jimmy: "no, four are large chilis." >> steve: "four are large chilis? wow!" [ laughter ] "i'll put ghost peppers in this one." >> jimmy: "i don't know why" -- here is joe looney. he was voted "most likely to look at you, reach out his arms and say 'up, up,' when he's tired of walking."
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"up, up!" he's cute. he's cute. he's sleeping. next, we have travis frederick. [ cheers ] he was voted "most likely to make you answer a riddle before crossing his bridge." [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: "leave me!" [ laughter ] >> jimmy: here is joe berger. he was voted "'minecraft' football player." [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: is that an award to give out? >> steve: yeah, they give out that award during the season. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: up next from the cowboys is sean lee. [ cheers ] he was voted "most likely to move his mouth like a a nutcracker." >> steve: wow. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: and finally, from the vikings is audie cole. he was voted "grungiest val kilmer." >> steve: oh! >> jimmy: there you go, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] those are your "nfl superlatives." we'll be right back with audience suggestion box. let's go! [ cheers and applause ]
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[burke] at farmers, we've seen almost everything, so we know how to cover almost anything. even a rodent ride-along. [dad] alright, buddy, don't forget anything! [kid] i won't, dad... [captain rod] happy tuesday morning! captain rod here. it's pretty hairy out on the interstate.traffic is literally crawling, but there is some movement on the eastside overpass. getting word of another collision. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ? we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ? [ 80's music ] can i get anyone a beer? make it a redd's apple ale! redd's apple ale.
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you can configure it in so many different ways, it just, i don't know, it feels really cool.
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we think church is more than a place to go at christmastime. we think church can happen anywhere and anytime. when giving your time, gives someone new hope. when opening hearts, inspires joy. and when we remember where it all began. that's finding the true meaning of christmas. that's what it means to rethink church. the people of the united methodist church invite you to learn more at
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back. thank you so much for watching. thank you for being here. hot crowd tonight! [ cheers ] you got to feel the love through the tv set. yeah. guys, welcome back. you know, we're always striving to get better here at "the tonight show." harder, better, faster, stronger. [ cheers and applause ] before every show we put out a a suggestion box for the audience just to get some feedback about what you guys think of the show. some things you'd like to see us do. that kind of stuff. so tonight look inside the audience suggestion box. here we go. [ cheers and applause ] ?? >> jimmy: this is one of my favorite bits cause we get to hear from you guys. [ cheers ] hey, jimmy, you should do more
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from steven randolph. thank you, steven. you should do more cool stuff on your show like shoot lasers out of your fingers. ah, interesting suggestion. it actually sounds pretty cool. let me give it a try. [ laughter and applause ] [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: this one's from felicia krause. hey jimmy, i love watching gifs. you know, those things online where a moving image loops over and over. i was wondering what a gif would look like in real life. can you show us? yeah. i think we can do that. give it a try. here's a real-life gif of me
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[ applause ] these are all great suggestions, you guys. this one's from michelle shaw. hey jimmy, with the post-election holiday, it seems a lot of people are worried about having disagreements with their family members. is there anything you can do to show us that we can all get along? you know, i think there's only ong show a video of a puppy and kitten sharing a holiday meal together. check it out. ?? ?? ? ah, ah, ah-ah-ah i know this much is true
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?? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: cute puppy and -- uh, this one is from -- connie mitchell. hey, jimmy, tomorrow is the first day of december. the rockefeller tree was lit tonight. christmas tree was lit tonight. christmas is just around the corner. you should do something to kick off the yuletide season. that's a great idea. [ cheers and applause ] i'm going to do -- i'm going to do that, the only way i know how to do it. this is by dressing up like santa and tackling a christmas tree. let's do it. [ cheers and applause ] ?? [ cheers and applause ]
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[ cheers and applause ] all right! alright christmas, here i come! [ cheers and applause ] ?? [ cheers and applause ] thank you so much! now i'm in the holiday spirit. that's all the time we have for audience suggestion box. stick around. we'll be right back with felicity jones! [ cheers and applause ] ?? ??
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for a powerful comeback. new expressmax caplets. this one is from channel islands national park. coronado. saguaro. you'll see there's one that's an eagle. my number one goal is getting more funds out to parks because some animals and plants are only found in one place in the world, and that's in some national parks. i find that's a great cause, and i want to support it. (avo) the subaru share the love event has donated nate two hundred and fifty dollars more. ?put a little love in your heart.? at olive garden, your favorite things come together at the holidays, with our new flavorfilled pairings.
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blem? the naughty list shouldn't get deals! yeah, but anyone who switches gets half off of any smartphone. even these? yeah, any smartphone. call the big guy! [ bell dings ] santa? no, jingles. [ knuckles crack ] [ spits ] ooo. ouch. [ neck cracks ] [ darien ] switch and get half off any smartphone. plus up to $650 back. oh! kevin's lunch! freaky fast. fifth time this week. jimmy john's
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our first guest is a a golden globe and academy award nominated actress who you can see in the giant new movie "rogue one: a star wars story." we're going to see an exclusive clip tonight which is interesting. it's in theaters and imax 3d december 16th. everyone please welcome felicity jones! [ cheers and applause ] ?? ?? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: they love you, i love you. >> oh, jimmy! >> jimmy: we love you! you look beautiful. >> hi. >> jimmy: welcome. welcome back to the show. congrats on everything. last time you were here, you were promoting "the theory of everything." >> yes. >> jimmy: and you got nominated for an golden globe and an oscar.
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>> thank you. >> jimmy: that's a big deal. was it fun? >> it was. it was. it was -- it was pretty awesome. i have to say. >> jimmy: is it a lot of -- i just feel like, it's just so much you have to go do to all of these events and things, and show up, and get your picture taken in photos. >> yeah, i mean, by the time you actually get to the oscars, you're just so relieved, because you have a day off, the next day. the next day you get to do absolutely nothing. >> jimmy: i love the name "felicity jones." i actor name. sometimes actor's change their name. >> well, yeah, i mean, there was a point. because there is another felicity jones. so officially, on imdb, i am actually felicity jones ii. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: is that how they do it? really? >> yeah, exactly. >> jimmy: wow. what would you change your name to, if you were going to change your name? >> if i was going to change my name. so i went through many different options. my middle name is hadley.
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felicity h. jones. >> jimmy: oh. [ light laughter ] >> exactly. >> jimmy: no, i mean, no. i'm sorry. i zoned out for a second. no, no, no that's exciting. you didn't do it. you didn't change your name. but you had no other options? i like, i love felicity jones. i like hadley, too. it's beautiful. >> oh, thank you very much. >> jimmy: let's talk about "rogue one." cause this is a big, big deal. i mean, are you guys excited for this? this is like -- [ cheers and applause ] people are so excited, so excited around the office. everyone's talking about this. you'n >> yeah. >> jimmy: do you know what that's like? i mean, are you feeling it? are you feeling the force? i mean, are you feeling what's up? >> uh, yeah. every day. >> jimmy: everyday? >> every day, riding the force. riding the force. >> jimmy: people want to know everything. they want to know every single scoop about it. fans get crazy about this stuff. they want to know everything. >> yeah, it was real effects secret. >> jimmy: did you see -- yeah. there's a man who got your face tattooed on his leg. [ laughter ] the movie's not even out yet. this is you, this is jyn erso,
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is that -- >> everyone's going, ah -- [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: what is your feeling about this? what -- did that do to you when you see this? >> well, i just think, i'm a a bit worried when the hair starts to grow back? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, exactly. [ laughter ] i didn't think about that. yeah, i didn't think about that. you might get a beard over there. yeah, it's going to be like -- i didn't even -- yeah. that's going to be a bummer. [ cheers and applause ] i didn't think about that. >> he better be shaving. he better keep shaving. >> jimmy: he has to keep his leg shaved. yeah, absolutely. but also -- you say, "may the film? >> i do. i do. and it was one of those lines where you just, worry about for weeks and months before. you know? it's a pretty heavy line to have to say, and you don't want to -- you don't want to overdo it. so i would practice. i'd be walking around, i'd be walking along the street, and then be trying like -- ah, do i emphasize this? you know, what should i do with it? and it's going to be shouting like, "may the force be with you!" [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's not good. [ laughter ] may? may the force be with you?
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>> jimmy: you can be extra polite, you know. >> yeah. >> jimmy: may the -- yeah. may the force, be with you. [ light laughter ] >> that's it. that's the one. that's it. that's the one i should have gone for! damn! >> jimmy: i'm excited that you do say it. and everyone's freaking out. but, and congratulations on all this stuff. >> thank you very much. thank you. >> jimmy: you did a lot of training, with -- was it jiu-jitsu? what is it? >> i did, it's um -- i did a a lot of kung fu. >> jimmy: kung fu? >> yes. i had a wonderful teacher called master u li. he was my kung fu teacr, and -- it was -- i mean, it was many hours of devotion, and practice, and doing it over and over again. and wanting to kind of, you know, make jyn a bad ass. so, uh -- >> jimmy: yeah, you are. but, i was wondering, if you could maybe show me a little move that you do in the -- in the film? i have your -- [ cheers and applause ] weapon of choice -- not bad, right? >> that is pretty good. you've got a pretty good team here. >> jimmy: yeah, and i have a -- i have a stormtrooper gun.
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clearly looks like a toy. but, it's -- this is a toy. [ light laughter ] all right, so what do i do? >> okay. >> jimmy: oh, man. >> are you ready? >> jimmy: no. already i'm nervous. do it slow motion first. >> okay. so i'll just -- i'll take you through, step by step. >> jimmy: yeah. >> okay, so first of all, we have to lock eyes. >> jimmy: yeah, of course. [ laughter ] try not laugh. it's my face you're laughing at. >> we got to be serious. >> jimmy: yeah, of course. >> then i am going to -- so i'm going to take out your blaster. >> jimye all right, slow motion. [ laughter ] [ talking over each other ] no, you were like -- your face was mad, and you wanted to hit me. and i go, whoa, whoa, whoa. so you take out my blaster. >> okay. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: the blaster -- blast-o away. >> blaster's gone. >> jimmy: all right, the blaster's gone. >> and i can use it. >> jimmy: that's very expensive. sorry about that. [ light laughter ] star wars is -- [ unintelligible ] >> and then i'm going to take you around the head. >> jimmy: again -- slow-it-down! [ cheers and applause ]
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>> she's a bad ass. she's a bad ass. >> jimmy: you're a bad ass. i know. so you're going to take me in the head? and do i get hit in the head? >> so then, yes. and then i take -- so you duck. >> jimmy: i duck? >> duck! >> jimmy: okay. >> and then i'm going to take you by the leg. >> jimmy: take by the leg now? all right. yeah, and how? how? >> and i'm -- i'm going to take you on this leg. >> jimmy: oh, so maybe i'll jump this way. >> yeah, so it's better if you're that way. yeah, exactly. >> jimmy: yeah, then i'll jump here. >> and then i'm going to -- >> jimmy: ha -- slow motion! [ laughter ] >> okay -- and then -- are you ready? >> jimmy: no. >> and then -- >> jimop i don't -- stop, you're making a face. [ cheers ] when you make -- you made a a face at me. you're going to give it to me. all right, let's see what it's like. >> okay, we gotta do this. >> jimmy: i'm in the movie. i'm in the movie. here we go. i'm a stormtrooper. give me an idea of a character name. what's my name? >> so yeah -- [ cheers and applause ] i'm okay so -- >> jimmy: hadley. >> so you -- you're hadley. >> jimmy: hadley the stormtrooper. [ laughter ] >> okay, you ready? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: ah, i don't see her. i don't see her. she's nowhere to be found. oh, oh. there she is right there.
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hey, can i ask you a question? >> no! [ lightsaber sound ] [ grunting ] [ cheers and applause ] ?? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, i want to ask you a question. oh, i want to take this away from you. thank you. i want to show everyone a clip. here's felicity jones in "rogue one: a star wars story"! enjoy! [ cheers and applause ] ?? >> ah! ?? >> this way! ?? [ blaster fire ] [ grunting ] ??
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>> did you know that wasn't me? >> oh. of course. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: felicity jones, "rogue one: a star wars story", is in theaters, and imax 3d, december 16th. billy crudup joins us after the break. stick around, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ?? ?? ?? ??
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lumi?re, action!
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[ cheers and applause ] ?? >> jimmy: our nest a tony award-winning actor, now starring in two upcoming new films, "jackie," which opens in select cities this friday. we had natalie portman on yesterday. she's great. and "20th century women," which opens christmas day in new york and los angeles, then nationwide january 20th. please say hello to billy crudup, everybody! [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: that is -- that is what a movie star looks like. that is a stud! >> aw, jimmy. >> jimmy: you're -- a a good-looking dude. come on. >> you're so kind to say it. it's a lot of -- did you ever wonder if "billy crudup" was a a stage name, by the way? you never asked me that, if that was -- if i had -- >> jimmy: no. was it -- was it? was it ever? was it ever? >> it is a stage name. >> jimmy: your real name is vicky lawicky. >> my real name is -- no. it's gregory. it's gregory harrison maverick. >> jimmy: oh, is that -- interesting. >> and i thought billy crudup would be -- >> jimmy: much better. >> yeah, sharper. >> jimmy: it just rolls off the tongue, yeah. [ light laughter ] >> i had to tell you something though, i -- i have to get to it though, because we got a lot of movies to talk about. i've got a lot of goods to sell here today. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: no, no, no. that's my job. >> this involves -- this involves you, because the first time we met was doing "almost famous," right? and um -- >> jimmy: yeah, sure. hold of applause.
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>> jimmy: that was a -- it was a very long time ago. >> it was a very long time ago. >> jimmy: it was -- "almost famous", that was my first big movie camera crew. >> that's right. that was a -- that was a very exciting time. and i've tried to parlay that into, you know, a career. as hard as i could. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: really, i think you're doing okay, man. >> i appreciate that, but every time i seem to try to use my -- my slight bit of celebrity, to meet people who are actually famous, that i admire, like athletes or musicians, i -- reliably fall short and it's embarrassing. like for instance, i went to a a final four game one time. peyton manning was sitting a a couple rows down and i -- i was doing the mastercard commercials at the time, and so he was on one of the mastercard commercials. so i thought i might go up to him and say hello. and maybe he was a theater fan and he would -- want to talk to me and we'd get chit-chatting and -- [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: peyton -- peyton manning. >> yeah, sure. he could be -- he could be a a theater fan. >> jimmy: that's true. absolutely. >> so i went up, and i said, "hey, peyton.
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i'm billy crudup", and my college buddy was back there watching, and i was trying -- you know, trying to be a stud. and he looks back at me, and i said, "i -- do the voice-overs for the mastercard commercials that you are in." and he looks back and says, "yeah, those are funny." [ laughter ] but -- i have a -- triumphant story, that involves you. so i was walking to the airport at l.a.x., and -- as soon as i entered the terminal i see, like, parting the crowd, this huge man with long, curly hair and it's robert plant. now, i'm a led zeppelin fan, but i became a -- [ cheers ] i became a major led zeppelin fan, when we were doing "almost famous." and -- the line, "i'm a golden god", supposedly, came from a a time that cameron was interviewing robert plant at a a party. >> jimmy: i am a golden god. that's my favorite line that you say in the film. >> that as well, and i hear it from time to time, as you would expect.
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[ cheers ] yeah, but so, i was stunned at the sight of him. and before i could even think what to do, he was gone. and so i spent the next hour waiting for the plane thinking about how, you know, maybe we would have talked, and he too, would have been a theater fan and -- >> jimmy: robert plant from led zeppelin? >> yeah, huge theater fan. [ talking over each other ] i thought about the albums we would have collaborated on, you know. and so then i got on the plane, and there he was, as i was walking on the plane, and all i you." [ laughter ] and i said -- i choked. i said, "thank you." and he politely but, you know, reservedly went -- [ laughter ] and um, yeah. and now, this is where it gets interesting. turns out, my slight celebrity was paying off that day because i was in first-class, too, and i was one row behind, and just across the aisle from him. so i spent the next five hours
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>> paralyzed, thinking, how am i going to begin this conversation? >> jimmy: really, i feel so bad for you. >> so robert plant can acknowledge that i am alive? and nothing came to me. so finally we landed and we got to the gate, and i reached up to get my carry-on bag, which, you know, to be fair, was not in the best shape, but it wasn't, like, a satchel out of the landfill or something. >> jimmy: yeah, no. just a carry-on bag. >> its' a carry-on bag, and opportunity, i guess, to chastise me and he said, "do you do a robert plant -- you do a robert plant or a british? >> jimmy: sure. >> say your line is -- [ whispering ] [ in a british accent ] i guess that's seen better days. >> jimmy: it's like a high voice. >> to which -- no that was fantastic. to which i replied, my name's billy crudup i was in "almost famous." [ laughter ]
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i said my name's billy crudup, i was in "almost famous." i played the lead guitarist, to which he replied -- >> jimmy: "oh -- it is you." [ laughter ] [ applause ] and there's more. there's more, and i said, i said, "i said the line, i am a a golden god", and he said, >> jimmy: "that's my line." [ laughter and applause ] >> to which i replied -- to which i replied, "it's my line >> jimmy: hey! not bad! >> boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom! >> jimmy: oh! [ cheers and applause ] oh, fantastic! hey, not bad dude. >> he's amazing. >> jimmy: dude, we got to get talking about these. you have two giant films coming out. >> huge. >> jimmy: we had natalie portman yesterday, and we have annette bening coming on in a few weeks. >> that's right. >> jimmy: so the first film we talk about is "jackie." >> "jackie", which is an
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it's an amazing story about -- >> jimmy: she is fantastic. >> yeah. >> jimmy: you play the journalist from "life" magazine? >> well, i play a version of it. so, the actual story was that she wanted to have a -- a a friendly journalist from "life" magazine, who -- so she could kind of talk about what his presidency was really like, and he -- pablo, wanted to use that, as the kind of framework for the movie. but i learned about it, after they had shot almost all of the that he wanted this framework. so they called me -- within the time that they called me, and i had shot the movie, it was like a week and a half. >> jimmy: wow. >> so to be in that much of the movie was a great surprise, because the movie is -- phenomenal, and natalie is absolutely extraordinary. >> jimmy: and shows how good you are as an actor, to just come on in there, and hit a a home run. unbelievable. >> that's right, jimmy. that's exactly what it shows. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: it does! you were fantastic in it. >> thank you. >> jimmy: and also -- >> "20th century", mike mills made this movie, "20th century women", which is a really beautiful film. >> jimmy: not the guitarist
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in fact on my phone, it's listed as mike mills too, because mike mills is a a musician i've met. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, does he -- >> from r.e.m. >> jimmy: from r.e.m., did he recognize you? when you met mike mills? >> he doesn't know i have his number, technically. [ laughter ] so mike mills is an extraordinary filmmaker, and this is a personal story about his mom. and annette bening is spectacular, and i have a a mustache. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: you have a great mustache. >> in the film "20th century women", i play the man. >> jimmy: you are like -- you are a manly man. >> hey, go on. >> jimmy: you are. >> jimmy -- >> jimmy: and you have a a mustache. >> you've always been a great supporter. i appreciate that. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: thank you very much. >> yeah, and you're doing great. >> jimmy: what's that? >> you're doing great. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy fallon. >> jimmy: i'm going to show the clip. here's billy crudup and annette bening in "20th century women." take a look at this. >> well, make a little small talk. introduce yourself.
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>> hello. >> hello, i live downstairs. >> oh, really? >> and i'm with the cars. would you like to dance with me? >> yes. sure. put your hand out. right? put the other hand here and you just be there. she just wants a little company. >> oh. okay, ?? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: this is the guy. you know i love you. billy crudup, everybody! go see him in "20th century women", and "jackie." this holiday season, go do a a double feature! we'll be right back with music from car seat headrest. stick around, everybody! [ cheers and applause ]
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?? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: tonight's musical guest has received mass critical acclaim for their album "teens of denial" including landing at number
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hey, congrats guys! [ cheers and applause ] they are the coolest. performing "drunk drivers/killer whales" give it up for car seat headrest! [ cheers and applause ] ?? ?? ? in the backseat of my heart there's someone saying i'm a mess i couldn't get the car ? ? to start my keys are somewhere in the mess i fell asleep outside the door and found a letter ? ? in the morning i couldn't make it out although i recognized my
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? we are not a proud race it's not a race at all we're just trying i'm only trying to ? ? get home drunk drivers drunk drivers ? ?? ? i hate to say it but baby this could be our fate sitting here in silence while you lie beside me ? ? and wait for the song to end but if we learned how to live like this ? ? maybe we can learn how
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i'll make that song sound ? ? right i'll play it again and again and again we are not a proud race it's not a race at all ? ? we're just trying i'm only trying to get home drunk drivers drunk drivers ? ? this is not a good thing i don't mean to rationalize or try and explain it away it's not ok ? ? drunk drivers drunk drivers it doesn't have to be like this ? ? it doesn't have to be like this it doesn't have to be like this ? ? killer whales
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it doesn't have to be like this ? ? it doesn't have to be like this it doesn't have to be like this ? ? killer whales killer whales and if you can't find your friends ? ? you can leave without them and if you run out of drugs you can sleep without them ? ? and if you wanna go home you can call a taxi
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you can sit in the ? ? backseat ? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, thank you so much! car seat headrest! [ cheers and applause ] love that, shirt buddy. "teens of denial" out now. we'll be right back, everybody! oh, that was great. feel good? [ cheers and applause ]
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we think church is more than a place to go at christmastime. we think church can happen anywhere and anytime. we think church can happen when gifts change lives a world away.
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and when we remember where it all began. that's finding the true meaning of christmas. that's what it means to rethink church. the people of the united methodist church invite you
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?? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: my thanks to felicity jones, billy crudup, car seat headrest, right here! [ cheers and applause ] and the roots right there, from philadelphia, pennsylvania! [ cheers and applause ] stay tuned to "late night with seth meyers." thank you for watching. have a great night. i hope to see you tomorrow. thank you so much! bye-bye! [ cheers and applause ]
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[ cheers and applause ] ?? >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight -- kathy bates. musician and author, laura jane grace. music from against me! featuring the 8g band with atom willard. ?? [ cheers and applause ] ladies and gentlemen, seth mers. [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: good evening, i'm seth meyers. this is "late night." how's everybody doing tonight? [ cheers ] that's fantastic. in that case, let's get to the news. after reports surfaced that donald trump's transition team is in disarray, trump tweeted last night saying that he is the only one who knows the finalists for his cabinet position. but only you can pick the winners.


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