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tv   Katy Tur Reports  MSNBC  May 8, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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good to be with you, i'm alex witt in for katy tur. will donald trump's hush money case be the only trial we see before the election. big developments out of georgia and florida make it look more
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likely. let's start with fulton county, an appeals court will hear the former president's challenge disqualify d.a. fani willis from his election interference case. what it all means for the trial, which still does not have a start date. delay is also the word of the day in florida. judge aileen cannon has ruled the classified documents trial technically scheduled to start later on this month, it's going to be postponed indefinitely, and why? and what options if any does special counsel jack smith have now? and then we have the proceedings that we have been glued to all week in new york, stormy daniels will return to the witness stand again tomorrow for donald trump's hush money case after a day of compelling testimony that sparked a mistrial demand from trump's lawyers. and audible cursing from the former president himself. what will she tell the court next, and does any of that directly implicate donald trump when it comes to charges he falsified business records. we've got a whole lot to cover for you. we're going to start with the latest today.
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joining us right now, we have nbc news correspondent, blayne alexander, political reporter at the "atlanta journal-constitution," and msnbc contributor, greg blue stein, and msnbc legal analyst, catherine christian. blayne, we're going to start with you, and get to the news out of fulton county today, donald trump's appeal of a decision to keep d.a. fani willis on his election interference trial, it is going to be heard. remind us of the ruling he's challenging and what happens now? >> well, what happens is the issue that many people thought was closed and over and done with in this georgia election interference case is now going to stretch on for a little bit longer. it's certainly not going to carry a lot of the drama, quite frankly that, it brought the first time. this is the allegation that fani willis was improperly benefitting financially from a personal relationship that she had with former special prosecutor nathan wade. the judge ruled that she could
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stay on the case, the case could proceed uninterrupted as long as nathan wade resigned, and he did that day, and scott mcafee said he's going to move on. the appeals court says they're g going to hear that challenge, that appeal. i think it's important to point out a couple of things. the first time that we saw this tried before judge mcafee in a series of hearings, it was before live tv cameras. we saw the d.a. herself take the witness stand for a couple of hours. we're not going to see any of that this time around. this is the appeals court. each attorney gets 15 minutes to make their case, the judge makes their ruling as necessary. the other thing to point out is that judge scott mcafee said while everything else is going on, he's not going to stop his train from moving forward. he's going to be having hearings, going forward on motions, basically saying he's not going to let that stop what's going on with this case. now, a couple of things, we're
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getting responses, i reached out to the d.a.'s office, they're not commenting on this. who we are hearing from is steve sadow, president trump looks forward to presenting arguments to the georgia court of appeals as to why the case should be dismissed and fulton county d.a. should be disqualified for her misconduct. how this plays out remains to be seen. again, the appeals court will take this matter up. >> blayne, thank you so much for setting all of that up for us, we appreciate your time here. we're going to move to you now, greg. so time line, talk to us about that from your reporting. how likely is it that this case gets to trial before november. >> very very unlikely, really almost impossible to get this case to trial before november. that's because what happens next is the case gets docketed in the appeals court, and assigned to a
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randomly picked three-judge panel, and if it gets docketed before july, which it should, that means there's essentially a march deadline for the court to rule. that's why most of the attorneys watching the case closely don't think it will get to trial until at least 2025. >> hang on. you're saying that this is going to be presented, that each side gets 15 minutes according to blayne alexander's reporting, and that that will happen by july. and it will not get ruled upon until march. >> well, i don't know when the oral arguments will be scheduled, but there is a -- if they docket it by july, that means they'll have a march 2025 deadline to rule. if that makes a little bit more sense. the appeals court could schedule the arguments later this year or they could schedule them early next year. what we're looking at now is the likelihood of a ruling not coming anytime before, or
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anytime after march 2025. >> okay. got that. we heard the report from blayne, judge mcafee has not set the trial date. he's going to allow trial preparations to go forward while the appeal is underway. how long could something like this typically take. you heard me querying greg, like that long. >> this case is not going to trial this year. and according to my georgia criminal law practitioners, the defendants can include as part of this appeal, all of the judgments, rulings or orders that are rendered in the case. judge mcafee thinks he's going to be moving it along, he may not be moving it along. basically what this does is cripple this case from moving forward. and i think, you know, 2025 in march is probably, you know, an optimistic date. there still are, you know, at least 15 defendants. this is not going to happen this
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year. >> okay. and let's throw this into the mix because there's a reminder here, presidents cannot dismiss or pardon state charges, right, but if trump wins a second term that could complicate any state cases moving forward while he's in office, right? that would just add up to more delay? >> exactly, i can envision, assuming he's the next president of the united states, you know, i can't be on trial in georgia, i'm the president of the united states. while he can't pardon himself for these state cases, he can adjourn the case. we're not going to see a trial in this case anytime in the near future. >> okay. can i just ask, complete hypothetical, if that were to happen, the president gets reelected, he has legitimate reason to delay this case until, i guess, that would be 2029 at the earliest, does that mean evidence dissipates and this thing entirely falls apart? >> anytime, and why defense
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attorneys love delays, not just donald trump's defense attorney, any defense attorney, witnesses, memories failed. witnesses decide, i don't want to be bothered. witnesses die. evidence disappears, so you always want to delay. now, the other defendants will have no excuse. remember, they're codefendants, their cases, if they haven't pled guilty or the case has been dismissed, will go forward, but donald trump's will not. >> okay. here's something else to consider in all of this, craig, not only is willis on the ballot in may and november, she also has an ongoing senate probe into the inner works in her office. can you put in perspective the political pressure she's under? >> the pressure has been beyond the courtroom for fani willis in georgia. she's expected to win another term in office in november, but she has to face a democratic challenger, in two weeks in georgia, and a republican challenger in november who could
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use all of these motions, this legal fighting to sort of bolster her campaign, and at least give fani willis more headaches. at the same time, there is a georgia senate panel engineered by lieutenant governor burt jones, who is raising questions about how she's managing her office. she could end up being called, subpoenaed to testify before that panel soon as well. so her headaches are only growing in georgia. >> greg bluestein, thank you for your assessment of all of that. we're going to turn now to florida so i'm going to let you go and stay with you, catherine, as we look at the classified documents case. your reaction to judge aileen cannon delaying this trial indefinitely, and her justification for doing so. is it warranted? >> it's not surprising because this particular judge has been moving very slow throughout this case, so it's not surprising and the indefinite she has given the
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reason that there are all of these complicated hearings because this involves classified information. in fact, she scheduled a sealed hearing today, telephonically, and it's just not prudent to schedule a trial date until we get through all of these pretrial issues. so this is another case that will not be going to trial before election day this year. >> got to wonder what jack smith is thinking about this. can he do anything about it? in an april filing, responding to judge cannon's request for jury instructions, he indicated he could appeal to the 11th circuit court, have her removed from the case. is getting rid of her an option, and would that mean more delay? >> more delay, and there really is no reason. judgments for recusal because she's moving slow.
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judge cannon is not the only slow moving judge in this country. she has been very careful on the record not to say anything to show that she's partial to donald trump and anti the government. there really isn't a lot for the special counsel to do. >> one more question here, and it's one of these, you know, hindsight being 20/20. would this have come up with jack smith filed the case with the d.c. court, which is familiar with this type of documented paper trail? >> well, it was filed in florida because that's where the crime occurred. you know, those classified documents were kept at mar-a-lago. the alleged obstruction and the tampering with evidence happened in florida. so that's why it was filed there. you file it where the crime occurred. >> okay. well, that all makes sense. catherine christian, thank you so much for weighing in on all of it. back in new york, stormy
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daniels will return to the stand, what do expect after her explosive testimony and what it means for the case. new details on why the u.s. halted a weapons shipment to israel and what an israeli official is saying about growing tensions between the two countries. and infighting and an eye roll with a back and forth with marjorie taylor greene, we're back in a quick 90 seconds. secs (elevator doors opening) wait, there's an elevator? only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪ ( ♪♪ ) i thought water would help with these dry spots. that's lawn disease. but scotts healthy plus will cure it!
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so this was a very big day. a very revealing day, as you see the case is totally falling apart. >> revealing is certainly one way to describe stormy daniels' first day of testimony. daniels walked through her alleged sexual encounter with donald trump in 2006 and the subsequent attempts to bury it in excruciating detail, firing up the former president's lawyers who demanded and failed to secure pa mistrial, and donald trump himself who was admonished by the judge for audibly cursing as daniels spoke. will any of her testimony move the prosecution closer to proving its case. we'll see when daniels is back on the stand for continuing cross-examination tomorrow. yasmin vossoughian who was in the courtroom yesterday and back with us, former assistant d.a. for the manhattan district attorney's office and msnbc legal analyst, catherine christian.
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thank you for listening to the control booth, and not me. i actually needed to talk to you some more. here we go, yasmin, with you having been inside the court yesterday, there was a pretty shocking moment where donald trump was admonished for curses audibly while stormy daniels testified about their alleged sexual encounter. what happened? >> it was hard to know what was happening. i can't necessarily see the front of donald trump's face. i was just about six rows back looking directly at the back of his head, alex, and many times throughout stormy daniels' testimony, you heard or saw donald trump whispering to todd blanche to his left, and oftentimes when there was a bench meeting or a pull aside, bove would get into blanche's seat and talk trump through what was happening, while discussing things with judge juan merchan. as we look back at the transcript, we can understand what was happening at some of the bench meetings, and we came to learn in the moments that she was testifying about the sexual
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encounter or the alleged sexual encounter in 2006 after they met at the celebrity golf tournament, the former president was cursing audibly and making faces. the jury, by the way, can see the former president directly. the former president is sitting diagonal to the jury. the jury is sitting near the witness, stormy daniels sitting in the witness stand. the judge was worried about the jury seeing the way the former president was reacting to stormy daniels' testimony that could prejudice them in assessing her testimony, and intimidation of the witness. i will say that juan merchan admitted that stormy daniels was giving extra details that they didn't necessarily want as part of her testimony. it was something that todd blanche brought up early in the day when they realized stormy daniels was going to be testify. they didn't want direct testimony about the evening, the details surrounding the sexual
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encounter. she went into at her own volition. i will say that he seemed very animated. he seemed very engaged with his attorneys throughout her entire testimony. the jury, for their part, by the way, alex, they were also very engaged throughout stormy's testimony, kind of watching the back and forth between the people's attorney and stormy daniels, much like a tennis match. >> that is interesting. so catherine, the defense spent pretty much most of its questioning time trying to poke holes in daniels character witness. they were saying that some of her story on the stand didn't match what she had written in her book, showing the old social media posts, mocking donald trump, but does this actually matter to the jury. the case is about falsifying business records, so what's the benefit in trying to make stormy daniels' look like a liar. >> it matters to the jury if the defense for witness after
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witness can find some doubt in their testimony because, yes, they had sex, she was paid. there's no, i think, there was obviously a disagreement about whether or not they had sex but i don't think there's a disagreement about whether or not she was paid. the question is did michael cohen do it at the behest of donald trump. so the cross-examination, you're allowed to attack the witness about their bias, hostility, and prior inconsistent statements, and there's a lot of it here with this witness. and the defense attorney, susan necheles, let me say this, new york criminal law practitioners, especially those of us who work in manhattan are familiar with susan necheles, and she's a very good lawyer and has a good reputation as being a criminal defense attorney. so, yes, the payment is there. the only question that is whether or not donald trump had anything to do with it. but she was a necessary witness
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to establish that she was told to be silent, and that happened after the "access hollywood" tape hit, and she was paid for it by michael cohen. >> okay. so we had a slew of objections, catherine, from defense, they were sustained. a mistrial request. judge merchan saying that daniels was offering up more information than she was being asked to relate. how is the prosecution feeling about her testimony going into tomorrow, since it's a day off told, how might they be prepping her? >> they can't prep her because she's in the middle of cross-examination, so that's the rule. she is now the defense in the middle of the cross-examination. what the prosecution are probably think about are they going to redirect her, is she going to do what she did on direct, and just sort of spew out information that, quite frankly, was irrelevant and prejudicial. and you don't want to do that. as a prosecutor, when you get a
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conviction, you want the conviction to stand. you don't want it reversed, which happened recently with harvey weinstein because of prejudiced information. i think they're going to be careful after cross-examination to make a very limited redirect to make sure that their witness doesn't start blurting out things again that could be considered prejudicial, and might affect if this is a conviction, that conviction from standing. >> is there anything about daniels' demeanor on the stand yesterday that surprised you? i mean, she was told multiple times to slow down. of course this was the first time she was face-to-face with donald trump in years, so, look, being nervous is understandable. >> yeah. >> did she settle in when recalling her alleged experience, and, again, most importantly, how did the jury react to that part of her testimony? >> i got to say, i think it was consistent with what we know stormy daniels and how it is she
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communicated. if you watch the 60 minutes interview she did with anderson cooper, she tends to give extra details to drone on as she did yelled, and was chided so many times by the judge. ms. daniels, please listen to the question and answer just that question, multiple times he said that repeatedly. so i wasn't necessarily surprised by her demeanor there. she did seem to become a whistleblower during her defense, her cross-examination. susan necheles knew every word of stormy daniels' book, every time she would use her words against her, and stormy daniels had a retort, susan necheles was prepared for the question, going after all memory. incredibly prepared for the cross-examination, which was impressive to see. the jury seems to tune out after they heard about the night in 2006 when donald trump and
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stormy daniels, allegedly did have sex. they seemed to tune out more to her recounting of what happened after that, but then during cross, alex, they were incredibly tuned in to the way in which it seems stormy daniels was defending herself on the stand. >> okay. well, we are going to stay tuned for more on that tomorrow. meantime, we're going to thank you both so much. yasmin, catherine, appreciate you both. what led the u.s. to halt a shipment of weapons headed to israel, and signs of progress in cairo, the latest round of cease fire negotiations are underway, what a u.s. official is signaling about the chances of striking a deal. needs to be for more than just work. like when it needs to be a big, soft shoulder to cry on. which is why downy does more to make clothes softer, fresher, and better. downy. breathe life into your laundry. when migraine strikes you're faced with a choice. ride it out with the tradeoffs of treating? or push through the pain and symptoms?
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if tensions were running high between the u.s. and israel before, they are higher now. an israeli official tells nbc news there's deep frustration that the u.s. halted a weapons shipment, including 3,500 bombs over fears that israel would use the arms to launch a full scale rafah invasion. now, this comes as the israeli military says they reopened a keyboarder crossing today following pressure from washington. joining us now, nbc news pentagon correspondent courtney kube. welcome. first of all, what led to the u.s. decision to halt the weapons shipment, and where is that shipment now? >> so it's still sitting, technically it's ready that it could go over to israel if the you were were to decide to unhalt it or send it forward, but this is a very rare
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occurrence. in fact, it's the first time that we're aware of, since october 7th that the u.s., the biden administration has decided to halt a shipment of weapons. what we know about at this point, alex, is there were at least 1,802,000 pound bombs and about 1,700, 500 pound bombs. these are massive explosives that the u.s. decided to halt, and according to a number of officials we've spoken with, since we first learned about this several days ago, the biden administration made this decision because they were specifically concerned about these explosives being used in rafah. now, of course we've also seen that the israeli military has started moving into rafah. they have been doing air strikes in there for weeks now. but we've seen for the first time in recent days the israelis have actually brought tanks and some ground forces into rafah. and the administration seeing that was on the very near horizon, decided to halt this shipment. what we have not heard about yet, alex, is that any other shipments have been halted since
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then. >> and you've reported, courtney, on the deep frustration within the israeli government, but the idf spokesperson says the allies will resolve any disagreements. give us a sense of what the back channel resolution discussions look like. >> yeah, and frankly, alex, we heard the exact same thing from president biden, he heard yesterday in a speech about anti-semitism, they have disagreements but the relationship remains ironclad. so the big question going forward is this a larger change in policy, and officials aren't saying that yet. they're not yet saying that this is something that we're going to see additional shipments going forward change. one thing that the officials are also telling us is that right now, they are looking more at these sorts of offensive weapons or the kind of things, as opposed to defensive weapons, like air defense systems. there hasn't been a discussion about delaying or halting these sorts of systems. again, this is all still new, we're not sure if this leads to
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a larger policy decision. i think one thing we need to be watching here going forward is what happens in rafah, and that may have more of an impact on future shipments. >> reporter: courtney kube, thank you so much for the latest on that. also new today, cia director bill burns met with benjamin netanyahu in israel to discuss the latest rounds of cease fire negotiations. delegations are trying to find a compromise. national security john kirby said the differences are narrowing and believes they can, quote, close the remaining gaps. the idf is operating in rafah, amid the mounting opposition to a major offensive. joining us now in cairo, nbc news international correspondent hala gorani. welcome. earlier this week, there was hope that israel and hamas have reached a cease fire agreement, that proved false. where does a deal stand right now? >> reporter: you'll remember a few days ago, many of our viewers who have been following this story, that hamas announced
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that it had agreed to a cease fire proposal but only hours later the israeli government said it agreed to a proposal, the terms of which had been considerably softened. as you mention, we're hoping that the bill burns trip to israel where he met with the prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, and other members of the war cabinet, and we are hearing that he has come back to cairo, perhaps this means there is some life in the latest round of talks, hamas, and israel negotiating indirectly with mediators from qatar and egypt, and bill burns, the cia director is also a seasoned diplomat, who served as an ambassador in this region a few decades ago is somebody who's been really capital hopping, trying to get this deal past the lineup because the u.s., as you were discussing with courtney, have employed several tactics now to try to put some pressure on the israeli government, including that suspension of offensive weaponry, the 2,500 pound bombs
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that israel has been using now for seven months in its offensive on gaza and the biden administration has been clear, they do not want a full scale ground offensive in that part of the gaza strip, where people are literally running out of places to go. they have run out of land, they're up against the border with egypt, and they're absolutely desperate to find a place to seek shelter. of course the hostage families want a deal. they want their loved ones back, alex. >> all right. hala gorani, thank you for the latest from cairo. we appreciate it. meantime, marjorie taylor greene has made demands of speaker mike johnson. johnson says it's not a negotiation. what they are talking about next. and a new controversy hitting rfk junior's campaign, this time involving the whereabouts of one of his staffers on january 6th. whereab staffers on january 6th.
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republican house speaker mike johnson says it is not a negotiation but rather a conversation he's having with congresswoman marjorie taylor greene and her hard right allies until the house. this over policy demands they say must soon be met in order to stave off greene's threat to oust johnson as speaker, including no more aid to ukraine and the defunding of jack smith's probe of donald trump. joining us now, "punchbowl news"
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cofounder, jake sherman. good to see you. mike johnson almost laughed off the idea that he was under a deadline for congresswoman marjorie taylor greene and her allies to concede to their demands or else, here's johnson with you yesterday. let's play that. >> she wants to get an answer soon or something like that. >> look, i'm going to -- we're going to process these ideas just like we do all ideas and all input from viewers, and this is not a negotiation. i'm doing my job, and part of the job is taking suggestions and ideas from members, and that's what we're doing. >> my my was that an eye roll we detected. greene promised this was the week she's going to push for a vote to vacate, and now she seems to have struck a softer tone, apart from her deadline, and what's the latest on this, and does any legit threat to remove johnson still exist?
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>> reporter: great to see you, too, alex, let's start with the last question, there is no threat that mike johnson will lose his job. maybe 1 in 100. democrats have given up the game and basically said we're going to back you, to mike johnson, if marjorie taylor greene moves against you. that gives mike johnson the leeway to really not pay attention to marjorie taylor greene any more than he's paying attention to any other house republican. as you saw in that clip right there, when i asked him about that deadline, he basically said, listen, i'm listening to marjorie taylor greene. i listen to all different members. this is not a negotiation. i appreciate her suggestions. and that's why there's no threat, and some of these suggestions, alex, are just not feasible, right, he's not going to be able to strip money from jack smith, the special counsel who's investigating donald trump because that would never get through the senate. that would never get to the white house and be signed by joe biden. it's a pipe dream. so there are some lawmakers,
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alex, up here who live in a reality that's detached from the world that we live in, and that's what we're seeing with ms. greene's request for the most part. they're not part of the reality that we're all living in. >> and also defunding the aid to ukraine to that list. let's talk about where former president donald trump is involved in all of this. including green and her cohorts are the defunding of jack smith's probes, which trump has endorsed. trump has made it clear he doesn't want gop infighting six months before the election. it's not a good look. what can you tell us about trump's impact on the talks. >> there's probably no one this the house of representatives who reveres and looks up to trump as much as marjorie taylor greene does. i don't think that donald trump has some sort of a special affinity for mike johnson as
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much as he doesn't want a distraction as he already has nuch distractions being in the middle of several criminal investigations and a court trial. he doesn't want distractions on capitol hill that could further fracture the republican party. he wants to win, and he sees this as just exactly that, a distraction in his chances to win the presidency. listen, i think there's no doubt that trump has been dispositive, and has helped johnson in this instance by basically telling, if not telling green to back off, certainly not voicing support for the motion to vacate, and mike johnson himself has wrapped himself in donald trump's cloak, so to speak, and has been at mar-a-lago, went to his donor retreat last weekend, is pushing bills at his behest, and there is no daylight effectively between donald trump and mike johnson on almost any issue right now. >> jake, you also note that the new republican chair of the
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house appropriations committee says nonprofits can no longer receive federal earmarks, and that's a move that some democrats are saying, look, it specifically is targeting pro lgbtq organizations in a further continuation of house gop culture wars, infusing the federal budget to defund initiatives that they just don't like. >> that's right. >> do you expect republicans to use next year's spending bills? are they going to continue fighting these same culture war provisions that they did all this last year? >> absolutely. i don't think there's any question about that. i think that the majority of house republicans or at least the vocal majority wants them to keep fighting these battles that they can't win over things like reproductive rights, abortion, lgbtq services, and i think to be honest with you, in a washington that's controlled 2 out of 3 branches of the governing coalition, the white house and senate controlled by democrats, none of these could get through. there was some controversy over
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the last government funding bill. some lgbtq service centers in places like, i think, pennsylvania had gotten earmarks, they had to be strict in the last minute for the government to shut down, and what republicans are saying, is listen, we need to keep these strictly focused on governments and organizations that we can vet. but, yes, i think they're going to keep fighting these culture wars undoubtedly, and i think it's going to be heightened now that there is some conservative discontent with mike johnson. >> okay. jake sherman, always a good conversation with you. thank you so much. new fallout for robert f. kennedy jr.'s campaign. what one of the presidential hopeful's newest staffers is accused of doing, and here is a hinlt. january 6th. doing, and here is hinlt. january 6th. help make trading feel effortless. and its customizable scans with social sentiment help you find and unlock opportunities in the market. e*trade from morgan stanley with powerful, easy-to-use tools, power e*trade makes complex trading easier.
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>> yeah, so the way this sort of surfaces, is that henry had posted on twitter some things about january 6th itself, calling it sort of a democratic misdirection, down playing the extent of the attacks, suggesting that antifa was behind it. the online sleuths, sedition hunters got to work, i wonder if this guy was at the capitol. they found him in their database of videos that they have been compiling and assisting the fbi with, and i that crossed that information over with some o. info that had been posted on behalf of the arizona gop. zach was actually the head of communications for the up, and y in the weeks before january 6th had posted some sort of really out there posts on the behalf of the arizona gop suggesting, asking followers, whether they would be willing to give their lives for donald trump, and, in fact, posting videos on that account from the grounds of the capitol on january 6th, so what they were able to do is actually match up those videos and show that the video posted to the
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arizona gop account appears to have been filmed by zach himself and he actually can match up and splice it together and see that he moves to the right and he moves to the left. it perfectly syncs up with the video. he didn't want to acknowledge being on the grounds of the capitol, and wouldn't talk about how close he got to the capitol. he acknowledged he was, in fact, in d.c. on january 6th itself. >> and how long has he been with the campaign? >> so he recently was hired as a sort of influencer, communicators, i guess, influencer engagement is had a march. it remains to be seen whether rfk will continue to pay him. there are a lot of people in his orbit that have, you know, fed a lot of these conspiracy theories and rfk himself has spoken about january 6th itself or sent out emails about this notion that the u.s. government is going too aggressively against some of the people who attacked the capitol on january 6th and feeding into that notion especially by hiring
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right-wing influencer like this individual with the messaging to get through who recently held himself out as a democrat. >> it is extraordinary. thank you, ryan reilly. rfk jr. announced his vp pick last month so who will donald trump? we have all the details on who is being considered right now. scan the qr code and dig on in. the current vice president and the president both campaigning today but last night it was this guy, the second gentleman out on the trail. up next the nbc news exclusive interview with doug emhoff and the two big issues he's putting in the spotlight. of listerine . new science shows listerine is 5x more effective than floss at reducing plaque above the gumline. for a cleaner, healthier mouth. ahhhhh. listerine. feel the whoa!
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it's a beautiful... to fly. wooooo! president biden and vice president harris are keeping busy on the trail this week. earlier today the president made a stop in battleground wisconsin, and the vice president is just wrapping up an event in pennsylvania, but they aren't the only ones xabing for the administration. second gentleman doug emhoff is also out on the road and nbc news washington correspondent yamiche alcindor sat down with him about abortion rights and the war between israel and hamas and lucky to have yamiche joining us. welcome. what new perspective is the second gentleman bringing to the
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campaign and these two issues in particular? >> well, as you said, yesterday i sat down with second gentleman doug emhoff in atlanta as he convened a panel on the role men can play in pushing for abortion access. emhoff told me he's hoping to galvanize men to see the restrictions as a health care crisis impacting men and women and families overall talking to men across the country including his fellow dad friends and his own son about the need to add -- advocate for this. he is the first jewish spouse of a vice president and spoke about his deep concern about anti-semitism. he added that the biden administration is working around the clock to bring the conflict to an end, protect civilian lives in gaza an get hostages held by hanks released and here's part of our conversation. take a listen. >> it is okay to exercise your
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right of free speech and okay for valid criticism of policies of israel that you don't agree with. that's okay to do that but when it crosses over into what we've seen, you know, someone holding up a sign that says, pointing at jewish students, hamas, that's your next victim, that's outrageous, wrong, it's anti-semitic and it must stop. >> what's your message to the many male lawmakers that we've seen be part of restricting abortion rights? >> stop it. listen to the people in this country. see what's going on. listen to doctors, listen to nurses. listen to men and women who are suffering because of those actions. just listen and do the right thing. >> emhoff said during these tumultuous times everyone should be concerned about fundamental rights being taken away in the future and also about all kinds of hate impacting the world we're living in including xenophobia and rights of lgbtq
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americans being under attack. >> you know what's interesting is, he and his wife make a pretty dynamic duo when it comes to the issue of abortion. kamala harris has been out on the trail, but his perspective that this is a family issue. it's like he's broadening it out, yamiche. it's not like it's just a woman's issue. men, fathers, they want to plan their lives, as well. how powerful a message does he have on that front? >> it's a really powerful message when you think about where he's coming from and his point of view on this and he referenced the vice president, his wife saying they talk about this issue as a family issue, and it's really interesting because i was in that room as there were young women and men saying they were inspired by the fact that the second gentleman was coming down to georgia and marking the fifth anniversary of georgia's ban on six-week abortions, bans after six-weeks of pregnancy, rather and in some ways he's trying to pull in the next generation of people in this country to say, look, you should be focused on this issue,
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not just because women are being impacted but because men are being impacted and said when i talked about childbirth, there was a nurse there that said her husband saved her life because she was hemorrhaging after giving birth and it was her husband advocating to doctors on her behalf that helped her get through that and saying, men, when your wife is giving birth or sister or your mother are impacted by this, you have to step up and be part of it. >> all right. absolutely, yamiche alcindor, thank you very much for that. that's going to do it for me. "deadline: white house" is starting right now too. hi, everyone. happy wednesday. it's 4:00 in new york. it seems that nothing triggers the ex-president like the sometimes icky frequently your honor comfortable always compelling testimony of the woman whose story trump tried so very hard to cover up, that he


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