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tv   NBC10 News Today at 530am  NBC  March 5, 2018 5:30am-6:01am EST

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the last thing you want to hear is that another nor'easter is on its way. but that is what's in the forecast. today we'll see breezy conditions. lots of sunshine is out and also chilly conditions. pushing into tuesday our clouds increase and then rain moves in after 9:00, 10:00, and the main system starts to push in as we go through the day on wednesday. right now our temperatures 32 degrees in northeast philadelphia, 29 in allentown, 20 in trenton, just below freezing in atlantic city, 29 in wildwood. here's a look at our feels like temperatures. by 3:00 still going to feel like we're only at 37 degrees. for most of the morning at the pa suburbs it's going to feel like 25 degrees. lehigh valley similar conditions mid-20s is what it feels like as
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you head out the door. quickly when you come home from work in delaware it's going to feel like we're right back into the low 30s. coming up we'll break down the timing of the nor'easter. but for now we'll check in with jessica boyington for a closer look at the roadways. watching 295 to start. the north and southbound side not hearing of any delays. there's something reported obstructing the road right around memorial road. the north and high-speed line trolley service dealing with about 15 minute delays. and thorndale outbound service dealing some delays. jessica, thank you. we're following breaking news this morning in bucks county
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where a firefighter has been rushed to the hospital after falling through the floor of this burning hope. this is the scene on henry avenue. officials tell us when the firefighter was awake and conscious -- he was conscious when he was put in the ambulance. no one was inside the home. investigators say it appears the fire started in multiple places in this home. and as we get more information on the condition of the firefighter we'll bring that to you on-air and online. also breaking this morning a teenage girl and a woman is hurt in a shooting and robbery at a home around 3:00 this morning. the 16-year-old is now in critical condition. a 26-year-old woman was also shot. she's stable. police say the shooter was invited into the home with two other men. investigators say the two men took $4,000. and here are the latest power outage numbers. peco reports more than 55,000 homes and businesses still in
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the dark and cold. you can see fewer numbers for atlantic city electric and delmar customers. nbc 10 matt delucia live for us in hacvertown. >> reporter: we're on one of those streets that does not have power. you can see some of the trees knocked down and these home owners that live in this area they're hoping for the power to come back sooner rather than later. you can see the debris, leaves, branches. some of the folks have been busy trying to chop up some of the wood here. a utility pole was knocked down here as well. take a look at some video from the past couple of days. we have seen just more of the same people out with the generators run, chain saws going, trying to cleanup from the storm while also hoping the power comes back on. the havertown ymca has been
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letting people charge their phones, get a shower. peco has brought in people from other states to get the power back on. and their power might not be fully back on until wednesday or even thursday. >> they can't get to the wires because of all the large trees so we need all the resources available through the state. >> crews have been first but we don't see them. >> reporter: some traffic lights out as well because of the power outages and some roads are closed. some schools as we've been talking about this morning have closed because of that. and you have some school buses saying because school buses can't get through here and they're worried about the safety of the kids who walk to school, they have closed today as well. this is what we're seeing a lot
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of this morning. three days after the storm, more cleanup yet to come. meanwhile on the main line we're hearing a survival story after this enormous tree landed on this car in brin. mar. the driver had come to a stop on old gulf road and neighbors tell us they ran outside after hearing a laud noise. the driver escaped miraculously with minor injuries. >> i poked my head out, a gentlemen came and he had blood on his face. a little disoriented obviously because it turns out this was his car and he was in it. he said he managed to climb out the window. >> and she told us she saw the driver come back saturday night to retrieve personal belongings from his car and he was okay. a woman is recovering after branches from this giant tree fell on her. neighbors who heard her screaming ran to tep. first responders rushed her to
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the hospital. it's not clear if her dog was hurt. and take a look at this. parts of the jersey shore saw more severe flooding yesterday than on saturday. water covered streets and spilled onto lawns and also driveways. and now we are getting ready for another storm. stay ahead of the weather with the free nbc 10 app where you can get updates and alerts specific to your neighborhood. in other news happening today a battle over bill cosby's accusers. properties want those women to testify against him. cosby's lawyers will fight that. dray, tell us more about we can expect at the hearing today? >> reporter: we have every reasonen to believe that biz bill cosby will be present. this hear sg significant for both what the prosecution and
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defense are asking for. this will be the first time publicly that we have seen bill cosby since the recent death of his daughters from kizdney disease. she was one of her father's most vocal supporters. they're hoping the judge will allow as many as 18 other women to testify in the upcoming trialmism you may recall in the original trial only andrea constand and one other accusers were allowed to testify. the defense want the trial to be thrown out for withholding evidence and also tom mezro claims it can prove bill cosby was not around and they maintain she has her time line mixed up. now, the 80-year-old cosby is accused of sexually assaulting constand almost 15 years ago.
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he has pleaded not guilty and his first trial ended with a hung jury. back outside the courthouse there have been two days set aside to allow the attorneys to make their motions and then the judge will make his ruling. me meanwhile jury selection expected to happen may 29th for a retrial. a philadelphia community will come together today to remember a hero killed in the line of duty. the officer was killed in the shootout? icide this game stop store in north philadelphia march 5, 2015. community members and officers will gather outside the 22nd district where they serve to honor him on the anniversary of his murder. and i'm first alert meteorologist brittney shipp. as we go into the rest of the day cold conditions. wind gusts closer to 20 miles
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per hour. then the clouds increase on tuesday. by late tuesday night into wednesday we are tracking our next big storm system. part of the system going to bring conditions to the plains and dakotas. it'll work its way to the north and that is when we'll see rain moving in as we push into tuesday. more of a wintery mix. could be snow tuesday night into most of it day on wednesday. most concerning thing as we head into wednesday afternoon is the fact it looks like we'll see the heaviest snow right over your wednesday evening commute. so we're watching this closely for you. it's yet another nor'easter back in our forecast for wednesday. and this will quickly move out by wednesday night.
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strong wind speeds expected at the coast. not as strong as what we saw friday but still ranging between 20 to 30 miles per hour with wind gusts up to 40. some coastal flooding and the biggest impact st. going to be snow. we're still firming up the details on how much snow to expect. heading into the afternoon we'll push into the mid-40s, but our feels like temperature will stay closer to the high 30s. so today mid-40s for center city, summerton 46 degrees, 47 in landsdale, 46 in ocean city. rehoboth beach will see temperatures -- pa suburbs will drop about 10 degrees in two
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days. 20 before 6:00. let's get you updated on the road conditions. >> and let's check in with jessica boyington looking at 202 right now. >> watching 202 this is right near where we access the schuylkill expressway, too. not seeing any delays or hearing of any anyway on the majors. check out the pa turnpike. westbound and eastbound a 22 minute trip in both directions. speeds there into the 60s. something blocking the road on lower frederick. coming up the new victims of the opioid crisis, who doctors say is becoming increasingly at risk as the epidemic continues. and coming up coby's new hardware. how he landed himself an oscar.
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hollywood honored a wimzcomeical. gary oldman won best actor for his performance as winston churchhill. and kobe bryant now has an oscar to go with those five nba championships he won for the lakers. the six minute short is based on a poem that he wrote to commemorate his nba retirement two years ago. another philly native was
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nominated for an oscar but did not win. don't feel too bad for him. he won an award last year for the city of stars from "lala land." peele won from his hit horter film, "get out" which he directed. in one memorable moment mcdor-mind asked are the dominated women to stand during hez acceptance speech. she also used her speech to call for inclusion writers, chrontractual demands on studios that would force them to higher more women and minorities. >> look around, everybody because we all have stories to tell and projects we need financed. don't talk to us at the party tonight. invite us into your office in a couple of days or ours,
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whichever suits you best. now you'll want to be with nbc 10 tonight for "the voice." a singer from delaware county will be auditioning for his chance at stardom. take a look. >> he'll be second tonight in a field of eight contestants auditioning for the superstar coaches. it's all on "the voice" tonight at 8:00 and then good girls on nbc 10. eagles season ticket holders will get the first chance to see the super bowl film. i just watched the trailer. it is good. eagles safety chris geragos will be there to give the chalk talk to the guests. tickets go on sale tomorrow.
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>> it was a month ago today that we came back from minnesota. but, boy, last week we were able to give our viewers a couple of days notice that a storm was coming. and we're doing the same this week. >> we're doing the same. and for people that still do not have power this is the last thing you want to hear is that yet another nor'easter is on its way. at least our wind speeds won't be as bad, but we could see another round of power outages. that's the big difference between this system and the last system. our wind speeds will be right around 40 miles per hour. with the last system we saw wind gusts closer to 60, 70 miles per hour. but the ground is still extremely saturated. we saw a lot of trees coming down and we expect to tee that again. we also sue coastal flooding, and this is also going to affect our evening commute on wednesday. so here's the break down with the second nor'easter. by 9:00 on tuesday we start to see moisture coming up from the
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south here, and it's slowly going to switchover from rain to wiptry mix to more snowfall as colder air continues to filter in on the back end of this system. so by 6:00 when we start to see the darker blues here, that is heavy snow coming down. again, right over your evening commute. it all depends on where you are. if you're closer to philadelphia or suburbs to the north and west, lehigh valley, up through the poconos better chance of snow. right now it looks like we could see more rain here down at the shore, and we'll keep firming up the details of that moving throughout the day on wednesday affecting your wednesday commute. and it looks like the system starts to depart our area as we go into wednesdaymism our snow impacts potentially heavy, clumpy wet snow, tough to remove. another power outage is possible, and more tree limbs
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snapping. it's going toby a rough commute on wednesday. we're even going to see welt roads wednesday morning as well. 29 screes in the lehigh valley, 31 in philadelphia. south jersey at 31 degrees. we're below freezing in delaware. and our feels like temperature is going to stay in the 30s. our wind gusts will range anywhere from 20 to 30 miles per hour in the morning as we get into the afternoon turning breezy. but again it's going to feel cold today. we're undermid-40s for our daytime high in philadelphia. but, again it's going to feel closer to the high 30s. on tuesday a little warmer there with sunshine expected to start. pa suburbs, mid-40s for us. lehigh valley will drop from the mid-40s down to low 40s by tuesday. jersey shore from 45 down to
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about 43. and then for monday temperatures are in the high 40s. coming up we'll talk a little bit more about the second nor'easter back in your forecast. >> always good to be prepared. >> thank you, brittney. nine minutes before 6:00 a.m. let's get a chaeck of the roads. >> there's a vehicle off the road on the southbound side of the new jersey turnpike just near exit 5. part of the right lane blocked there. and again that's right near route 541. you can get by the scene for you. if you're feeling a little nervous you can always take 295. but i think you'll be able to get by just fine. mass transit doing okay. 15 minute delays for the north for high-speed line trolleys. and also thorndale outbound service dealing with some
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delays. coming up, reunited. >> and it feels so good. >> i knew you knew the words to that. how a storm separated the pets and owners and how they all came together again.
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good morning, everyone. jessica boyington with you right now with a check on the roads. we're starting things off. a good drive out there so far at least on those north and southbound sides. we're approaching the beginnings of the early morning rush. so i'll have updates for you and drive times when i come back. two weeks ago this fire tore through a building in chestnut city. >> apartments and buildings were damaged beyond repair. they held a fund-raiser for its employees yesterday. the owners of the little lion for about 80 employees who are now out of work. the owners of mad rex and fish town donated their space, their staff and beverages for the event. >> i always knew we had a
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tight-knit community in philadelphia. we always are supporting each other when it comes to stuff like this. but when it's your own restaurant and employees are the ones that needs to be lift up, it means a lot. over 100 restaurants are represented here in some way or another. >> yeah, they're represented by bringing lots of food. unfortunately, the future for little lion uncertain. they expect to be closed for at least two more months. new this morning children are the victims of the opioid epidemic. they're being hospitalized at an alarming rate because of accidental opioid overdoses. the number of pediatric icu admissions for opioid overdoses doubled between 2004 and 2015. 2% of these tiny patients died
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from e from opioid exposure. >> when you think about 2 children out of 100 dying, that's disheartening. now, teens may think e-cigarettes are safe, but researchers analyzed three groups of teens, e-cigarette users, smokers and nonsmokers. e-cigarette users had up to triple the amount of toxins their urine than nonsmokers. experts say messaging teens should include warnings about the potential risks of these products. and now let's take you state by state and county by county for a look at some of the stories across our area. allentown's convicted mayor is starting a letter writing campaign for the judge who is sentencing him for corruption.
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a jury convicted him on thursday. he rigged city contracts in order to raise money for his campaign. one local newspaper reports pawlowski told them he has hundreds of supporters who will write the judge on his behalf. take a look at the american red cross flag flying high above the battleship new jersey in camden today attributed to red cross month. president franklin roosevelt designated march as rez cross month 75 years ago. in chester county some pet owners are very happy to be reunited with their animals. the storm on friday standed more than 100 dogs at the what a good dog day care and boarding center in malburn. downed tree and a utility pole blocked the road to the center. and yesterday the center setup a meeting place to return the pets to their owners. >> they took amazing care of my
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dog, and now i have him. >> you're happy to have him back. >> you have no idea. >> that's alphie reunited with hir owner. you went out and took lots of pictures. downed trees, downed power lines. >> all over montgomery county. you couldn't get from one place to it next. so i can imagine how it was for those pet owners and now reuniting. now to more of the stories we're covering for you. >> breaking right now, firefighter injured. at least one person is hurt. still without power. right now tens of thousands of people across our area have no electricity as cruise work to clear trees and poles blown over by last week's storm. and on the horizon another powerful storm heading closer to
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our area and expected to bring rain, strong wind and possibly, yep, more snow. we have you covered with the heads up. we'll get you everything you need to know about that. >> if you check out at the bottom of your screen scrolling there are school closings and delays because of power outages and cleanups. 27 schools so far affected by that. let's get right to meteorologist brittney shipp. >> hard to believe people still without power and now tracking another system that could lead to more power outages. our feels like temperatures feeling like 20 degrees in philadelphia, 19 in allentown, 18 in doylestown. keep that in mind as you're getting ready to head out the door you need your thicker jacket because temperatures are still going to feel like they'


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