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tv   NBC10 News Today at 5am  NBC  March 6, 2018 5:00am-5:31am EST

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because rain and heavy wet snow in the forecast. additional snow could means days of even more power outages. this morning, tens of thousands of homes and businesses still have no electricity. >> announcer: nbc10 news starts now. a lot of people keep checking with their utilities saying when is it going to be on? hoping it will get moved. you. >> including you. >> including me. i'm tracy davidson. >> and i'm vai sikahema. we have the "first alert" team ahead of the next storm to prepare. meteorologist krystal klei has the forecast pinpointed to your neighborhood. but let's start with britta brittanyship. >> actually temperatures will post into mid to high 40s. by tonight, rain tonight into the poconos. and rain showers mainly to south of philadelphia. by wednesday morning, we're seeing steadier snow coming
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down, more of a mix towards i-95. towards the ramp, the heavier snow is coming through. more of south jersey will start to see snowfall as well. closer to the shore, doesn't look like we'll see a lot of accumulating snow. and this system say quick-moving system. so lighter snow and even the entire system moves out of our region as early as wednesday night. we'll keep the "first alert" in effect, however, all the way until thursday. here are the areas under the winter storm warnings. these are the areas that we're going to seat most aboe most ac snow. we have wilmington here under a storm watch. what this basically means we're going to be deal with wet and a lot of accumulating snow here over the next 24 to 36 hours. the "first alert" for always the entire area, from 4:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m., not only the accumulating snows we're worried about, but gusty wind speeds. this has been a major concern for us.
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wind gusts up to 40 miles per hour could bring down even more trees that could lead to more power outages. we'll have more crystal klei is breaking it down neighborhood by neighborhood. >> good morning. we have the camera and cuthbert boulevard, not too bad. it's going to be dry but something much different tomorrow morning. enjoy while you can. and north of the schuylkill expressway. and speaking of the schuylkill expressway, still watching construction, waiting for this to clear. should be right about now at 5:00 anyway. and then to the expressway to center city it might be a little slow now because of that construction being moved out of the way. >> philadelphia police want to know who shot a pizza delivery driver in the neck. >> police say the attack happened late last night when the driver was lured to an address in a robbery attempt.
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nbc10's katy zachry is live at temple hospital where the driver who has been on the job for 20 years is being treated. katy, telling us what you know about him and the shooting. >> reporter: longtime employee. we're hearing he's a grandfather and well liked by his co-workers at domino's pizza. he is undergoing surgery after police say he was ambushed by robbers who set him up. take a look at the video of the scene and location where he worked. we spoke to employees on broad street near lehigh. this delivery driver we're told is 67 years old. he has children, he has a grandchild and has done this work for the past two decades. police say he was lured to a location in haggert street in north philadelphia. investigators say two men walked up to him. and during a robbery attempt they shot him in the neck and ran offer. it is still unclear if they got anything from the driver.
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the driver was so disoriented when the spurs fondefirst respo arrived that he didn't even realize he had been shot. investigators and detectives investigating the case are hoping to speak with the victim once he is out of surgery. at this point, they tell us they are looking for two men who ran off from the scene. one may be wearing a gray hooded sweatshi sweatshirt. coming up, we're looking at another key piece of evidence that police may have in their possession. the judge in the bill cosby sex assault case will likely hear from the defense team about why several cosby accusers should not be allowed to testify. that's what they'll say. yesterday, cosby's lawyers tried and failed to get the entire case tossed out. prosecutors argued that andrea constand and 19 others should testify against the comedian. the defense will also try to
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keep the civil suit involving constand from being mentioned in the upcoming retrial. retrial is scheduled for march 29th. we'll following that from montgomery county later this hour. 5:05 right now, two u.s. senators from our area are making a bipartisan pitch for new gun safety legislation following the florida high school massacre. republican pat toomey of pennsylvania and democrat chris coons are sponsoring that bill. it would require authorities to be alerted when someone who isn't allowed to buy a gun tries to purchase one. >> we're looking to demonstrate that you actually can make progress, can find common ground. >> our simple common sense bipartisan bill would make sure that state and local law enforcement gets notification. >> and both u.s. senators from the state of florida, a republican and a democrat are also sponsoring the bill. in decision 2018, the three
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republicans running for pennsylvania governor will debate in philadelphia this morning. this will be the fifth time those candidates will meet. laura elsworth is a pittsburgh attorney. paul mango retired from pittsburgh. and tom wolf is running for re-election as well. he has no challenger. the pennsylvania primary is may 15th. temple university administrators will talk about the next steps for the stadium proposal. since the proposal of the stadium opponents of the project have rallied. they say it will likely need to more trash, more traffic and force low income residents out of their homes. the project is set for the intersection of broad street and norris. 5:06, 36 degrees outside. back to weather and storm cleanup in and around philadelphia. nbc10 is around lincoln drive
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where crews are clearing away limbs from fallen trees so traffic can fall safely and smoothly. in lehigh valley, the weekend storm is one of the most damaging it's ever dealt with. >> crews have restored power to hundreds of homes. hundreds in our area still without power. trees toppled over in doylestown, it took down power lines. leaving homes and businesses with no electricity. branches and debris still litter streets all across the county. meanwhile, airports are already getting ready for the next nor'easter. philadelphia airlines are issuing travel waivers for later this week. check with your airline if you qualify. and here are latest power outage numbers, peco reports about 24,000 customers still in the dark. ppl has more than 1700 home. businesses offline, scattered outages remain for delmarva,
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atlantic city electric. meanwhile, homes, property and damage and cars all damaged in the storm. ahead in the next half hour, what you should do today when talking to your insurance company about damage claims. "first alert" meteorologist krystal klei here. we've been going neighborhood to neighborhood looking at the different impacts from the high snow totals farther north to the jersey shore and southern delaware. as we go through the daytime hours you see there's no not precipitation fallinging. o and as we go overnight, we may start to see some spotty showers moving in. this is 8:30 in the evening that this model gives us, mostly light rain that's falling. and that wind is coming off from the shore. what we're looking at is temperatures way too warm for anything other than rain to fall. and that's pretty much the case through wednesday as well. the impact at the shore and
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southern delaware not as all as what we're seeing farther north where they're getting all of that snow. this is 8:00 a.m. tomorrow. the commute is going to be wet. roads will be wet no snow falling in the area. notice the temperatures dive south and right around lunch hour. atlantic city could see heavier rain but it's just rain we expect as temperatures are going to remain in the 40s. now take a look, by around 5:00, some models are getting a quick dig down south. so, a little snow burst and maybe a mix of wet snow and rain falling around 5:00 p.m. with those temperatures just above freezing. it likely will melt against roadways leave nothing accumulation. then it's out around 10:00, 11:00 at night, we're starting to dry out. so parts of southern locations not going to see as much impact in terms of snow than with rain. wednesday evening, snow burst is possible. totals only around up to one
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inch at best. but wind gusts up to 40 miles per hour possible. if means if you had wind damage from friday's storm, if you've got that dangling branch. it's time to take it down today. and we're also seeing minor coastal flooding as the center of the storm is going to brush up against the coastline. take a look at future wind across the region. this evening, about 10:00, now they're picking up, 30 to 35 miles per hour against the coastal points. by 8:00 a.m., 40-mile-per-hour gusts already at the shoreline and 1:00 in the afternoon, again still right around 40 miles per hour against the shore. and this continues up to 45 miles per hour through 6:00. there's little bursts of snow, that means visibility is going to be difficult at this point because winds are up and it will start to weaken overnight into thursday morning. absolute snow totals for the rest of the region, take a look.
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not much as i mentioned south. but look how high as we go north. parts of lehigh, 7 to 12 inches. 11 minutes past 5:00 on this tuesday. let's take a look at the p.a. turn spike. >> jessica boyington has you covered. >> yes, it looks good in terms of morning rush and volume. north and southbound sides look great. watching mass transit we have a train cancelled for septa. from 59th transportation center currently cancelled. it was supposed to leave at 5:00. it's cancelled there. maybe a backup of passengers maybe overcrowding if this continues so i'll watch that for you. in radnor township a downed pole, paoli road and south. tracy, back to you. grades are up, suspensions are down and students are working together at an elementary school.
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next, the unorthodox prom that the principal said is helping to create a culture change.
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♪ ♪ it isn't just about vision, it's about care. nobody cares for eyes more than pearle.
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it's exactly quarter past 5:00 a.m. a local school is paying kids not to fight for a whole year. and now the principal is speaking about the positive impact of using money as a motivator. the principal at mitchell elementary in kingsessing is promising every eighth grader $100 if they don't fight for the entire school year. but if any student messes up, everyone loses out on the cash. so far on the policy, suspensions are down, grades are up. and the principal says it's changing the way students look at school and each other. >> they are now getting that status as a peer group with peace probleming solving. we've flipped a switch. >> it's not much of a bug.
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it's something to get kids motivated and do something very great for the school. >> parents are also saying they're seeing results. a crew member raised a fault alert. the riders claim that announcement came after yesterday's commute. the crew member told passengers that i.c.e. and homeland security were making sweeps on the train. witnesses say they didn't see any agents. and both agencies say they does not have any agents on the train. well, the wells fargo center is about to look a lot different. it's about to get $250 million in upgrades. comcast made that announcement yesterday. >> upgrades include newport side and ring side seats. it's been the home to the flyers. that was after sixers star joel embiid was born.
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he doesn't seem that excited about the face look. he tweeted out his own idea after the announcement. hey, just build a new one. >> maybe he could donate that. just like the kids when they say, well, i want new. well, how much do you have in your piggy bank. let's talk about new. >> let's go to jessica boyington. >> people have an extra $500 million lying around, right? >> basketball players do. >> i guess that's true. 95 in our cameras right around woodhaven road, both directions look good. heading towards center city and the northeast philadelphia area, not too bad for right now, drive times from woodhaven headed to the vine street expressway, a 12 to 13-minute trip. and blue bell pike, right between morris road, driving past the scene there. we're also watching 422 for the
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drive times to see if anything is happening. 29 from the schuylkill expressway, eight-minute trip there. speeds in the 60s making it an easy drive. vai and tracey. by this time tomorrow, we'll have issued our "first alert." let's get information on what we're looking at. >> timing is key. i will listen there are carefully to what brittany is going to say. >> we're tracking another storm coming in. the morning commutes are going to be messy. and tomorrow evening, the worst of the two. today is soothe sailing. tomorrow, you're going to see light rain and snow. here are the quick facts from the nor'easter coming in. accumulating heavy snow is the first main concern. we're also seeing to see wind gusts up to 40 miles per hour. this is going to affect the visibility on both of your commutes especially your evening commute, and i'll show you why. "first alert" goes into in
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effect wednesday at 4:00 a.m. that's going to change for the rest of the evening. the reason why, the system is going to quickly move through the day today, we'll see that come from the south. the two interact. once we start to get that cold air wrapping around on the back end, that's when we start to get the strong and heavy snow bands moving through. now, we'll break it down by commute. by 6:00, a little light rain in northeast philly, pottstown, reading, again, a smooth commute going home from work today. overnight, as we start to see that system revving up here, that's when we start to see lighter rain and snow amounts, even a wintry mix. by the time you wake up tomorrow morning, 6:00 a.m., getting ready to head out the door, rainfall through most of the area, down to the shore. more of a mix right over philadelphia. and accumulating snow will already start in parts of the lehigh valley near allentown. by the time lunch rolls around, a rain/snow line mix is going to
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continue through through millville, and looks like we're closer to rain in atlantic city. as we head through your wednesday commute take a look at what happens. first of all, our wind speeds are going to be picking up up to 40 miles per hour. on top of that, we're dealing with the fact that we're dealing with heavy snow over trenton. northeast ohio valley and pottstown. atlantic city at 6:00 tomorrow, you're dealing with more of a wintery mix. cape may is dealing more with rainfall. so it all depends where you are. but most of the entire area is dealing with accumulating snow. we'll break it down neighborhood by neighborhood for you coming up in just a bit. pennsylvania officials want uber to pay up. the state attorney general says a data breach for the ride-sharing giant exposed the personal information of millions of its customers and drivers. up next, how much money the state wants to collect. danger for babies.
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parents listen up. next next on the cnbc business report we have an important recall that could involve your child's highchair.
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pennsylvania wants uber to pay up after a data breach exposed the personal information 6 tens of millions of its customers and drivers. state attorney general's office filed a lawsuit against a ride-share be firm for violating the pennsylvania data breach notification law. authorities claim that they knew about the breach for over a year but did not announce it until last november. they're calling for uber to pay damages to customers and drivers. families need to check for two items that they may have in their homes, landon dowdy is here with cnbc business news. landon, you have information about these two recalls. tell us more. >> hi there tracy. that's right, well, two items sold exclusively at walmart are being recalled. the first involving about a table to table highchair by
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graco. the rear legs of the highchair can pivot out of position making it unstable and posing a fall hazard. five injuries have been reported. consumers should contact graco for a free repair kit. >> and the next recall is about a popular cooking device. >> that's exactly right. the second recall involves about 100,000 model 1 multicookers due to potential fire. no injuries have been reported but reports of property damage. if you have a multicooker you can return it to walmart for a fuel refund. a quick check of markets. it's set to open higher after a big rally. the dow snapped a 40 point sweep sparked by president trump's tariffs announcement to focus more on economic data. tracy, back to you. >> landon dowdy with cnbc. thanks for that. well, that sinking feeling.
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three sinkholes are swallowing up holes in chester county. ahead in the next hour, who neighbors say is to blame for the property damage. also, as we prepare for the next storm, many people have property and car damage from last weekend's storm. next what experts say about how to correctly file insurance claims. "first alert" meteorologist brittney shipp, we have another nor'easter on the way. i'm tracking snowfall totals what the wind speeds will be. and when all of this is going to start. that's coming up after the break.
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preparing now for another late winter punch. check out nbc10's "first alert" radar because we're tracking rain and heavy know isn't the forecast. left in the dark. crews are racing to restore power to the tens of thousands that still don't have electricity. now five days after wind, rain and snow blew down trees and power lines across our region.
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and early morning inferno. flames burned through a house in lower pottsville township in montgomery county. we have a lot to get to. it's 5:30. thanks for starting your day with us, this is "nbc 10 news today." i'm tracy davidson. >> and i'm vai sikahema. cryst chr cyst as krystal klei has the forecast. but we start with brittney shipp. >> first part of the main steam won't get here until tomorrow. but dry conditions through today. light rain and snow expected through the evening. most of the area under a first alert which will go into effect until thursday at 7:00 a.m. here are the concerns with the first alert. accumulating chevy know.


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