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tv   NBC10 News Today at 530am  NBC  March 7, 2018 5:30am-6:01am EST

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nor'easter danger. right now heavy snow will move into the area. here's a live look at center city, philadelphia, where drive drivers will be facing a slippery commute this morning for sure. >> and here's a live look in allentown where the brunt of this storm is going to hit the lehigh valley. most likely getting the most snow out of this storm.
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could get up to a foot. >> and our first alert radar shows this storm. it's sticking around for hours, like 16 hours. >> we have issued a first alert for our entire area this morning. the storm is also causing nearly 650 schools to close so far today. we'll have the full list scrolling at the bottom of your screen. let's get right to meteorologist brittney shipp. >> that's right. most of the area under this first alert until tomorrow morning. we'll still see messy roads for tomorrow morning's commute. you're still going to have to take it easy getting back to work tomorrow as well. we have a nor'easter coming, accumulating heavy, wet snow which will mess up your morning commute and especially evening commute. you combine that with the type of snow, and we're more likely to see even trees going down and snow sticking to power lines creating more power outage. so here's the time line for you as you get ready to head out the
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door. a mix of rain and snow at the coast and shore. 10:00 to 6:00, steady heavy wet snow continues to accumulate and between 6 and 10 we'll start to see a lot of the precip ending. but the roads will remain messy going into tomorrow. right along the coast, along the shore, atlantic city, cape may seeing rainfall. but for philadelphia we're already seeing that snow coming down. good thing is at least it's not accumulating just yet on the roadways. white marsh not quite. plymouth just starting to see something. conshohocken not yet. king of prussia in the last 15 minutes starting to see snow flurries move in. different areas seeing different things. where we start to see the blue here that's heavier snow coming down. krystal klei is going to walk us through the future cast, but
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right now we want to check in with jessica for a closer look at the roadways. checking in on the schuylkill expressway, interchange not too bad. the roads are mostly wet and a little slushy in some spots. but on and off-ramps are going to be the tricky spots. pennsauken, watching some downed wires. 73 southbound ramp route 130 is closed. 5:34 right now. we continue our team coverage. we showed you chester county and now matt delucia has moved to king of prussia county. >> reporter: the good thing is there aren't too many cars on the road. right now we're on route 202 in king of prussia where the roads are mostly wet. just to give you an idea of the
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contrast, look over here where you see the hard surfaces and the grassy surfaces covered with snow. again, it depends on what surface you're on today. but the sidewalk is not looking too bad just yet either. but there are a lot of spots this is flush there. so a lot of slick spots. take a look of the shot as we were coming onto king of prussia on route 202. a lot of plows on the roadways as well, but the good news is a lot of people taking the advice of our first alert meteorologists and staying home. before we left malvern, i spoke with a gentleman who's going to be very busy today removing that sne. >> we've got the snow remover over here in this whole area, and it's a little light right now so we expect a little more. i don't know what's going to happen. >> reporter: like later on today. >> yeah, so we're going to be working all day today, keeping
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the sidewalks cleaned up, and that's a job. >> reporter: they're going to have a busy job today. and got the ruler in the snow right now. again, these are the grassy surfaces. it's about 2.25 inches here. we're going to make our way now to bucks county in the next hour. for now here in king of prussia, matt delucia, nbc 10 news. well, wet snow has been falling in center city this morning. >> here's a live look on broad street from our kimmel campus camera. if you're just waking up and hearing this, you've got to move your car from that snow emergency route for plowing. if you're new in the area and don't know what it is, they're well mark. so be sure to look otherwise the city will tow your car. governor tom wolf says this will allow the state to bypass the
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time consuming bidding process to quickly get the resources they will need. and the governor warned to avoid driving unless it is absolutely necessary. the jersey shore will see mostly rain from this storm along with windy conditions. could get maybe an inch of snow. the governor issued a state of dangerous, which means they can move resources where they're needed. the areas of south jersey close to philadelphia, expect 2 to 4 inches of snow in those regions. different areas, different amounts. heading to delaware, check out this live picture. this is del dot. they're reporting wet conditions, wet snow on other roads and on trees and wires. >> and you can count on the nbc 10 app to keep you updated throughout this storm. you can track the hour by hour forecast, and it changes hour by hour depending on where you
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live. power outages, school closings, up to 660 right now. and plus you can send us weather pictures. send them to us and we can show them. i'm first alert meteorologist brittney shipp. we are tracking a nor'easter moving into parts of the area right now. a lot of the area seeing rainfall and also a lot of places finally seeing snowfall for us. here's a closer look. we want to tell you about wilmington where we're already getting snowfall in. we're seeing steady snow coming down, but you can also see that rain-snow mix line just south of pennsville. most of philadelphia seeing snow coming down as well. it's not accumulating yet on the roadways. it's going to be messy as you head out the door. so your visibility is going to continue to decrease as we go through the day.
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we're starting to see a lot of our dry pockets fill in. if you're closer to norristown, we're just seeing the light snow come in. washington, williamsten, upper pitsboro, seeing light snow coming down. if you're closer to bridgeten that's where we're starting to see that change over and just to the south, that's where we're seeing either rain or a rain-snow mix. so it all depends on where you are. parts of poconos, allentown all seeing snow come down. this is what we're watching for you. we're tracking where all the heavier snow is right now. it looks to be over wilmington, parts of philadelphia and some of our jersey suburbs. we'll be adding up all those
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snowfall totals. for a closer of how much snow you can expect in your neighborhood we're going to send it over to meteorologist krystal klei. >> at the shore almost nothing, but as you get farther north these are really big totals we're looking at. so let's run through first the live camera view of i-95, and the snow is coming down. i'm going to dive in neighborhood to neighborhood for us. here are the highest amounts 8 to 13 inches. and as you get farther to the west that might be more in the 6 to 10 inch range. but farther east, 8 to 10 inches over the lehigh valley. once the steadier snowfall hits, it's going to stack on up in these areas from the lehigh valley right on down to parts of upper bucks county and montgomery county as well. hatfield, buckingham, richland, pottstown, you're right in that 8 to 10 inch range. the pink color 6 to 10 inch
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range. just clipping parts of philly county even and if you're in westchester, phoenixville, morristown, 6 to 10 inches. areas like rocksboro, 10 inches. now let's talk about those impacts as we go through parts of philadelphia and even into south jersey on your roadways. this morning messy and wet conditions out there. as we get to midday now we're talking the heavier snow starting to pick up. i would say between 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. a constant turn over to snow. by 10:00 a.m. onward, that's when the rate is starting to develop. and we could see 1 to 2 inches of it falling per hour, so that becomes an issue. this is going to be a tough commute home for people who they
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do go to work. and even into thursday morning we could see a light snow shower, but for the most part everything is out of here in the overnight. good morning, everyone. jessica boyington with you right now with a quick check on the roads. watching a lot of different situations this morning. so you can actually see some snow flurries falling down. it looks actually like rain in some spots, too. so some ponding on the roads. in some spots we're seeing some accumulation, too, into the center mead wherein and into the shoulder. so we're also checking in with mass transit in case you don't have to drive anywhere this morning. a snow schedule for patco and a modified schedule for amtrak. i'll end here with a disabled vehicle. this is what we're going to see a lot of today. this one in franconia around
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camp road and landis road. >> watch out for dangers as you head out the door today. what you need to know to avoid getting hurt in the weather.
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5:46 right now. we're tracking a major storm for you. right now storm ranger 10 is giving us this live look. this is collegeville in montgomery county. all county offices and courts closed today. the resources needed to deal with the storm will be made available. they'll be able to clear the roads better, protect people and property. from montgomery county let's depot to south philly, i-95.
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major roads in philly just wet right now. volume usually starts to build here around the 6:00 hour most days. we'll see what happens today as many offices and hundreds of schools closed today. right now you can see that wet snow coming down. >> we'll be driving all over south jersey checking to see what you'll experience if you happen to go out there today. nbc 10's pamela osborn has stopped now. pam, you have some advice for drivers who do need to get out on the roads today. tell us about it. >> reporter: yeah, but first i want to get to some information that came out this morning. state offices will be closed today. they're asking everyone that's not a nonessential employee to stay home today. you can see the snow already accumulating on the grassy areas and a little bit more so on the road now a bit this morning.
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so if you have to be one of those essential employees, if you have to go in this morning make sure you dust the snow off your lights and take care of your roof and windshield as well so you aren't blinding anyone else with your snow. that's actually state law in pennsylvania. if you haven't already, take some extra time to fill up your tank to get to where you need to go this morning. when identify get in your vehicle make sure to allow plenty of distance between yourself and the snowplows. you want to give them at least six car lengths of distance so that way they can do their work. allow yourself time to get to where you need to go. and look out for obstructions on the roadway. we saw downed trees and wires in last week's nor'easter. we're seeing potentially the same conditions today.
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take a listen on what you can include if you're headed out today. >> having things like extra clothes, extra blankets, gloves, hat, scarves, those kind of things to bundle up while you're waiting for the road to clear can save you and keep you warm. >> reporter: another live look here on 322. snow beginning to accumulate on the roadways this morning. we're going to keep an eye on conditions and have updates. we'll see you live next hour. pamela osborn, nbc 10 news. >> we see the snow falling there in south jersey. you see behind us in center city not as much. >> just wet. >> just wet. but that's what we're getting from our meteorologist. >> but don't be fooled. it's coming. this is long duration, storm, brittney. >> it's a long duration storm. even for your morning commute
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although we're not seeing heavy accumulation on the roads here on i-95, you can already see the snow coming down. it's coming down at a good rate here. so our visibility is going to start to go down. and now we're seeing wind gusts closer to 15 miles per hour that will eventually reach about 40 miles per hour. i want to switchover to cape may where it's a different story. it's rain coming down right now. we expect to see that heavy, wet snow going to affect our commute both in the morning and especially in the evening. heavy, wet snow leading to power outages, again possibility of tree limbs snapping. and our roads are going to stay messy even after this system leaves our area. wilmington, 2.1 inches of snow has already fallen here. so this is going to adup quickly as we go through the day. we're already starting to see these blue bands, so that means
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heavier snow coming down. so our intensity rate is picking up. and closer look at westchester where we've already seen 2.3 inches of snow. for philadelphia switching up here and still seeing steady, light snow. allentown, just starting to see more moisture fill in here so we're getting light snow as well. same thing for the poconos. atlantic city, cape may, dover, we're only seeing rainfall. and so you can tee that rain-snow line continues to transition to the south here as colder air continues to work into this system. our wind gusts are going to pick up, so that's going to be a big part of the story especially as we get heavy snow bands. meteorologist krystal klei has what you can expect in your neighbor. >> we want to go through the timing as we run through the rest of the day. there's going to be so much changing. this is actually looking at
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columbus boulevard in philadelphia where some coastal flooding has forced all the way up the delaware river. so you do see those wet roads and on top of that wet snow that's melting onto the ground. so roadways are wet at this point, not snowy. now through 8:00 a.m., wet snow. tracking ground observations all night long, and it's been slowly edging northward. it's going to do it for a couple more hours, and then about 9:00 and 10:00 a.m., it's going to up tick. and it overlaps with the evening commuters. and from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. that's where the snow starts to taper off and exit the area. really the most problematic is
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the snow intensity forecast. the winds start to crank up as we get into the late morning and early afternoon just as the intensity of snowfall picks up. so this is major danger zone. this is one where you don't have to drive, don't drive. things will start to taper slowly as we go through the night. conditions near to zero, which means you can't go out there. 8 to 13 inches in the lehigh valley, burkerks county, upper parts of bucks. through philadelphia through the northern most edge we're looking to about 4 to 8 inches in total. either way you're breaking out the snow shovel by the time this system moves out. >> well, our meteorologists gave you the heads up. find the shovels, the snow brushes because you're going to need it today. >> it looks fine early this
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morning and looks phene now. let's find out, though, from jessica boyington. yeah, guys this is like moving through camden right now. and this is the ben franklin toll plaza here. the roads pretty look wet or slushy at this point. where we see the accumulation into the center median or shoulders. and a lot of times they start to have speed restricts across the bridges. just start going slow over them now. that's good advice for you there considering they'll be a little slippery. if you're in pennsauken you're still going to past this point where you might not be passing it because you'll be detoured around it. and 130 southbound ramp to 73 is also closed. all right, jessica, thanks for that.
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walking and shoveling. how you can protect yourself as the snow continues to fall. so i want my glasses to be unique... my girlfriend loves artists. and i need a conservative pair, cuz her parents hate artists! get up to 40% off a second pair of glasses. schedule your eye exam at
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few minutes before 6:00 a.m.
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we have a team of reporters fanned out across the delaware valley this morning. we turn now to nbc 10's dray clark. dray, conditions there, they're looking slick on the roads behind you. >> reporter: yeah, good morning, vai. certainly slippery conditions out here this morning, although not so bad on the roads. at least not yet. this is what you'll find when you walk out the door this morning. snow on your cars and also on the grass and parts of the sidewalk. let's talk more now about traffic conditions. this is germantown avenue, a major traffic artery going through philadelphia. you can see right here on the black top still slippery and slushy in places. we do know the city has 40,000 tons of salt to work with and has equipment and man power to keep the roads safe. a message from the mayor, stay home if possible especially when the heart of the storm sets in
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today. >> stay home and stay safe and let the road crews do their work. meantime doctors say slips and falls will likely cause the most injuries during this storm. >> in severe cases those accidents can lead to broken bones and head injuries and can even be deadly. if you have to go outside make your sure shoes have rubber soles on them, and if you use a cane, purchase an ice gripper tip with spikes on it. and we talked with experts from penn medicine about shoveling snow. don't overload your shovel. be sure to hydrate. and bend at the waist to do the lifting. don't let your back do it. and if you have a major health issue, don't do it at all. now to more of the stories we're following for you right now on nbc 10 news at 6:00 a.m. a second winter storm in less than a week in bringing us
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more snow, rain and winds. many neighborhoods waking up to a feeling of wet snow already on it ground. this storm will be with us into the evening, many, many hour. and how much snow you get depends on where you live. good morning, this is nbc 10 news today. i'm tracy davidson. >> and i'm vai sikehema. we have issued afirst alert because of the conditions out there this morning. slippery roads, of course. many city and state offices are closed today. >> so are nearly 700 schools. the full list of school closures running at the bottom of your screen and you can check for nbc 10 for updates. the conditions on the roads a well, we begin with meteorologist brittney shipp. >> we do have a fets


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